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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. I'd say, that most murders in Thailand aren't properly investigated in comparison to western countries in scientific terms, and that this has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the victims. The title makes it sound like only murders of lesbians go unpunished which is certainly not the case!

    I think you summed up the general response to this topic. Murders of every flavor go unpunished. Death/murder seems to be part of everyday life here.

  2. How is it "clear that the Election Commission is aware of it" - have they come out and said so, texted you, what?

    Oh c'mon, that really is feeble.... you don't see any of them walking around tapping with white sticks do you.

    Well if it so obvious that the PTP "bought" the election why haven't they acted, they certainly haven't been backward coming forward the last couple of times.

    They paid off anyone that got in their way last election. Including the election commission.
  3. "Chalerm Embarrassed"

    Almost an oxymoron.

    His brief clearly was to use the war on drugs to install

    as many cops that lean the way of his bosses team '

    that they solidify a national network parallel to the Reds,

    but more powerful and easily controlled.

    Suddenly he runs across a high level cop who IS efficient, (shocking)

    and liked by many in his district, because he actually did his job.

    Enough that many protest his removal.

    That must have come as quite a shock to someone who imagines

    all cops, bar none, are able to be in his pocket, or replaceable at will.

    I would love to have seen his face reading those placards!

    "Chalerm's face reportedly dropped after seeing the signs."

    Dropped. rolled into the gutter. and never found again.

    Really a lost face.

  4. "General Prem gave his blessing to the prime minister and wished her good health. He also asked her to take good care of the people," Yongyuth said.

    He said the prime minister also asked Prem for permission to meet with him for future consultations as Prem was a senior respected figure in the country and a former prime minister with extensive political experience.

    Yongyuth reiterated that Yingluck's meeting with Prem had no political significance. "There was only a cultural dimension, no political one," he said.

    Seems to me upon reading the comments above that it is a classical case of, '' the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.''

    Yingluck is willing or wanting to meet again for, ''consultations.'' Yet Yonguth states that it is purely a cultural matter.

    Would this suggest that the knowledge concerning the Thai cultural heritage is somewhat lacking in the Prime Minister or possibly that Yongyuth is being sidelined along with Chalerm who has been somewhat less vocal and rabid of late too ? .

    The Very Merry month of May is approaching rapidly and the shop soiled tawdry politicians are about to burst upon the scene again.

    No doubt that there are old scores to be settled regarding who sold who down the river., perchance that some of the current puppets are about to find themselves relegated to the props box due to the return of the aforementioned tainted clique.

    Internal family squabbles are not unknown anywhere in this world, perhaps having tasted the fruits of power someone is trying to stave off a potential problem and a loss of face, hence the cosying up to the enemies of the Red Shirted P.T.P pawns.. foot soldiers is a self protective move ?

    Desperate means lead to desperate ends

    We all know what the right hand is doing. It's the left one that we are worried about. Nobody seems to know whhere it it opr what it is doing. Maybe it will come back someday.
  5. However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

    On the carcasses of those of all hues, red, yellow multi-coloured, civilian and military personnel who died or were injured physically and mentally.

    Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture Those whose business and property was destroyed by arsonists or was looted by the out of control mobs indeed the list is a long one.

    All this as a result of one persons sponsorship of terrorism to enhance his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes grasp on power and the resultant self enrichment programme that could have resulted in the event of the success of the megalomaniacs sponsored putsch.

    Hopefully the road back will be impassable due to surface conditions and monumental road blocks so as to secure this country from the rule of tyranny that would have been imposed had the sponsored terrorist won the day.

    I worry that it must get worse before it can get better.

    me too
  6. PTP can believe what they want, but if PTP start doing what they said they would do. And stop trying to do what ONLY 1/65th of the population wants them to do. They may find their friends again. If you get 1 million who people to want the constitution changed so Taksin can come back it seems like you have a lot of supporters. Obviously, you don't have 64/65ths who are against this process or have no opinion.

    You may find that so many people of afraid of what PTP may do next, behind the populations back, that they simply vote against PTP. In less that a year Thailand already wants to change from who/what Thailand thought they voted for.

  7. I assume that Deputy Prime Minister/Interior Minister Yongyuth Vichaidit in his capacity as director of the Road Safety Centre will resign with immediate effect, at least from his Road Safety Centre role. His campaign was clearly a complete failure.

    In any well-run country, he would resign or be made to.

    We all know he won't, therefore....

    And why is his campagne supposed to be different than any of the other PTP campagns? The don't set up realistic goals. They dream up ideas. And then wonder why the ideas fail. They had many goals this time last year. But they have not achieved any of them yet.

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