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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Both our daughter born in Australia, both have dual passports, i.e. Australian and Thai, when leaving Australia, they exit on Aussie passports, when entering Thailand they enter with Thai passports, when exiting Thailand they exit with Thai passports, when entering Australia, they enter with Aussie passports. 


    Never had an issue on dual passports and always renew them on time.

    My Thai wife does exactly the same and never had a problem

  2. 17 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

    Don't you have to pack your own parachute ?

    At clubs here in Australia we always pack our own chutes. You are taught how to do this after only a few jumps.  Cos other people dont want to keep packing your chute. Its not a difficult task. In the military they have their own packers. Most chute are not packed by the jumper.

  3. 16 hours ago, fruitman said:

    This is considered a dangerous sport, one needs an extended travelinsurance for that.


    Why she fell out of the harnass? Because it wasn't locked properly i guess....and that's the fault of the instructor i would think so he's responsible. 

    You are not insured for doing dangerous activities of any kind, and definitely on a holiday travel policy.  We used to run a Parascending school in England and every flyer had to sign an indemnity.  Insurance cover was very limited except for public liability which was compulsory.  Never had any accidents or claims. Why ??  Cos we were thorough in our checks and operations. I have watched the Thai guys and it is scary sometimes. They havent got a clue.




  4. 9 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    Great more Cheap Charlie's arriving soon.


    If 1000 measly baht is an inticement I can't wait to see these quality tourists.

    But this is only for the holiday period when tickets are about 40% more. So where is the saving. Better to come in February when all the tourists are back at work and kids back in school. Best time of the year. Cant wait to see the figures forFfebruary


  5. 13 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

    seems excessive.. even when i'm in holiday mode i struggle to spend 2000 baht.. most days its less than 1000 baht with a spluge at the weekend partying. and im not a cheapskate on holiday

    But its 1000 baht for a bonk ! You must be a willy wonker !   And at least 1200 for a cheap hotel.  You splurge at the weekend do you ? Have a party with 2 bottles of beer.  You must have a very lonely holiday reading books.

  6. I was involved with industrial acoustics for many years and have even built 100% silent rooms for Telecom research.  If you use Rockwool as the insulating and acoustic material with Plasterboard on your side and some kind of steel e.g. Colorbond ,  on the neighbours side to reflect the noise back at him it will work very efficiently.  Try making a small panel first to test the effectiveness. Another option is to build an acoustic enclosure for his noisy compressors.

  7. 2 hours ago, sanemax said:

    "However as he was almost near the ground, a windshear caused his chute cells to collapse forcing him to plunge about 40 metres onto the ground "


       They really need to check the wind speed between the plane and the ground before jumping

    As a pilot and a skydiver for many years I dont know how you can check wind speed on the ground when I am at 12000 ft in a plane.  If the wind reaches a dangerous speed ground crew will radio a message.  This very rarely happens.  Wind shear is impossible to detect till you feel it. I have seen lots of canopies collapse because of it. Its not a lot of fun in a plane either when you get a severe wind shear.  Was the above quote about wind shear from a witness ?

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