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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Ironic, she appeared to make use of the shade of the very thing that could have saved her life.......
  2. When I board a bus to or from Ekamai, I am usually pleased to see a more mature driver, in the hope he will be focused, patient, and and have an even temperament, as opposed to some adolescent and testosterone fueled youngster, who will usually get a job white knuckled driving a minibus. Mind you, I am not 74 yet and nothing can stop me dozing off after my lunch!
  3. The irony is, I think the booths were not in operation as usually they make them free during major holidays. (Probably because nobody will turn up for work anyhow!)
  4. Well, as a number, he did actually list 5 or so too many... and like you, authorities will list that as a small percentage of those walking the streets and not a problem.
  5. Brought their own big screen TV! The way I read it, the 10 were called to sort out an argument they were having with one rent collector!
  6. Is it over yet, can I take the dust covers off the bike and truck. Is it safe... well back down to normal levels of craziness?
  7. One cannot protect against stupidity, which is exactly what this incident is!
  8. Heaven knows.... I only expect he was familiar with the road as tour buses use that area so often...ie he knew the toll booths were there......and he needed to slow down. Nodded off, hungover from last nights celebrations, not focused on his driving... one can only be glad the bus did not burst into flames.
  9. Surprised we don't get more of this as it is as dry as a tinderbox out there. Plenty of fireworks around even in my near-rural area.
  10. Yes, anyone who has been here a few years knows how dangerous this New Years Eve revelry can get. I was of the impression fireworks could not legally be sold here yet so many are available, more so than battered shrimp or Viagra sellers. Perhaps fire damaged stock!
  11. Doesn't sound like a good place to get a quiet nights sleep with all this commotion in the mornings!
  12. And therein lies a substantial warning not to get into it with people here!
  13. Do you think I would have one at home like that? Mine would come and pick me up to make sure I slept at home!
  14. Punishable by a good beating from the building security?
  15. Crossing that busy area dressed all in black he was likely invisible. As are the traffic lights to many drivers here, so one can suspect a driver going against the lights at that late time. There actually is an elevated pedestrian crossings near there.
  16. It's all relative I suppose, she may look pretty good relative to all the other fat slappers wandering around her home town... And desperation will clutch at straws.... Life here affects us in many ways.....
  17. Ex top soccer player. Are you saying that because Beckham does it it is worthy of admiration and maybe even imitation? Be your own man!
  18. Don't get your point really..... is it 'I am daft too and awaiting a theft?' A victim is a victim irrespective of how sharp the thief may be.
  19. I paid rather a price to have a Club room with a balcony facing the fireworks and the sea, in Pattaya and after the complimentary sundown snacks and drinks in the Club room was expecting to sit out on the balcony. The Mrs wanted to go sit with the sand up the cracks and meet a few friends on the beach!
  20. It is a fair approach although I have used many an Agoda room that I paid in advance for without incident..... that said I chatted with a guy on the bus from Ekama,i who had arrived in Bkk with a booking from them to find the hotel was not even there... had closed down some time earlier!
  21. A pal of mine just moved to the crowded conditions of Bangkok for more intellectual stimulus and variety of entertainment, and to get away from the rather confusing low brow stuff we get in Pattaya. I am not sure the sticks offers much in that respect..... make your own I suppose.
  22. Well apparently that is what they will get in the UK and many NYE events are cancelled. Here, it is a bit cool at 20degC but looks like it will be a fine day So it is all systems go!. I can hear music in the distance already and it is not yet 7am.
  23. Leaving valuables out in full view of visiting workers is silly indeed, many a home robbery can be linked to such prior visits.
  24. Calm down, you are ranting off at a tangent, The topic is about some entitled prxck showing arrogance and disrespecting the authorities and laws of a country he is a guest in. Thai media likes to pick up on such incidents.
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