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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 4 hours ago, ianf said:

    There is nothing more stupid than riding in the back of a pick up. But because it has been custom and practice in many areas (taking workers to building sites, kids to school and so on) it would be difficult to change behaviours. Easy solution? A little bit of lateral thinking may help here. How about speed restricting picks ups with flat bed passengers to 40km per hour. This would resolve the social issues and introduce a measure of care/safety. Logical thinking really but logic never seems to apply in Thailand.

    How can you make a limit of 40 Kph ?  Thais dont know how to drive that slow and if they did there would be massive traffic jams, road rage, resulting in deaths, and when the pick up gets hit up the arse going so slow all the people in the vehicle will be severely injured Dumb idea, but its a start. I have no suggestions cos there will be no positive result. And the PM expects these poor people to vote for him if they ever have an election !!!!

  2. 11 hours ago, PeVee1st said:

    A more sensible law would be that all persons in the pickup tray be seated and max.10 of all ages. Infants under 5 to be carried inside the pickup. Max.speed 80 kph.
    No standing whilst the pickup is moving.

    And all passengers in the back must wear high quality crash helmets

  3. 1 hour ago, Get Real said:

    Sure, there is a ggod thing to clean up the streets, but it´s going a little bit too far.
    First it was all the vendors and street markets that was shuffles away to different corners out the cities outskirts.
    Now it´s all the beggars that are shuffled away.


    I don´t say that anyone should need to beg for money to make a living, but in some kind of way all this clean-ups take away a big part of the country´s heart and soul.

    So would you like this mob begging near your house ?  Dont forget that the so called beggars on Sukhumwit are run by gangs and lead a terrible existence, children included. They are cases of human trafficking used to make money for the gangs. Dont see that as heart and soul of any country

  4. 20 hours ago, luis888 said:

    I don't think you can go through the Thai side anymore, I left in Jan and the Thai side is automated, has one assistant to assist the Thai people only

    That is correct. Tried to go through last Friday night with wife bit like you say it is only machines, so had to queue for 45 minutes.  From arrival at check in to getting through immigration took about 1 1/2 hours. Thai check in was half closed too.  Had to get in a long queue at the bottom of the escalators.   Pathetic !!

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