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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. As a public service I'd like to remind or educate people on what "reconciliation" means to Thaksin and his Red Shirts, it means: we do things our way and you shut up, or else...

    That's the problem. In a country of over 60 million, 1 million or so want everything and everybody else to get nothing.

    You can always tell when Taksin is feeding out B.S. He is either talking or typing. Other than that he is truthful about everything.

  2. I think he is spot on with his comments.... apparently terrorists scoping out places in Pattaya were fined 3000B for a cigarette butt throw down, then got scammed by jetski operators.. picked up by local police for a tea money shakedown, almost run over by the golden man cyclist ( twice) and then mistakenly invited LB's back to their room and the inevitable ensuing cat fight.

    Most places they went they couldn't be understood as everything was in Russian, the gogo's they went into had women even fatter and uglier than the ones they have back home and then to top it off went to the look out above Pattaya and got bitten by the pack of dogs that have taken up residence there.

    In a coded message back to HQ the terrorist claimed Pattaya should be taken off the list as its already hell there .

    Spot on

  3. Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the directive on passport issuance of BE 2548 prohibits issuance of passport to anyone against whom there is an arrest warrant. The Democrats say there are arrest warrants against Thaksin in a terrorism case and five other cases.

    Paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the same directive prohibits the issuing of a passport to a person ordered by the court not to leave the country.

    Good to see the specifics of the law finally laid out during this long-standing issue.

    They seem extremely straight-forward and the actions of Yingluck's government clearly violated them.

    Quite ironically Interesting to see that these rules were signed into effect during the Thaksin regime.

    It's reminiscent of another law he signed into effect regarding the return of royally bestowed medals, which three years after he said he would comply with the law, has failed to do so.


    Rules/Laws are made for the poor and non-politico's in this country. They just do what they want when they want to do it. And if you don't like it leave. Didn't you knw that Thailand is for Thai's?

  4. He appears to have also seen that Yingluck is in no position to bring about an amnesty for him. If and when an opportunity arises to untangle his legal issues, he will have to make a tough decision on whether to keep his sister in the position of prime minister, or to replace her with someone who can resolve the amnesty issue.

    Will Thaksin return?

    Some wonder whether the former Thai PM really needs to come back, as he shows signs of being able to run the government perfectly well from abroad.

    He has a grip over appointments to the cabinet and he sends an incessant stream of advice to ministers and members of parliament.



    The Economist - January 10, 2012


    Taksin by proxy?

  5. Force-closing the venue for 6 months might be the biggest punishment handed out in this case...atleast it will hurt the owner a bit for hiring thugs as staff.

    It's very necessary to have thugs on staff when you're located in an area run by thugs, so many of your customers are thugs etc.

    It's entirely possible in such a high-profile case that something totally different took place and these guys are just being paid well to take the rap and will be free to go once everything dies down. Or not, but for sure no one on the outside can be completely sure of the truth.

    Get a bigger gun. That's so stupid I don't know what to say. No wonder you don't live in your own country. You would be in Jail.

  6. They can consult with the USA, they know how to print money at extreme fast rates. I guess the Thai Baht will race the US $ to the bottom

    Boy you hit the nail on the head with that statement. The baht will get weaker if the BOT is forced to print money. But so will your buying power, so nobody wins. Amazing Thailand, just borrow from the US. They have printed 5 trillion in 3 years and see what it's done for them.

  7. Of course, Thaksin would be under house arrest at home with telephones, computers, all sorts of communication devices and comforts; and also a balcony so he can speak to all of his supporters every day.

    He would pay the Police to let him sneak out in a car to meet people "secretly". At least Sanoh realizes that Thaksin can't come back without going to prison or else all Hell will be let loose.

    The rich help the rich. That's the way it is everywhere. No matter the promises, she hand his cronies have already gotten what they wanted. If they can get more, what the hell!

  8. The NACC said that he shouldn't be charged. But a political party has reached a consensus that he should be. Is Yongyuth the prosecutor? Does that mean that Apirak has been charged, or are the PTP going to instruct the someone else to charge him.

    Yuttapong added that former Bangkok Governor Apiruk Kosayothin may claim in the Supreme Court that he is innocent of graft and blasted the Pheu Thai government instead.

    Did Yuttapong [a Pheu Thai MP] blast the Pheu Thai government?

    It was the governments fault. Wrong priorities. And this guy was no more incompetent than the present government.

  9. Which leads to the conclusion that the Thai electorate prefer the Shinawatras to the alternative. Even if (as some assert) she is an airhead, who can't speak coherently, won't engage Abhisit in a TV debate, trawl this forum for all the other claims.....

    Doesn't say much about the alternative!

    Listen to both of you. This is no more a democracy than North Korea. She is an Airhead. And the flood would have been much less if they started to do the necessary when Chaing Mai flooded instead of worrying about big brothers passport. The flood was a PTP screw up because they started to think about the Thai people too late. I believe that getting Taksin back is the only thing we may see from this government that was promised in the campaign. Yingluck may have never said it but plenty of the now cabinet members did.

  10. Drugs and Music?

    Rolling Stones


    David Bowie

    Elvis Presley

    Elton John

    etc etc etc

    And if they didn't die first they are all better sober than messed up on drugs. Other not straight bands like Rush and Areosmith know about being straight as well. You don't have to get high or drunk to write good/great music.

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