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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Sorry but why do people think that there are gonna be English speaking programs on Thai TV.

    Use the tail for a good soup - Oxtail.

    Fair enough criticism. However, there is no excuse for there not to be multilingual options. In the EU and North America all sorts of language options are available to various ethnic communities. I don't think one needs to have taken a marketing course to appreciate that in the areas of Pattaya, Phuket & Chiang Mai there are large numbers of German, English, Swedish and Russian language speakers.. Serve the market and make a profit. It's bad enough that I have to endure Fox, but the feed freezes. Would it be so difficult to offer some options from Australia, Hong Kong or the EU? My DW news feed is so bad, I think I am having a seizure.

    English language programming consists of 3 minutes of commercials and 5 minutes of program if you are lucky. They made the US Open golf so hard to watch I didn't try. What do you thnk the olympics will be like? Same stuff, different day. They can all have their boxes back, IMHO.
  2. Controversially!!!!!..............I agree for now.................however!!!!.................complacency will undo Thailand.

    In the medium to long term Burma will build the infrastructure required to damage Thai tourism, that will take time though. Thailand should be using that time to ensure that they are giving better customer service and a better product to tourists, in preparation for certain competition.

    We know that's what they should be doing, we also know there is no chance of Thailand doing that. There will be trouble ahead.

    In addition to that, in the short/medium time frame, will be for Burma to offer relatively "raw" nature instead of the commercial holiday destinations that Thailand now offer. Over priced and over rated!

    How appealing will that be for tourists? It is after all how Thailand started (American R&R excluded)...........wink.png

    I'm going to see about the cost of living there, what with all the wonderful the Thai government is doing for us here and now.
  3. Most of the topics here today and yesterday concern certain types of corruption. The digital tv scam with TRUE. The 18 year old that killed 9 people with her car. Breast painting on tv. Jutaporn suing one court with another. Explanation of EC's vote against anything or for something. Motorcycle gangs killing tourists. Cover ups by Thai police. This is what I have been reading for the past 48 hours on Thaivisa. My goodness should people not demand that these ongoing things get taken care before we go after the 10 baht per incident bottom feeders like Tuks Tuks and Jet ski operators and beach chair sellers. This is not about corruption it IS about looking good for the public that does not care. Most of the Thais want to know where they are going to get the money to pay their electric bill so they can watch tv. If you really want to stop corruption, then you KNOW REALLY WHERE TO START. In the offices right across the hall if not your own.

  4. at which court do you sue the constitution court?

    This is the type of corruption that needs to be delt with soon. Jet Ski's, Beach Chairs, TuksTuks. This is not the solution to clean up corruption in Thailand. Starting at the bottom feeders is for a headline. What about the girl that killed 9 people with her car? Her rich parents have corrupted the court system. Now this loudmouth. Corruption will never end HERE IN THAILAND. If you really want to corruption to end, you have to start with the heads of state in Bangkok and then go to the heads of state in all the provinces.
  5. This is the example we give our children when they see 2 factions fighting each other in the streets with bad mouthed politicians enciting violence. I don't care what color you are or what you do in parliment. But these constant street meetings that say kill them all is what our children are hearing. If its is good enough for the two factions, one being the government in power, now or almost 2 years ago, why do we blame our children for acting the same way. Adults set the example our children act on. My opinion anyway

  6. ".... describing Panthongtae with the word "pitukart", meaning a son who kills his father."

    If only it was literally true. Though for a number of reasons I won't go into, it is hard to imagine Panthongtae as a Thai version of Oedipus.

    Interesting statement. I can only assume it was meant to antagonise the man in Dubai.

    I'll antogonize the man in Dubai. I'm going there nest month on business. If he'll see me I will look him in the eye and tell him what I think. In public though. The Prince of Dubai has already said no violence in Dubai or leave. So if I pay a price so will he.
  7. How about addressing ( or at least paying lip service) to the ongoing problems of tuk tuks, jetskis, etc.

    I don't believe the word 'ongoing' is an accurate one. When was the last incident by either of those groups and how many thousands of people have used them both without issues since?

    Over the years the major incidents of both parties are still far and few between compared to the happy customers. This doesn't condone the times when it does happen of course but a bit of perspective wouldn't go amiss.

    I was there with my wife and daughter when my daughter was 5 years old for her birthday. I vowed then never to go back, and we have not. Now my daughter is 18 and the problems are the same now as they were then. I would say that ongoing is exactly the word to use. By the way, when asked by her boyfriend if my daughter wanted to go to Phuket with his family, she declined. They all went to Chaing Mai by train instead, and had a great time
  8. I am of the opinion that the best government for this country would be a dictatorial one -- and that's exactly what we would get from Thaksin. Unfortunately we've already seen what the Democrats have accomplished during their term -- HARDLY ANYTHING. The Dems are a scattered lot. Aside from the rampant corruption, they did little to nothing in terms of 'educating' the masses or making us any more confident in them than we are with the redshirts. Abhisit is the only person I would trust -- but he's surrounded by scumbags as bad (if not worse) as the reds.

    In any case, the people of this country seem to WANT to be ruled. They cannot make decisions for themselves based on morals -- that issue has effectively been dealt with through their conditioning in the education system and maintained through various government agencies specifically established to ensure that the population remains malleable and dense.

    So who best to rule these people than someone who has the money and power to instigate and unify all the other corrupt agencies? It's not that Thaksin is good or anything -- but he's the biggest, baddest, most corrupt person you'd ever find. Perfect for the job.

    The Democrats didn't accomplish much, but they didn't do anything bad. Corruption was minimal (in compare with Thaksin times). For dictator Thaksin is the worst Thailand could get. Any boring Democrat government is way better.

    Actually the Dems did give free education up to M3. Free school uniforms (at least a subsidy) free text books. The last 2 have been canceled by this Phua Thai government to pay for the computer tablets. They also streamlined the health system taking out the ridiculous 30b per visit cost (PTp Have tried putting it back)

    There are others as well. The mistake the dems made was simple they acted like a government (generally) not a huge PR campaign like PTp.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Yes this is what I call "not much". There are a 1000 other things they could have also done. And being a little bit cynical, in a democracy being a government is a kind of huge PR campaign.

    If they would have scraped the alcohol purchasing times, it would have had a much bigger impact on the election than anything they could ever do with education.

    PTP is overdoing it with in 6 month everyone will be rich, Thailand will be the hub of this and that, there won't be a drugs anymore, but the Democrats clearly didn't address the things people want to hear about.

    (consider me an old cynic)

    Ok, I will concider you an old cynic. But I disagree very strongly on you opinion.
  9. It never ceases to amaze me how 'good news' always fails to generate less comments than 'bad' news.

    Hopefully this vaccine will be a success and that the hundreds of thousands infected each year will in the future become a thing of the past.

    Also good to see a Thai university being used a research facility, hopefully more will follow suit and become more active in the development and progress of Thailand. Good on ya Mahidol

    I agree with you on both statements. When an educated article was posted about plasmodium falciprum Malaria, the most deadly kind of Malaria, most joked. I started unsing a different kind of bug spray and long sleves at night. And it was not deet. Do they educate them selves before posting such crap, no. And people believe their BS. Picaridin is more effective than deet if anyone out there is interested. I hope this vaccine is found to be an answer for Dengue.
  10. Easy fix to this mess:

    1. Any school that is caught fighting, the school is closed down for 2 weeks.

    2. Any student from a school that kills or maims another person, the school is fined between 500000 to 1000000 baht per injured person/death.

    This would immediately stop this nonsense. The owners of these school encourage this thuggery. The students are but pawns in their own weird game of chess. Hit them in the pocket and they will call it all off.

    1. is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your as bad as the government. Why should an entire schools' population be targeted and punished for the acts of a few. So we have a bunch of thuggish uneducated kids, closing down their only avenue to learning isn't going to solve anything and punishing those kids that actually want something out of their education is not only unfair it is unethical and should be illegal.

    I agree hit the directors and the leadership of the school, but to effect the entire school population is just capital D-U-M-B dumb.

    How can anyone else not complain about an illogical and irrational response to a real problem?!? C'mon guys do you really think closing the school helps to solve anything? NO, it just puts the kids on the street to continue their mob, thuggish, violent ways.

    They should get a "scared straight" field trip to the Bangkok Hilton. Give them 48 hours inside and see if that is the path they want to go down. Or shoot, put them in a chain gang, pink pants and shorts and force them to clean up the sois or something for a month or to. Publicly shame the kids and i bet you get better results than closing the school and ignoring the problem.

    I agree and disagree, as school give all persons a place to gather and get worked up. And then after school......................................................
  11. What is wrong with people. Shooting people over what school you belong in, you belong a zoo with all the other animals. bah.gif

    Nothing can bring back the unfortunate victims of these insane actions, and my condolences to their families and loved ones.

    What could help is for Thailand to have leaders who have and demonstrate good values and good morals and are good role models for our kids, sadely we have the opposite.

    This subject does have it's complications, and punishing the well behaved students by closing their school seems not to be the best answer.

    Ask a few Thais who have closer connection to these stupid acts and many will tell you that some of the teachers at technical schools are just as much to blame, they encourage these kids to brawl, etc.

    Headmasters should have the guts to weed these teachers out and dismiss them.

    If some teachers are involved in promoting this then they should receive a tougher punishment than just losing their jobs but how can a school be responsible for the behavior of students on a public bus outside of class and off campus? If they have to function under the same restriction as western schools and teachers do then the fault is with the government and society that insists that students are some how all lovely kids who should never be punished or receive consequences that are appropriate for their actions.

    Unfortunately their role models are in the government, and heads of companies. All they have to do is watch tv and read the newspaper for examples of this type of behavior.
  12. I even saw this pack mentality in Kanchanaburi a few days when some students chased someone from another school through a department store.

    Looked like a pack of dogs chasing down a weaker prey.

    Absolute madness.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Watch a Thai Soap Opera sometime. They portray this type of conduct as normal. I have an 18 year old daughter and I have had to rescue her from this hit and run kind of mentality. It is very sad. In other places where this type of violence is protrayed, they tell people that is is a drama and should not be done by persons watching the drama. Unfortunatly some Thai's think this is real life, and death in this case.
  13. I just got excellent care from a motorcycle accident at a hospital close to me and not in Bangkok. The surgery would have cost 5 time the amount paid by my inserance company if I had gone home to get it. I was given a fit to work certificate 13 weeks after surgery. I had a great doctor. My arm works better than ever. Go on the internet and you will find that hospital oare offering packages for things like hip replacement for less money than in the west that includes a hotel room for your relatives. An eye clinic in Bangkok has been doing this for 15 years for any kind of eye surgery you want. Try using the internet for something besides whining. You never know you might learn something> Or maybe not!

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  14. 3 year relationship, no kids or marriage, and me doing a runner. Just leave a note (in Thai) explaining my rationale, with a sizable chunk of money in it to feel good knowing I left them in a position where if they wanted, they could easily get themselves setup with a decent life. Then disappearing never to be seen again. Other than a (rented) house full of furniture and electronics, we don't have anything together, and I'm happy to leave all that behind. I have two large dogs that will be coming with me, but that's all I care about.

    I mean, if this was Canada I wouldn't even fathom doing it. I'm more than man enough to sit down and discuss things, but well, this is Thailand. I already know how the conversation will go, and I just don't see the point in doing it. That, and the last thing I want is some pissed off, deeply hurt Thai on my hands, who no longer has anything to lose.

    So on a scale of 1 - 10, how big of an asshol_e does that make me?

    If she had enough of you she wouldn't give a shit so I personally think your being nice so good luck to you and the dogs and get the *Snip* out of there ....

  15. this is about football right?

    No it is about TRUE expecting something for else free. Most of the stuff aired on TRUE is stolen from other satelites. They are the worst. GMM Grammy has given them competion. The football is the last straw. This is about broadcast rights and TRUE dropping the ball, so to speak. When it was NFL like last October nobody cared but me. I bought GMM Grammy then and got the signal for free until June 2nd. One month prior I was called by GMM Grammy to register my box and continue receiving their signal for a monthly fee. Has TRUE ever called you about anything. I think not
  16. I can't believe the comments I am reading. Too much sun and Chang for sure.

    This has nothing to do with TrueVisions. This is all about Grammy and its partners either trying to sell set top boxes or extort a large fee from True for the rights. True according to the NBTC "must carry" the matches as it is in their contractual obligation with the airing of terrestrial TV stations. This is correct. But Grammy are not allowing them access to the signal based on a complete load of B....... that UEFA need to approve the airing. They do not- it is a load of nonsense. Grammy is the full rights holder in Thailand for both terrestrial and satellite otherwise how could they air through their own boxes??? Also the claim to have just done a deal with DTV And Cable Holding -so did they seek approval for that from UEFA -not likely.

    The NBTC Vice Chairman said "True is using legal loopholes to hold consumers hostage for business gains". What planet is this guy from. There is no business gain to True if you logically think about it and it is Grammy holding the consumers hostage.

    Grammy cites concerns that the True signal can be received outside of Thailand. True has said it will encrypt the signal. So close that argument. And anyway how many Astro boxes from Malaysia are in the Kingdom-thousands. Its a huge blag by Grammy trying to confuse the issue. There is no issue. The law says True must air the programming and Grammy is stopping it from doing so. NBTC should fine itself for failure to ensure that Grammy gives True the decryption keys.

    Get with the programme guys this is not about True airing the Euro in its own right it is about Grammy blocking regular programming on terrestrial channels carried by True.

    Nuff said

    Want some cheese with your wine!! GMM has 400 million reasons to sell their set tops! True had the option to share the costs and in True form dropped the ball again!!

  17. I can't believe the comments I am reading. Too much sun and Chang for sure.

    This has nothing to do with TrueVisions. This is all about Grammy and its partners either trying to sell set top boxes or extort a large fee from True for the rights. True according to the NBTC "must carry" the matches as it is in their contractual obligation with the airing of terrestrial TV stations. This is correct. But Grammy are not allowing them access to the signal based on a complete load of B....... that UEFA need to approve the airing. They do not- it is a load of nonsense. Grammy is the full rights holder in Thailand for both terrestrial and satellite otherwise how could they air through their own boxes??? Also the claim to have just done a deal with DTV And Cable Holding -so did they seek approval for that from UEFA -not likely.

    The NBTC Vice Chairman said "True is using legal loopholes to hold consumers hostage for business gains". What planet is this guy from. There is no business gain to True if you logically think about it and it is Grammy holding the consumers hostage.

    Grammy cites concerns that the True signal can be received outside of Thailand. True has said it will encrypt the signal. So close that argument. And anyway how many Astro boxes from Malaysia are in the Kingdom-thousands. Its a huge blag by Grammy trying to confuse the issue. There is no issue. The law says True must air the programming and Grammy is stopping it from doing so. NBTC should fine itself for failure to ensure that Grammy gives True the decryption keys.

    Get with the programme guys this is not about True airing the Euro in its own right it is about Grammy blocking regular programming on terrestrial channels carried by True.

    Nuff said

    TRUE channels are aired in Cambodia, I know this for sure. And a TRUE set top box is required. They go through an agent there. Believe what you want. You are wrong. GMM Grammy is set up to do business with their customers. And some folk only want to complain, and not remedy the situation. You should get the facts strait before you whine on the internet.
  18. It 'is only the True that betrayed its customers. Grammy is doing its business as usual. True had the position to help its customers then missed the opportunity. Just the normal way of doing business by True. End of story.

    When TRUE dropped ASN in October GMM Grammy stepped right up and got me a box in my home in less than 3 days. Could anyone expect or get the same service from TRUE. GMM has been free to me until June 2nd. Prior to that they called to register my box number and receive payment. What they are doing is called business. I congratulate thim on their new business and hope they run TRUE out of town, so to speak.
  19. c'mon guys, its pretty much a given that she will take over the defence portfolio very soon... as the man in Dubai will need someone who cant answer a question, cries on demand and never shows upto work when he orders the military onto the streets to break up protests against him....

    Dontcha all see it yet? She's only PM so he can pull the strings from Dubai.

    I do not claim to be an expert on Thai politics in relation to the military - but I did marry into a Thai military family, and from what I understand it is not a given that ordering the military onto the streets against the protesters would work this time...there are many factions at work and even if Mr T were to return and take over the Prime Ministership, it is not sure that he would be reqarded as legitimate - or his orders.


    Gosh I hope you are right on that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I hear people with sattelite dishes (one-off payment with no monthly fees) can't watch the Euros either (on the free thai channels).

    Is that True Visions' fault or is it GMM's?

    GMM bought the rights for the euro2012 and shares with channel 3,5 and 7 under the condion that sat signal will be encrypted.They paid 400million bt,so why they should they share with everybody?Whats the point of spending a lot of money for the broadcast rights if everybody can broadcast or watch for free?

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