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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Insurance companies are the biggest scam artists in the world.

    Not true, I have had BUPA insurance here in Thailand, Platinum coverage for 15 years at least. All my bills have been paid. I recently had complete shoulder reconstruction surgery with 4 titanium implants and paid nothing, approximately 650,000 was the bill. I stayed in a private room. Access was given for an MRI prior to surgery. Insurance companies are piece of mind. But you must read the fine print. The couple said that the insurance company didn't cover an accident on a motorcycle. It matters not who was at fault in this case for their insurance. If they caught the other driver, and if he ever had insurance, it might be a different story. Read the story completely and speak with the brain and not the heart, as my heart goes out to them as well.
    • Like 2
  2. Now it's TRUE's turn. Do you really believe they won't do it to you if they can. You may think this is like children fight, but it is actually about millions of dollars. Who loses? We do!

    By the way after the commercial interuptions during the US Open Golf and now Wimbledon I have cancelled TRUE. It looks like TRUE commercials is showing the sports.

    Just my humble opinion, download what you want from the internet and buy an hdmi cable for your tv. And it is all in FULL HD not what TRUE calls HD.

  3. Why so many negative remarks?

    Why do not we wait and see what will take place?

    Phuket has received a massive blow and uppercut and then a kick to go with it.

    They have taken this very seriously and are starting to act.

    CCTV is a great idea, because it helps to easily identify the perps and is also a great deterring factor.

    The jet ski, without police support are nothing, so this would not be too hard to eradicate.

    Taxi would be little harder due to involvement of some officials, but if they set to loose entire income, perhaps they will be willing to take a "pay cut"

    Really when they do nothing, everyone complains and now they planning to do something and yet again everyone complains.

    Seems just can not win and please some of the posters here.

    Wake up your dreaming.
  4. Totally agree with Theblether.

    Unfortunately it usually takes a tragedy to trigger a review, as in the aviation industry, but this MUST happen. If not, then I am afraid, negligence all round must be considered. What CANNOT happen is to think that this is an isolated incident of bad luck, and continue on without any further thought.

    A full investigation, review of the regulations, amendment of regulations if needed, and implementation of safety improvements needs to happen AS A PRIORITY.

    Also within regulatory framework, provisions need to be in place for enforcement, with appropriate penalties for operators that do not wish to comply. A person getting on a bus is a fare paying passenger, and is entitled to be assured that there is appropriate framework in place for safe travel.

    This will not stop accidents, but all needs to be in place to reduce them. Aircraft still crash, after being subject to some of the strictest regulatory oversight of any industry, however, the industry continually strives for safety improvements and a reduction in accidents/ incidents.

    The road transport Industry could do well to adopt some of the framework in place for aviation, tailored to its needs.

    There have been several bus and mini accidents in the past several months. And what have they triggered? More accidents.


  5. However, he said the budget to buy medical devices had only been cut from Bt3.426 billion to Bt3.425 billion.

    Its absolutely tragic. All the money wasted on downmarket chinese computer tablets, publicity and banqueting, speechwriters, trips abroad, compensation for mismanaged floods, compensation for armed rioters, bail for criminal associates, not to mention all the unoffical 'christmas presents' that PTP have no doubt been handing out in secret behind the scenes, all that money could have been spent on saving poor peoples' lives instead.


    Not to mention straight into politicians pockets.
  6. TRUE visions may be the biggest. But that is now less by one, me. As I have been a TRUE visions subscriber since the very beginning, UBC. I have seen them as they are over the last year. They provide the cheapest programming available and advertise it as the best. Case in point, TRUE visions sports HD. Compare it to TRUE Sport 4. It is the same as far as picture quality goes. And the incessent commercial interuptions, and I am not speaking of the commercials from the channel being broadcast by the orginal programmer like ESPN. They interupted announcers mid sentence and golfers mid swing during the US Open golf. I have found that not watching or reading sports news allows me to watch a day late everything by using my computer with no commercial interuptions. And according to persons on this site, there are many other options available. TRUE does not even service their equipment in a timely manner when you have a problem.

    In all cases where TRUE tries to be the loser in consumer eyes, I believe that competition will cause them to be the loser sooner or later. I look forward to the day that TRUE goes under for lack of scribers.

  7. What a joke! They should really be targeting taxi drivers, bus drivers, BTS operators, and MRT operators who pose a much greater risk while high on drugs, not someone walking the streets at night. Thailand is getting to be more anti-foreigner by the day. That's ok, because we are not stupid and we are looking elsewhere to spend our money.....I'm in the process of moving my money to Viet Namcoffee1.gif

    Why would immigration officers target Thais?

    Good point, Although I would say why not target Thais? That is the principle for me. Surely we are not saying that immigration police only police crimes committed by foreigners !! If an immigration policeman sees a Thai robbing a 7/11 he wouldn't just ignore it because he is immigration police.

    My follow on from that would be why are immigration police going out to check for drugs and not just normal police anyway.

    We all know that Thai's don't do drugs.
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