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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Traffic heading out of town on Klang the same....from 11am onwards as people who stayed over for the Fireworks headed off homewards. Junctions got snarled up as drivers ignored lights and yellow boxes and crossings. No sign of police trying to get things moving... hiding in their AC boxes maybe. Buakhao seems to be bad each and every day.
  2. What utter nonsense..... the place was packed to the gills over the weekend and the attraction had absolutely nothing to do with the 'sex trade'.....
  3. I actually saw the police out and about yesterday, under the Motorway flyover on the Railway Line Bypass.
  4. Other than the fact he rode straight into a block of concrete? One that he apparently managed to get around other nights?
  5. It's a dogs life in Pattaya!
  6. And last night about 7pm there was another at a junction just North of there, I think it is Suk-Pattaya 15. Causing mayhem.. a bike on it's side and a person laid out on the road and not a chance an ambulance could get anywhere near. Bangkok drivers and out of towners trying to get home after a busy weekend, and kids whizzing about without helmets is a feature of these special weekends, as is the toll on the roads. I nearly got mowed down crossing Bua Khao earlier at the RCon corner, as the kid took the bend (rather impressively if dangerously).
  7. Hotspot it to the laptop?
  8. Hardly a fair time to make comparisons, there was the annual Fireworks Event going on, many roads closed and public transport not on a normal footing. I bet traffic still moved better than in Bangkok though!
  9. Interesting.... I wonder what none restricted job a 45 year old Belgian might be doing until 05.30, night shift at the chocolate factory?
  10. Thai dogs seem to rarely respond to commands.... he tried 'sit' and 'roll over' and 'do not eat that chicken'.....would have been gone in seconds.
  11. Perhaps apathy made her feel her responsibilities ended at the school gate. Sad really, you would expect a woman to feel more empathy and act.
  12. Well they do at least seem to mostly have phone holders on the handlebars and hence have 2 hands for controlling the bikes.
  13. I thought perhaps it more to do with the fact that they were running, Thais rarely do!
  14. Maybe has caught Covid.....
  15. I was in very slow traffic early afternoon for about a Km before North Rd and down North Rd itself last year. It sure got worse though.
  16. Are you a Geordie? It's cold here when the dogs have put the T-Shirts on!
  17. No mention of what fuel the bus used.
  18. Right elbow injured, the phone will have to be in her left hand next time. I see so may on motorbikes riding one handed, using the other to operate a phone.... had one pop around a bend on my side very recently. They shouldn't need to be told that is dangerous. (Quite a contrast to UK where using your phone even while stationary, driving a car, can get you six points).
  19. How does one discern a Burmese person, from say a Thai person, running away? We seem to be getting a lot of reports of violent behavior of what I presume are migrant workers.
  20. I doubt many fly in like angels to their hotel roof either. Many get onto huge coaches to be moved slowly down the narrow Pattaya roads.
  21. Well I got an impression it will be going on for a while and sadly, estimated completions are rarely met.
  22. They will be occurring in the middle of the peak season and all the way through high season , if that seems like great planning to you, fine. It might be asked , were improvements needed, and will they really be improvements when complete? That said, my comment was that it was currently a mess, not about the timing of the work!
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