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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. How about also slapping some fines on GMM for denying TrueVisions the re-broadcasting rights although the EURO games are already broadcast on free-to-air TV? I think GMM is just as much to blame for this absurd situation as TrueVisions.

    Why should they. If you paid the money would you let me rebroadcast? Your a fan, they are not. It's all about the money, and 20,000 per day is nothing to true. That is less than 10 platinum subscriber fee's a day. And when will it be over? You do the math.
  2. What a BS,nothing unclear at all.GMM bought the rights to broadcast the Euro2012,and True did not.Very clear for me.Good enough GMM let people with normal antenna watch the Euro2012 for free.For the next big event True should buy the rights by them self or find another deal,also NBCT should shut up.

    or is there a law in Thailand whats says u can't buy broadcast rights?

    In Germany if a pay tv station buys rights for Bundesliga or Euro they must guarantee a minimum of view time for non subscribers,and on top games of german national team are free to watch for everybody,but difference between Germany and Thailand is,Germany has clear rules and laws.

    How stupid of True to think they can air the Euro without paying anything if GMM paid 400million b!!!.True knew that from the beginning but was probably hoping for some thai style wonder to happen.I feel sorry for True subscribers,but GMM did the right thing in financial view.

    TRUE has never bought anything. If they can't steal it from a different satalite then you don't see it on true.
  3. Wise words, but does anyone really care.

    I'm sure there are a large number that do care, unfortunately they are not driving the steam-roller.

    That is really what was meant, the one's driving the "steam-roller" couldn't give a rat's a_se for any point of view other than their own or the points of view dictated by the off-shore dictator.

  4. This seems totally ridiculous, True show the free to air Thai terrestrial channels - you can watch these with no subscription to True but using a True satellite dish and True receiver, meaning True are making no money by broadcasting these channels.

    GMM Z chief executive officer Thana Thienachariya said he believed that most of the 2 million TrueVisions subscribers also have conventional TV antennas, which would enable them to view the tournament.

    I for one don't, I have Truevisions HD PVR for the main TV room and have a non-subscription True PVR for free content, run out to all other TVs. Why would you have a terrestrial antenna when you have a dish and receiver that provide all of these channels, for free, but better quality?

    What happens if there is a national incident in Thailand during one of these games and the Government wish to broadcast a national warning? All True subscribers miss out?

    When the BBC or ITV win the rights to show any sporting events these are still viewable via Sky, who show the free to air English terrestrial channels. What is the difference here?

    Considering the huge revenues made from advertising, subscription fees should be abolished anyway - the advertisers want to hit the largest audience possible and pay according to viewing figures, more viewers = more money, irrespective of subscription fees.

    The content costs pale into insignificance against the advertising revenue. All content should be free and available to all based purely on the fact that the advertisers will pay to reach a wider audience. We shouldn't have to pay for the privilege of providing an additional source of income through advertising to the content providers.

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  5. This man and Mr. Anand are two of the most respected people. Why do you think his Majesty listens to them and the governmunt does not. It is pretty simple really. Their Majesties want better things for THAILAND. The government wants more for THEMSELVES. I hope both of you keep saying what you thinkl. You are very smart men with great ideas.

  6. Thailand could do with a lot more 'Mechai' minded people, especially in parliament, and the public service.

    Yes, all with a sense of consious would agree. But those getting paid off in all the corruption would not. Take all the corruption money paid. Put into education. And see what happens. Corrumption starts to go away. This is simply not likely here at the moment.
  7. Yingluck's personality and her skill when being interviewed have developed nicely, thanks partly to Suranand.

    So then, is Suranand partly to blame for her abysmal interviews with Reuters and Australian television, and her incoherent babbling at the just-concluded WEF?


    Having listened to the interview in Oz, she really would be better off using an interpreter.

    Hey Buch, you know and I know she does not speak very well. No one is goning to agree with you. Why not just let it go. Your not helping by instagating. But I guess that is what all reds do isn't it?
  8. Regardless of what the Government is saying to the media the simple fact is this. During the 3 hour 'legal meeting', the Government must have been told by their lawyers that the Constitution Court had every right to make the decision that they did. If the decision by the courts was illegal then rest assured the Government would have followed a course of action that would have proved so and they would then vote on charter change. This is all straight forward, the complaining is all face saving.

    That is incorrect, actually the lawyer told them what the constitutional court did was illegal, but advised them to hold on a while to let the situation calm and for more legal work to be undertaken before taking it back before parliament. 'FACT'

    Were you there?
  9. Did DPM-Chalerm fall asleep, and not realise that despite his party winning an election, his government still has to operate within-the-law ? whistling.gif

    Why would any of them change now? Operate within the law........ no, just change the laws to suit. Makes it much easier! You'll be expecting a respect of democracy and judicial independence next.

    I agree with both of you. But they had a great teacher of changing the law to suit themselves and now he is the money man too.
  10. Thai Democracy Tested As Judges Battle Thaksin: Southeast Asia

    By Daniel Ten Kate

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand's ruling party warned democracy is under threat as its highest court moves to stop lawmakers from changing the constitution in a country that has suffered 18 coup attempts in the past eight decades.

    The Constitutional Court has no right to prevent Parliament from voting on an amendment that would create a new body to rewrite the charter, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung told reporters yesterday.

    A judicial challenge to the legislators' efforts could lead to the disbanding of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's party, the third time courts have disqualified elected allies of her brother Thaksin Shinawatra since he was ousted by the military six years ago.

    "Did they fall asleep and didn't know we got our power from the election?" Chalerm said, referring to judges on the nine-member Constitutional Court. "Don't go too far. This is too much and no one can accept this."

    Full story: http://www.bloomberg...heast-asia.html

    -- Bloomberg 2012-06-06


    Mr 'I have a son who is a murderer' Chalerm seems to forget that a mandate from the people is a responsibility not just power.

    And the courts also have that responsibility of checks and balance.

    Why are they in such a rush to slam this bill through????

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Now we know the answer to your las question!
  11. I purchased 3 set top boxes and a satellite dish from GMM/Sky in October 2011 to get ASN as True dropped the channel. I paid 10,000 baht. Today they blocked/scrambled all my sports channels. Coincidentally a GMM salesman came to visit me at my bar in CM and said my boxes are no longer good and he would sell me 3 new boxes, exact replicas of the boxes I had for $18,000 baht. I lost it!! I asked him for a copy of the contract he was offering but he refused to leave me a copy. He tried to say that new company took over. Not true. The number to call to order the new boxes is exactly the same number I called back in October 2011. 028418888. I am positive the boxes are good as I still watch all GMM channels except the sports channels which they blocked today!

    I will visit my lawyer tomorrow as something is not right here!

    Any advice would be appreciated. Sounds like they are trying to fleece me.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    Gmm Grammy called me to get the numbers of my box at home. They told me they would start charging in June and that I should call them to get the payment done and my boxes turned back on. I believe the man that wanted to seel you more was a scam. I think you should call GMM at 02-841-8888. I believe this will solve your problems with them. If not sorry for wasting you time.
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