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Everything posted by 2long

  1. If Somchai the driver is on his daily/regular route, he should know the hazards of the road. If Somchai the driver is new to this route, he should drive with extra caution. It might not be his decision or fault that he's transporting 60 young lives, but he's the one holding the steering wheel and they were his feet on the pedals.
  2. I don't know what's sadder... - the plight of the poor mother who feels she needs to kill or abandon her (dead) baby - the poor baby, who never had a chance of a life - the AN members bickering over who's right and who's wrong RIP little one Best of luck to the mum for the future
  3. Every September Phuket floods and there are storms. It's the end of the Indian Ocean monsoon. Anyone planning a 'holiday' in Phuket at this time needs to research what the weather will be like... it will be like this. EVERY year.
  4. I've always said/felt that we farangs 'getting them negative feelings out sooner' stops them building up, like water behind a dam. Except the Thais bottle it all up and then BOOM! I'm not saying we're right or they're wrong, especially when we see entitled farang flaring up at nothing.... but the Asians could learn a thing or two from letting some negative vibes out sooner then they do.
  5. Welcome to Thailand! In general, us farangs are the ones who feel we deserve peace and quite (along with some road safety and ability to form a queue), but when push comes to shove, the Thais really know how to blow up an argument... and violence (often lethal) is often the result. My opinion is that the 'western way' is to complain soon, in order to stop later larger problems. But the Thais don't do this. They suppress their anger until it's unmanageable and results in too-extreme actions. Moral of the story 'nip it in the bud'
  6. How is this any different from riding or driving on the wrong side of the road? While also illegal Thais do it every day. Leave the poor lass alone.
  7. If they previously knew each other, didn't want to press charges, and didn't hurt or damage anything/anyone else, then what's the big deal? How is this different from a boxing match, where illegal gambling takes place? Aussie men like a drink and a bust up and it sounds like they're still friends!
  8. Thanks... but they should change their name, because it's no secret. 😉🫣🤭🥰
  9. I never will understand why they're called the SECRET Service, when everyone knows about them and can clearly see them as bodyguards. 🤔🙄
  10. This scum needs to be removed from the human race, and I don't care if it's by gunshot or prolonged torture. If our children can't look to their own parents for protection, then there is no hope.
  11. It's only gay, if you push back! 🤭🫣
  12. There are no chicks with d*cks. There are only men with t*ts.
  13. RIP that man.... now just waiting for the usual suspects to claim all sorts, and have their unwanted opinions.
  14. This is clearly set up, a bit like a lot of face offs for boxing fights nowadays. Him just driving a tuktuk (or boxers respecting each other) doesn't get clicks likes or comments. To me, he has clearly set it up to get extra content exposure.
  15. I'll read between your lines, and you can read mine.
  16. Wow, there are some Friday afternoon wombats on here today aren't there? So, is it ok to assume that Australian names began when certain people choose? Not before and not after. All I was doing was referring to a ridiculous comment about this guy's name not sounding very Australian. There are millions of Aussies with roots from around the world, but we only count Bruce, Kylie and Sheila, do we? And yes, I'm pasting this same reply on other's replies to mine. I'm about as woke as Adolf, so don't go down that route, me ol' mucker!
  17. Wow, there are some Friday afternoon wombats on here today aren't there? So, is it ok to assume that Australian names began when certain people choose? Not before and not after. All I was doing was referring to a ridiculous comment about this guy's name not sounding very Australian. There are millions of Aussies with roots from around the world, but we only count Bruce, Kylie and Sheila, do we? And yes, I'm pasting this same reply on other's replies to mine. I'm about as woke (whoke sic.🤐)as Adolf, so don't go down that route, me ol' mucker!
  18. How can you assume that this is the same person just by a name, and accuse him of making lewd videos?
  19. What does an Australian name sound like, then? The country has been raped by immigrants and colonisers for over 200 years. Surely only an aboriginal name is a true Aussie one.
  20. This is the second similar case this week.... in Phattalung!
  21. January 2020, the old fella (my neighbour) and I caught this!!
  22. Yeah, go and meet a random stranger in public to save a few dollars. Greed and stupidity in equal measures.
  23. I think Will was tongue in cheek.
  24. He has denied it, and we only have the name 'Ben.' There's still a (very remote) chance that they've got the wrong guy. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. Anyway, this reminds me of a Stephen Leather novel, based in Pattaya.
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