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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Bear in mind that after an hour or two going on that road south you'll become bored or distracted by your sore b*m or whatever... and that's the dangerous time... when you're not paying 100% attention. Somchai is out to get you! I've been riding for 40 years, and here for 21. I'm still alive, but not sure why. Big bikes are for cooler climates and safer roads. Thailand's only suitable for scooters and short journeys. Stay safe, and try to stay alive.
  2. Drive/Ride to the conditions, then! ???? Where it's safe to drive at 80kmh on a dry road with no traffic (or bicycles) in daylight, it's NOT safe to drive at anywhere near that speed on wet roads, in snow or ice, or in low visibility or with traffic. If only they had and had to pass proper driving tests, and had proper repercussions, these accidents would be far fewer.
  3. Nice for the report to point out he was wearing a mask and flip flops. Helmet and bullet-proof vest, I understand. If there's a need to mention his mask and flip flops, why not discuss his t-shirt, shorts and maybe even his underwear!
  4. We don't know that she wasn't trying to peacefully enjoy a meal and/or some drinks before drunk Somchai Romeo pours beer ALL over her because she wouldn't accept his advances. I think that she controlled herself very well. Many Thai guys and ladyboys would have used weapons and ganged up on him. This girl is a saint, and a fit & cute one at that! ????????
  5. Great news, and a good idea. Richard Barrow's FB page might see a lot less traffic at 7.50am every day now. Can they focus their attention on road deaths, now?
  6. I spent 4 days and 4 nights in a shared hospital room, without seeing the doctor at all. My policy cover was 100,000B and the bill amazingly came to 97,000B ????
  7. Please let us know when your next 'Being an Alpha Male* seminar or workshop is. It looks like there will be plenty of us keen to join. *a.k.a. a control freak who can't allow his chosen other to do or think anything without permission and good reason. ????
  8. I have changed from Heineken to Asahi and got the taste back.. I'm sure Heineken will taste fine again soon. And today being wifey's birthday, I'm bound to get some xxx.
  9. So many assumptions, and booze is to blame again! This poor lady is now dead, and what drove her to the booze? None of us armchair experts truly know. None of us!
  10. My wonderful wife is obviously not the sharpest tool in the box, purely because she married me! But she is one of those geniuses who wears a mask when driving the car... all alone! Is your wife on the same level of intelligence/obedience?
  11. I hate them, and I only wear one when I need to. To say they're no longer compulsory is risky. I don't wear one at home, in my car or on my motorbike. If I am going into a shop or shopping centre it's still expected of me, so I do. I'm not daft like my wife who's one of the nutters who ears it alone in the car... but I also don't feel it's the time to antagonize the locals or show us farang in a bad light. I reckon within 6-9 months, they will be far less of an issue. Well, I HOPE!
  12. But they didn't mention his mental issues, or that he had anger problems or something else... because there MUST be some other contributing factors, otherwise every married man when drunk would kill his wife, if alcohol is the only contributing factor.
  13. I have drunk alcohol for more than half the days of the past 30 years.... and never once killed anyone, or even tried to attack them with a knife. So is alcohol really to blame, and do they really need to mention it two or three times?
  14. But many of the high-profile incidents recently have involved wealthy people. Is any change from 500-5,000B or the like going to affect them?
  15. Chun can say what he likes about a dead man who can't reply. Many 20 year old men deserve a slap around the face from their elders.
  16. Overloading the hype a bit here, aren't they? 'fast-spreading and heavily mutated' 'even more infectious' than the 'highly contagious' 'has rapidly become the dominant variant WORLDWIDE' but only detected in 57 countries. This rhetoric is becoming boring. ????
  17. There's a video of it on FB and he smashes a framed portrait of a Thai man... but I can't see who it is.
  18. Has anyone noticed that the article is from the infamous Daily FAIL? Another pinch of salt, please.
  19. Almost certainly a combination of speed (I'm not saying how fast) and the driver either not looking properly or not being able to see properly... or at least not being able to judge the speed of the bike properly. RIP to both involved. Will others learn from this? I guess not, but hope so.
  20. Although like nearly everyone here, I can't stand the guy, it's worth pointing out that the quotes in the OP were 'we' & 'us' and not 'I' and 'me' so he's also acknowledging the department, not just himself. But I'm happy to continue hating him. ????
  21. He might NOT have been drunk, and his inability to communicate could be due to concussion from the crash. How did anyone there have time to have a conversation with him to assess how sober or drunk he was. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending him or claiming he wasn't drunk... but it's highlighted in the headline. And that was NOT highlighted in the headline for the 22 year old Land Rover driver at 1.30am who killed an innocent road worker. Let's not also forget that Thai roads are lit up with multiple warnings for things which need nothing.... as well as places such as holes that have little or no warning.
  22. 2long


    The vendors decide which numbers are likely to be chosen (by buyers and the machine that draws them) and the prices are set accordingly.
  23. Disgusting. He needs to be euthanised asap. And why does the report have to disrespect the poor lady by such giving graphic details?
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