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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Since the red have been abandoned by TS

    wouldn't it be so funny now if the reds joined with

    the yellows and became oranje .... then they can

    join to oppose the free taksin bill ..

    Now that would be poetic justice ....

    I think you are dreaming. But boy do I sure agree with you.
  2. I couldn't be happier with the decision from the NBTC.

    Even though the military and the MCOT may refuse to return their frequencies back to the public, but at least there's still enough room for 40-50 SD channels or 5HD+10 more SD channels free-to-air.

    Funny how many Thai free-to-air channels use and film things in HD but everything is converted to SD so that they can air.

    Can standard Plasma and LCD panels currently sold in Thailand take advantage of digital transmission?

    In other words are they all built with digital tuners as standard?

    Yes, nostly. HDMI and usb ports are a dead give away. HDMI is digital.
  3. "You can't let a human being die on the street"

    Well, apparently you can. The article provides an illustration of palliative care and mental health resources for Thailand's poor and destitute.

    The political party in power at present has only one agenda. Me Me Me. They don't care about common or poor people. They are all rich and don't want to bring themselves down to that level. But making passports and visas instead of taking care of the flood tipped their hand, even for the common person. PTP, Red Sirts, and UDD want it all and they want it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Like 2
  4. The reconcilliation bill to be put before parliment should be for the good of the whole nation, not for the benefit of an individual. To push through a bill that would benefit Thakshin alone would deepen the devide, not repair it, he is a polorizing influence in this country, for the government to continue to focus its efforts on assiting the PM's big brother to return instead of focusing on what is actually needed for the good of the whole of the country will only do damage, both in the long and short term.

    But the 3 million people want to govern the other 62 million people. In a dictionary what do you call that? I think the word begins with a "C".
  5. Yes, and the trend is:

    Thailand has dropped several places in comparison to their neighbors and is now even further below the average expenditures than they were before.

    The trend is there is a drastic upwards spike in military spending after the 2006 coup which continued unabated under the military installed Abhisit regime.

    I wish I was as smart as you. I think you may have an ID10T error going on the your computer brain of yours.
  6. The people I know did not ever need to be incited about the charter change. They believe PTP is the problem with the charter change and they should be punished. I don't know. What I do know is many thais did not vote at all in the last election. I think that will not be the case in the next election. I hope I am wrong for all you Reds. And I hope I am right for Thailand.

    People don't pay attention anywhere though. They will probably elect that idiot in America again.

  7. "Should reconciliation happen, I will have an opportunity to serve my fellow Thai citizens," he said.

    "If you don't want to reconcile, I don't mind living abroad. But you should think who would benefit from the continuing fight because only arms merchants will become rich."

    A thinly veiled threat against the ENTIRE country, roughly translated:

    "Let me back to run the show and you will have political stability through my dictatorship. Refuse and I will carry on dividing the country through 'direct action' only more so, until you are on your collective knees begging for mercy."

    Question is, does he still need the reds to accomplish his goal or have they served their purpose?

    The veiled threat about the arms merchants should be highlighted to every living soul in this country. When I first read it I thought he was intimating civil war.

    Every now and then his patience runs thin and he unwittingly declares his true intentions. Scary.

    Maybe He was just having a bad day.

    If that is the case I hope he has many many more.
  8. "If you don't want to reconcile, I don't mind living abroad. But you should think who would benefit from the continuing fight because only arms merchants will become rich."

    The way I read this is as follows:

    Reconcile or fight.

    If you don't reconcile, it's fine with me, I am happy in Dubai.

    If you choose to fight, no-one benefits.

    Does this make me a rouge?

  9. Thaksin continues his habit of paying his political debts with taxpayer's money. Would it surprise anyone if new government positions suddenly need filing, such as 2nd deputy ministers or extra "advisors".

    One thing for sure, before the next election the in-fighting for party list positions and "safe" northern seats will be savage.

    The only thing this government could surprise me with, is if they actually did something for sombody rather than themselves. Government and police in Thailand is walking and talking corruption.The only way you can tell if they lie is if their mouth is moving.
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