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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. I never knew those pedals worked so fast...backwards! What nonsense--pot is legal. Deal with it.
  2. Obviously a man who cares more about votes than public health.
  3. Okay, benefit of doubt. Now it's their duty to track down & prosecute those using the spyware in clear violation of the Computer Crimes Act, not to mention the Constitution. And their duty to protect the rights and persons of those who were targetted.
  4. Likely only one's chosen 'entertainer' needs to keep the mask off to attract punters. 'Entertainment' has always been a risky business.
  5. All those places sound risky to me! If you're not stuffing your pie-hole, mask up.
  6. Of course, A-nut-in is going to make a mint off of legal dope. This govt only got two things right (besides gorging at the public trough): Covid vaccine supply & legal weed. It's a shallow blow for Pheu Thai to criticise the good stuff. For once, this "govt" (I use the term loosely) really is giving (@ 600/gm) happiness back to the Thai people. There's lots to criticise, particularly military expenditures, pollution aso.
  7. I have decided I don't want to add more carbon to future generations. I intend to be buried naked on my farm. Other than a death certificate, all that's required is permission of the phuyai ban and, of course, a small honourarium. Once one get the nai yok involved, the price goes up. I have no lawyer but I have a coöperative personal physician.
  8. Sorry, only idjits suck up to private hospitals. Ready to die? Cashier first, please!
  9. Update: Local emporium grows in Chiang Mai. They say they can supply me female indica clones. Then...I'm gonna need your advice!
  10. Except we aren's 'being told what to do'! Common courtesy & respect, following the cultural norms for everyone to feel comfortable. Suck it up!
  11. Of course, Thai military is using such spyware. No surprise there. But ‘an independent, prompt, thorough and effective investigation”? When has that EVER happened in Thailand? Fox in the henhouse…
  12. Maybe this paperwork is crucially important to national security. But my public hospital trashes all medical records every five years. So if one has a continuing medical problem, no investgation is possible. What is possible is digitisation. Isn't that what...computers are for?
  13. It was fairly recently reported that one did not have to travel to the wilds of Nonthaburi to get a Thai vax passport. They were alleged to be available on the 15th floor of the Bang Rak Medical Centre. I went there yesterday. The entire floor has been emptied & was deserted. The good news is, on the 11th floor is a walk-in vaccination centre. No need to trek to Bang Sue with the hordes. They told me the only inner location issuing vax passports was Medpark Hospital whose website calls it "a Covid-19 hospital". I plan to call to see if this is really the case. 1) Why doesn't every vax centre offer a vax passport? 2) Thai Red Cross offers all sorts of vaccinations & issues an int'l yellow vax book. Why can't we bring our official vax certificate there & be issued a Covid book???
  14. Aha! I have a Mukdahan story, circa 1992. I was traveling to all 76 provinces & doing the Mekong (and Mekong!) route from Ubon. Didn't find much to do in Muk (long before any cross-border action). Looking for a meal, I was directed to this big club. Once the door closed, though, you couldn't exactly tell how big because the interior was pitch-dark. Someone grabbed my elbow in the dark & directed me to a table. Not even a flashlight. No idea how the wait-staff navigated. I didn't get up because I thought I'd knock into something. As my eyes became accustomed to the dark, it was then I noticed a tiny long strip of light against one wall. Feeling the tables as I went, I got over to this tiny light just to satisyfy my curiousity. By pressing one's eyeball against the strip of light in a plate-glass window, one could see that there were a bevy of beauties behind the glass. They could have even been on the menu! Definitely one of the weirder places in the Kingdom. Hope it's still there!
  15. Ah, the USA is gonna fluff the pillows & turn down the sheets. Dictators love each other!
  16. I don't have medical insurance. Be worth a border run once a month for me.
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