As you say, pay cash. They have found a way to game the software and will do so! I hope bolt get on top of this cheating... which is what it is. Were these regular cars, or taxis using Bolt?
Steve McQueen in 'Towering Inferno'.....
You know, one of these days, you're gonna kill 10,000 in one of these firetraps, and I'm gonna keep eating smoke and bringing out bodies until somebody asks us... how to build them
Tragic, reminds me of a similar event at a market in Rayong. Thai drivers pay little attention to what is in front of them, and it seems none as to what is behind them.
I would say it reduces one's inhibitions so, if the drugs are available, temptation harder to resist. But might it dull the need to get high if already there?
I would not refer to this guy as scum as there are far more deserving cases. Young people are far more likely to experiment and I see a victim of that, he needs help.
Sadly that mean that he/she/it can simply move on easily to another victim. ....I recall a place in Mexico had a habit of transporting them well out of town and dumping them in the desert.....
Benefits, drugs, immigration..... all contribute to the downfall. What you going to do, the chimps are running the tea party! You might find some remaining pride among the older ones!
The insurance is with the vehicle... I am pretty sure my driving licence has never been required to obtain insurance and tax on my motorcycle or my truck. More likely insurance would not be valid for the underaged driver. Reminds me when my neighbour hit a kid riding the wrong way on a dual carriageway. Police insisted she paid for his hospital visit, as he had no insurance, nor could she get a police letter to claim on hers without complying!
Well the UK is not in the EU any more... but there is a medical card (GHIC) UK citizens can get to allow treatment while holidaying in EU countries, but I believe it is emergency care and for pre-existing conditions only.
Who checks photos these days? Facial scanning was mentioned and is a modern approach....(although what do some of us look like returning home at 5am after a night out!). Another complaint was higher condo fees due to increased security, staff and the extra wear and tear the 2 week millionaires impact on facilities.
Haven't seen much of that even for a while.... did see a couple of cops waving over tourists on motorcycles without helmets near Pattaya police station, but I presumed it was fund collection for the Friday night, after work booze up.