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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Thailand is a great place to come.

    1. Doi Sutep Temple--Chang Mai

    2. Night Bazaar--Chang Mai

    3. Best golf in this half of the world--anywhere you choose to go.

    4. Bridge over the River Kwai--Kanchataburi

    5. Beautiful gardens and water parks--in the Chonburi area

    6. Islands, Koh Chang, Ko samui, Koh Samet just to name a few.

    7. Great fresh water fishing--south of Hua Hin--Google it

    8. Auyuttaya, the old city. Internation touist attraction--North of Bangkok

    Not to mention this is a beautiful country with hundreds of full service resorts for half the price of Europe. And anytime after Sonkran, now until the 19th you will miss it in all areas, it's off season prices..

    Somebody will find something wrong with all the places I have mentioned. But that is just the class of people from other countries. 89% drunks and 10% working here and 1% of us that have been here and are staying here and will die here.

    Did you read the post about the bars closing for 3 days in respect of the death of the Royal Princess? You would think a nuclear blast went off the way people were talking. 3 whole days, no booze in a bar, what a tragedy.

    • Like 1
  2. Just go anywhere you want to.

    Why be scared, it could happen anywhere including your own country?

    America - school killings

    Norway - bombs shootings

    just examples.

    and so Chevron moved all their offices from Sonkla to just outside Hua Hin just because. It didn't have anything toi do with the violence in the south? I happen to know better.

  3. "Red shirts are paying about Bt7,000 each to get close to Thaksin, albeit briefly"

    Obviously an anti-Thaksin article, reiterating all the Thaksin Opposition paranoia. But let me correct one specific fact. Perhaps some arrangements are paying the above noted 7,000 Baht. Locals however, have filled three busses and are paying 400. baht. which is most likely close to the norm elsewhere. Also as mentioned before, a case could be made that Thaksin is the minor reason for this journey, whilst the major reason is that it provides an opportunity for both camaradery and to see Angkor Wat at a very low cost. My interest is in seeing Angkor Wat.

    I have just heard from an informed source that about 5'000 yellow shirts are going, mascaraing as red shirts just to throw eggs at Taksin with the aim of creating the worlds biggest human omelet

    So Calgaryll bring your eggs and be part of something historic.

    As for seeing Angkok at a low price - you cheap so and so . Imagine if foreigners came here on the cheap for a holiday - "Falang Kee Nok Mak"

    I hope this is true about the Yellow Shirts. But it's probably just comedy.

    A foreigner going to Ankgor for 400 baht because it's cheap makes him the same kind of guy who spends 5000 baht in a bar and leaves a 20 baht tip. There are plenty of Brits here that do that.

  4. 3 days without booze. It will do all us drunks good. I think it's funny that the date are the same as Sonkran for a couple of areas including the big one. Planning is not a strong suit here.

  5. Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

    Maybe just infected people transit?

    Koh Payam, a beautiful island is also infected......


    Do you have any further info on how it's affecting Ko Payam, Have been there many times and have friends on the island

    No not real, 2 years ago I was there and a guy told he got it, but his friend pointed out, that he always smoke marihuana in the jungle with the Myarmanese (spelling) labor and than sleep somewhere in the jungle where the mosquito feed on him.

    On the clinic there they had a ready simple test.

    My guide book also told that there might be Malaria.

    I wouldn't be so sure if that guy told the true as he was a bit of an idiot.

    People from Myanmar come and go. And the Sea Gypsies village doesn't look too good.

    I didn't hear anything from anyone else there.

    My opinion: Some rare cases are happening, but not many.....But still scary.

    I hope you are not one of the "Rare Cases".

  6. Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

    Plasmodium falciparum is transmitted by mosquito, not people. A mosquito has to bite a person with Malaria and then bite you. Humans can not get Malaria from other humans. You should read up on this as you clearly don't have a clue and Plasmodium falciparum kills in 4 to 6 days and it is painful. I personnaly know several people that have had it. Please pull your head out of the sand.

    Are you saying people with malaria are immediately immobile? I see nothing wrong with that post except that we cannot know the answer. Malaria can travel in humans and mosquitoes I would say. True, new cases must have been bitten by a mosquito that has bitten an infected human – or some other mammal that has it in his blood? You are right there cannot be any other way than a bite, but the infected human could have flown in a plane further than a mosquito without a ticket. The spraying of insecticide in planes coming from that direction should also be started immediately.

    Four to six days is very fast, I did not realise it was so lethal. It could take that long to know what disease a person has?

    This is not entirely a joke, - but is gin not any use now?

    One person I know got off his plane from Africa and went straight to the hospital in Canada. That was the first day of his 9 day stay in the hospital. It was a 30 hour plane ride with the layover in Paris for him. This is no joke. If you don't believe me then look it up. Everyone you know needs to know. This is just like being aware of Dengue Fever

  7. Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

    Plasmodium falciparum is a different strain of Malaria. Thailand have not been Malaria free since I got here in 1987, probably years and years before but I know 25 years. But Plasmodium falciparum was less that 1% of people bitten in Thailand until now. Malaria is transmitted by mosquito's, NOT PEOPLE.

  8. Very troubling. Dengue is already pandemic here.

    This is Fulciparium malaria note.

    Funny, when I meet all these (stupid) European hippy types young and old in the islands and they pull out their citronella and all sorts of non-deet concoctions. I always tell them I prefer to put poison on my body, greatly outweighs the risk of severe illness from Dengue or death from Malaria. They laugh...hah hah.

    Give me the 95% DEET every time!

    Basically same article from AFP:


    A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν pan "all" + δῆμος demos "people") is an epidemic of infectious disease that is spreading through human populations across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or even worldwide. A widespread endemic disease that is stable in terms of how many people are getting sick from it is not a pandemic. Further, flu pandemics generally exclude recurrences of seasonal flu. Throughout history there have been a number of pandemics, such as smallpox and tuberculosis. More recent pandemics include the HIV pandemic and the H1n1 pandemic.

    I don't think dengue applies as a pandemic. But I'm sure you scared somebody that is not knowledgeable about such things.

    • Like 1
  9. Plasmodium falciparum is preventable with Larium tablets once a week, There is a daily tablet that you can get outside of Asia. They stopped making it here when the counterfits would not work. Some antibiotics give daily protection as well, but you should check which one.

    I know this because I work in Africa and the company compells us to take something and then urine tests us to make sure we comply. Plasmodium falciparum is deadly and starts with flu symptoms. See a doctor, don't wait.

  10. A comparative study between Democratically elected Govts. would be more informative.

    Considering that a military, coup installed Govt. owes its' allegiance to those who positioned them, their priorities would reflect it.

    Whereas the current Ms. Y. Govt owes its' allegiance to the electorate. Her policies would reflect that electorate, as would other previous Govts. who came to power the same, democratic way.

    Alternatively, it would be interesting to compare Thai Govts which were elected, vs. those who were 'coup'ed" into place.

    You are new here aren't you. To much res shirt nonsense.

    Check the facts who did the army turn the power over to when they stepped out?

    He;s right, check the facts. Hopefully prior to posting

  11. 'To build awareness, the network has set up its own watchdog project to recruit volunteers to help the anti-graft network and monitor any corrupt activities, focusing on the government's spending on flood prevention and rehabilitation'

    In order for this private network to force this through, they must get the thai voters to take to the capital. in order to get them there, they will need buses, water and food. In order to get the thai voters to do this, they must pay them. (graft)

    In order to get this agreement endorsed by the government, there must be a referendum. The thai people will need to vote. in order to get the thai electorate to vote for this forward thinking idea they must buy their vote. (graft) so the private sector must use graft to get the voters to vote against graft.

    to just suggest to the thai voters that this would be the best thing for thailand and all the thai people is pointless. you will still get the comments from the thai voters, "whats in it for me TODAY. when will I get some Money." no long term thinking for the betterment of the nation, just today,today,now, ME.


    you got that right

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