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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Well I for one will be happy with no mosquitoes.

    But what will be the impact on the ecology. Will the destruction of some of the breeding areas add to flood problems if a flood should arise.

    There is how ever a lot of little things people can do on their own premisses. That will lessen the problem a little bit.

    One thing at a time. First they'll take care of the mosquito problem. Then they will have time to fix the environment. Then they can create flood-retention areas. Then they can fill them in to stop the mosquitoes. Then they can fix the environment. Then they can create more flood-retention areas. Then they can.....

    Don't try to criticize the lack of foresight and overall planning. "This is Thailand. You don't understand the Thai way."

    Afraid you are looking in the mirror I do understand the Thai way Next month it will be a thing of history.

    The Thai way for hundreds of years has been to ignore them.

    You are trying to force Western ways on to them.

    Despite the fact that as has already been pointed out there are ways to do it with out poisoning the environment but they would still have a big effect on all the fish and other wild life that live on them.

    It is my understanding that there are some thing like 400 different types of mosquito's and only a few are harmful.

    Never been there but Chiang Mai has a insect museum run by the worlds foremost expert on mosquito's.

    I have been here for 25 years. We have told the Thai's that we are smarter than them for 35 years. Until about 10 years they thought we were carzy. Now they all want to be like us. In gangs that steal and mug tourists. Transparent governments with opaque windows. Sonkran used to be a nice fun holiday. Until we brought the squirt guns from the west. And all the oil field trash showed them how to use PVC to knock someone off a motorbike.

    And by the way infected mosquito's are a much greater health and eclolgolical problem than getting rid of them. Many countries have already done it, and some of these are in Africa. If they can do it, so can the Asians.

    One day your son or daughter will get this like mine did. You will get off you high horses then.

  2. The biggest ''misconception'' to date have been Thaksin and his puppet family. To think what we could have been spared had the timing been different.whistling.gif

    To think that the increased prices I and my wife like many others have paid of late are according to Yingluck and her band of dreamers nothing more than, ''figments of our imagination.''sick.gif

    Rather like her delusion that she is actually a Prime Minister and fit to lead the country..w00t.gif ;

  3. Come on George...this has been going on for ages but your email header "Warning" is misleading - it doesn't take your card. Just hit yes or no and either way the card comes out..

    When I was in Laem Chabang I had the same thing happen to me. But the add and the "yes" or "no" was in Thai and I can't read that. Luckily I was using an atm next to the bank and got it resolved. Nothing misleading about your header. There is always one who knows everything, so everybody else should too.
    • Like 2
  4. "Only 0.3 per cent of the respondents chose "excellent".

    "The survey was conducted among 63 economists"

    Even if one economist chose 'excellent', that can't be as low as 0.3 percent. It can only by zero or 1.5%.

    I've never been able to trust these surveys.

    I trust this survey completely. I have been here 25 years and everything start downhill in 2004. To heck with the economy and the people of Thailand. JUST GET TAKSIN BACK.
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