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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. *Deleted quote edited out*

    This happens all the time. It seems vans are involved more than some other smaller vehicles. As the smaller one always lose and the van drivers know that. I just came from Pattaya to Banglamung and the only problems I had were 2 different vans cutting everybody off and not looking where they were going. I have been in vans where I have asked the driver to stop driving as if it was F1. I now take private vehicles so I am in control.

    It is to bad about the driver and his boy and all the injured.

  2. Unfortunately the Fans of Football that were laughing at the fans of American Football last year in October when True stopped the programming of the ASN network, now on GMM Grammy, are finding out what it is like to make plans and have them ruined. All the programing on the GMM Z box in English is at least 2 years old except for live broadcasting and the Thai channels. I have subscribed to the internet for all the sports programming that I watch, Nascar, Baseball, and NFL American Football. It is all in HD and all you need to view it on your tv is get an HDMI cable, plug it in to your computer and your tv and tell your computer that you have 2 screens. You might have to get a computer pro to help you with this part, but it is beautiful. I don't watch football (soccer) so I don't know what is available for it on the internet.

    True has made their bed and now will have to sleep in it. GMM Grammy is out to get True. And after all they have taken away from us I don't blame them. Hell it's only 900 Baht for the GMM box and you pay at least 1400 baht to get sports on True. If you want HD it's way more than that. Personally I am my own director and producer and I pay less for the internet connection for the sports than a 1 year subscription for True Sports.

    Good Luck Everybody

    What is the site you use for streaming sport, iv been looking for a good one as I don't have true

    Currently I am subscribing to Nascar Trackpass for American Stock Car Racing and MLB.TV for Baseball. They cost to subscribe to, but not as much as theTrue Gold subscription. I will subscribe to NFL.com for American Football as soon as they change the date on the webpage from 2011 to 2012. Probably this month. I don't watch "real football", so I can't answer that question.
  3. GmmZ box might be only 900 baht but you need to install a satellite dish first and those aren't cheap, considering there's nothing to watch on GMM except the Euros.

    All previous World Cups and Euros were always broadcast by True on free TV channels, this is the first time that someone is blocking free TV content on True, so people need to buy either new dishes or new old style antennas they thrown away ages ago when they subscribed to True.

    Btw, most of those antennas as well as Gmm boxes are made by the same company - Samart.

    Or True should just come to a financial agreement with GMM who did after all pay for the Thai viewing rights. True did not pay BUT they charge us to view. Also it was stated that True was offered joint bidding but refused. There you go. GMM are still offering the football free just not to True.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Not free you have to buy the box.

    The box comes with the subscription. If you don't have access to a dish you have to buy the dish.
  4. GmmZ box might be only 900 baht but you need to install a satellite dish first and those aren't cheap, considering there's nothing to watch on GMM except the Euros.

    All previous World Cups and Euros were always broadcast by True on free TV channels, this is the first time that someone is blocking free TV content on True, so people need to buy either new dishes or new old style antennas they thrown away ages ago when they subscribed to True.

    Btw, most of those antennas as well as Gmm boxes are made by the same company - Samart.

    Or True should just come to a financial agreement with GMM who did after all pay for the Thai viewing rights. True did not pay BUT they charge us to view. Also it was stated that True was offered joint bidding but refused. There you go. GMM are still offering the football free just not to True.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    True has never paid for anything and they have always charged us. Nothing new with that. Thailand have learned from all the rest of the world. It is always about the money.
    • Like 1
  5. Is this GRAMMY Box really that easy to install?

    I currently have a gold package with TRUE that has a red dish on the roof

    Can someone please tell me how I can set up this GRAMMY box

    Please advise where I can purchase the box?

    What is the name on the GRAMMY box that I need to purchase?

    And how can I install it myself

    Thanks in advance

    GMM-Z set top box, available at Tesco, 7/Eleven, Big C, etc.

    If you have True, just unplug the True box and plug in GMM Z box and you are good to go

    Are you sure? That's not what Grammy told us over the phone. Have you tried it yourself? Is it technically possible to get non-True signal from branded True satellite dish?

    This could be the solution, if it works.

    Yes, I know people that have actually put a splitter on their True dish, run another cable to their living room and done it. The box IS PLUG AND PLAY. When I had it the code was 9999 for set up. But now you have to pay first I think. I don't really know I don't have it anymore.
  6. Is this GRAMMY Box really that easy to install?

    I currently have a gold package with TRUE that has a red dish on the roof

    Can someone please tell me how I can set up this GRAMMY box

    Please advise where I can purchase the box?

    What is the name on the GRAMMY box that I need to purchase?

    And how can I install it myself

    Thanks in advance

    If you have access to any dish at all it is plug and play, literally.
  7. GmmZ box might be only 900 baht but you need to install a satellite dish first and those aren't cheap, considering there's nothing to watch on GMM except the Euros.

    All previous World Cups and Euros were always broadcast by True on free TV channels, this is the first time that someone is blocking free TV content on True, so people need to buy either new dishes or new old style antennas they thrown away ages ago when they subscribed to True.

    Btw, most of those antennas as well as Gmm boxes are made by the same company - Samart.

    I'll sell you mine for half price. I don't use satalite dishes anymore.
  8. Unfortunately the Fans of Football that were laughing at the fans of American Football last year in October when True stopped the programming of the ASN network, now on GMM Grammy, are finding out what it is like to make plans and have them ruined. All the programing on the GMM Z box in English is at least 2 years old except for live broadcasting and the Thai channels. I have subscribed to the internet for all the sports programming that I watch, Nascar, Baseball, and NFL American Football. It is all in HD and all you need to view it on your tv is get an HDMI cable, plug it in to your computer and your tv and tell your computer that you have 2 screens. You might have to get a computer pro to help you with this part, but it is beautiful. I don't watch football (soccer) so I don't know what is available for it on the internet.

    True has made their bed and now will have to sleep in it. GMM Grammy is out to get True. And after all they have taken away from us I don't blame them. Hell it's only 900 Baht for the GMM box and you pay at least 1400 baht to get sports on True. If you want HD it's way more than that. Personally I am my own director and producer and I pay less for the internet connection for the sports than a 1 year subscription for True Sports.

    Good Luck Everybody

    Thats fine if you have a landline but guys like me who choose to live in the sticks have to use a dongle which is no good if you want tv on your computer b ecause it is to slow

    I'm sure you are right about that. As people in the sticks in the US or Europe get great internet with dishes in their back yard. Thailand chooses not to offer this service to you. BTW, when I am connected I'm only using about 25% of the internet bandwidth. About 230 kb per second. I never stop downloading tv series with torrents and my internet sports don't even blink. Maybe you have more than you thought.
  9. Frankly - the yellows are just as bad as the reds - the Red tactics are extreme, and so are the yellows. Both are idiots.

    (But only one burned down 30 buildings in one day. )


    Only the REDS fight against the rich but for the sake of the super richthumbsup.gif

    But who burnt down the buildings. The Head Red. Yes I believe the people in red shirts are poor people. I also believe the people representing them on stage, by phone, and in the news papers are among the richest people in Thailand.
    • Like 1
  10. Mr. Worawat said that the current session will stay opened until the draft anti-money laundering law and the anti-financing of terrorism law have been approved by the Parliament.

    Mr. Worawat another Thaksin mouthpiece is adamant that this current maladministration is intent on legalizing theft and corruption along with actually paying compensation for those caught with their hands in the national coffers and to hell with the consequences.

    Perhaps under this act all prisons will be closed the police force disbanded and Anarchy can then reign supreme.

    Indeed a wonderful sentiment from Mr. Worawat a supposed patriot, From his comments I am led to believe Mr.Worawat is patriotic to Thaksin and his family and their cronies rather than Thailand. .

    He might do well to remember that ,many people are not happy with this attempt to destroy the legal framework of the country and he along with his cronies might do well to remember that the very changes they wish to sponsor for their puppet master and his family and cronies may well come back to haunt them in acts of recrimination by those most harmed by this proposed perversion of the legal framework.

    Every action has a consequence and the consequences of these proposed foolhardy ill conceived acts may well result in a very unpleasant outbreak of violence with dire consequences for the country and its peoples.

    Never mind that Thaksin might extract his revenge and destroy the country as his spiteful malevolent mind tell him he must win at any price.

    Then again perhaps not, with any good fortune the people of this country will, and it seems as if they already are seeing through the veil of deceit and criminality that shrouds Thaksin his family and their cronies.

  11. Ummm........if he's facing the wrong direction and walking backwards, he's going in the RIGHT direction.

    Not so, and I realise you are being pedantic for the sake of it. If I define "backwards" in terms of political progress, and am using the analogy of walking / sprinting of a single individual to represent a nation moving backwards/ forwards socially and politically, you could just as easily criticise my post for saying a nation can turn around and walk when it is a landmass. I meant that the current leader Yingluck ("she" not a he as you inaccurately said) is moving the country backwards into autocratic unaccountable mega-corruption. I didn't spell all this out because making analogies is a basic skill in sociology and other discourses.

  12. well the army elected to not run the country and installed what I would regard as a well educated prime minister and government who then proceeded to put in place measures that could create a lasting solid democratic base only to have the next elected government try to unravel to good work

    I agree entirely, Abhisit was not given enough time to either make the progress he wanted to, nor to be judged on his longterm performance as leader. He set-up several longterm infrastructure plans with heavy investment to improve the longterm outlook for the poorest, however he was then removed from office. He was trying to legislate heavily against corruption, while obviously working inside a system that is saturated in corruption, including members of his own party. Corruption-free democracy is not a IKEA Flatpack that you can take home and put together in a afternoon. I see Abhisit and the DP as not perfect but the best option on the table currently and the best option of the last decade.

    IMO Abhisit was facing in the right direction and taking the first few faltering steps in that direction when he was voted out. The current PM is facing the wrong direction, has been walking purposefully backwards for over six months, and this week tried to sprint backwards.

    Ummm........if he's facing the wrong direction and walking backwards, he's going in the RIGHT direction.

    You just made "A Fruedian Slip". I think he was refering to the current Prime Minister who is a SHE. And not the one you are following in Dubai who is a HE!

    Fruedian slip

  13. what an evil man - all I see here is stiring hate

    These are sad and bad times for Thailand, I just hope that my speculation is wrong

    and for those that think there is a democracy here - well that is simply not the case, the infratructure is not there to support it and is open to abuse which is exactly what is taking place right now, I don't agree with military intervention but I am glad they are there when it all goes wrong - seems pretty obvious that is what is happening right now - it's all going wrong

    so how do you fix it - well you install and interim government and let them place rigid structures to support democracy like a constitution and indipendant judicial system then at some point when it's all in place and provides a good solid base you proceed to the polls - oh wait hasn't that already happened and the new government is trying to dismantle it all - it seems the Thais just don't get it and quite a few on here don't get it either

    Do you think Obama should be able to rewrite the Amercan constitution because he doesn't like some of it or it's incriminating his brother....ahem

    Thais just haven't grasped the concept of democracy and that is the problem - they think if elected they can do whatever they want and that is dangerous and wrong - they must work within a set of rules and this government is trying to rewrite them to suit their own ends and that is just wrong

    YOU and I are on exactly the same page. This is about what Democracy is and how it is being abused here. What would you call less than 5% of the country wanting/demanding the other 95% of the country to blindly follow them or they are against them and will pay at some point in time. 1930's Germany comes to mind almost at once.

  14. In George Orwells book 1984, Big Brother spoke to the people via vidio link. He controled the people's hearts and minds that way.

    Now the book is being used to control the Red Shirt people and we know who BIG BROTHER is.

    He has told his supporters, that if people do not support us thay are against us they must be put down.

    1984, is now 2012.

  15. If I was Thai I would be afraid too. Here they can do what they want depending who their parents are and how much money they have. Not the same in other Asian countries.

    Like the 16 year old little girl who ran a van off the road and killed a few people. What ever happeved to her. I never heard any more about it. Daddy took care of it for her and got her another car to drive as a battering ram.

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