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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. Large dog with cancer. Any recommendations for vets open to euthanasia in Bangkok? TIA!
  2. I like creative framing & mats. My old picture framers were great but their good staff got old & retired. Prefer Sukhumvit or Silom/Sathorn/Surawong. Don't want gold diggers, please! Thank you!
  3. I object strongly to naming this nutjob (here comes his defamation lawsuit!) any kind of 'activist'. He's just an egotistical troll who gets off on <deleted> up people's lives to no purpose.
  4. I was arrested in NYC. The first question they ask is, any scars or tattoos. Unless you're in the merchant marine or navy, tattoos are nothing more than an ugly scar. What's grandma going to tell the kids about her tramp stamp or the butterfly when her boobs are hanging down to her waist? Can you live with the same painting on your wall your whole life? Even the artistic ones make you nothing more than an Auschwitz lampshade. Be sure to put that in your will. My three kids all have tattoos. Just sheep. Tattoos are stupid & ugly.
  5. Advice on chest freezers. They work best when absolutely packed full, unlike refrigerator freezers. Models can be standard or frost-free. We get ice build-up in our standard. But I've been told frost-free dries out the food you store, even in vacuum bags. Your freezer might be smelling a little funky after this episode. We did many washes & rinses with baking soda & vinegar. Don't use bleach! Even that approach won't get rid of the stink entirely. Get some bundles of the herb bai toey at Makro. Change them every couple of days, freezer closed, turned off. Then get your freezer cold & add a bunch of bai toey with your food. Works for fridge smalls, too.
  6. Serious question. 33 years ago we bought a gas stove with oven. Takes a really long time to bake potatoes or beets, sometimes so long the tank runs dry. Any recommendations for the kind of oven to make those happen, casseroles, macncheese?
  7. Good thing there were no locked exit doors! Seriously, shut down the club for staying open late?
  8. Dancing & drinking--no morality left in Thailand! Up at 3AM?!? Who's minding the next generation? Drugs? Way to go, Thailand! Keep those quality tourists coming back.
  9. There's a reason to stay up all night?!? The girls are more fun when they're awake & not drunk. full of yaba to keep them moving.
  10. Lucky those generals can't read, eh? They cab sure count, though, and tell time.
  11. FREE, I would trust. An unwanted child costs society in too many ways to count.
  12. Murder, eh? Not vegetarians, either, speaking of violating the precept.
  13. I have a story, right from today. I took the overhead walkways from Lumpini to Benjakitti. Along the klong, two teenage boys were fishing, accompanied by four smaller boys, maybe 10 tears old. As I passed, I asked one of the boys, in Thai, "Any fish?" He told me yes. Then one of the smaller boys came up toward me and show me a four-inch knife he had palmed. I walked up to him and asked him if he was stupid. And I walked away. There was a security guard, just out of sight at the tops of the stairs. Kids didn't look like toughs. It was a calculated risk. I'm 72. My advice? Stay home after dark. Be friendly. Smile. Greet people. Don't be impatient or angry. Don't make small problems your big problem. It's all up to how you perceive the world, with confidence or fear.
  14. "If guns were outlawed, only criminals would have guns." Except here, the police seem to be the major criminals.
  15. Sheesh, cancel the order! Do we really want our grandchildren to be paying for these. Ordered only for corruption. Oink, oink.
  16. Actually, there are three solutions. Wasabi, as mentioned, best to grind your own from fresh--Japanese grocery. Circe sells truly excellent frozen fresh horseradish. Makro (& Peng Lee in Asok fresh market) have both yellow & black mustard seeds. Here's my recipe: Grind up half & half yellow & black mustard seeds in a blender with Bragg's apple cider vinegar to fairly dry consistency. Add the same quantity of (unfrozen, obviously) Circe fresh horseradish. Add ACV to desired consistency. Wicked good!
  17. Thailand has it right: keep your bloody nose out. Sounding more like Dr Stranglove every day.
  18. Waaaasted! Not too bad....
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