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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Worst flooding in decades, tourism down to a trickle, major foreign companies pulling out of Thailand, many people struggling to make ends meet and whats the number one priority for the new government, bring back Thaksin. So say they get their wish, what next? Will they actually start to work on helping the people who voted them in or will they continue helping the Thaksin family?

    Sick isn't it?

  2. For a government that promised transparency, we have a secret inner-circle-only Cabinet meetings discussing royal pardons... and now the clandestine opening of closed government offices to secretly issue passports and scribble out blacklists... on Halloween, appropriately enough.

    Shadowy comings and goings of a Foreign Minister flying overseas to secretly meet with fugitive relatives...

    The Yingluck government reads like a cheap dime novel.

    Transparency, what transparency. They make up the rules as they go along. And the people seem to love them for it because it will get Taksin back. What a crock.

  3. "Let me go to the meeting first," she said before chairing a special Cabinet meeting

    "Let's talk about it later," she told reporters after the meeting


    She's tenacious with her evasiveness.


    'Quick, where's my excuse helicopter, so I can't discuss my Cabinet-reshuffle, which isn't happening, erm ... where did I put the list of instructions on what changes he's decided ?' :rolleyes:

    One can only have sympathy for poor PM-Yingluck, as the steady flow of supplicants demonstrates, where power really resides. :(

    SArcasm--Do you know where synpathy is in the dictionary?

  4. Pheu Thai Party list MP Prakiat Nasimma said the Yingluck Shinawatra government is totally impotent in solving political and economic problems, as well as the flood crisis even though has the power and public support.

    He added that this is because the true commanding authority belongs to a person outside the Cabinet, whose main objective is focused on amending the Constitution and securing a royal pardon.


    Prakiat deserves a new medal for that.

    What I noticed was how short his nose is

    While most other MPS in the present government seem to have very long noses

    But wow the PM has a wopper

    Will the people on this site understand you sarcasm? I doubt it.

  5. You forgot London City and Luton- If London can support LHR/STN/LCY/LGW/LTN business is business more is better in my opinion

    There's also Saaaafend and Biggin Hill which also handles London flights.

    No major city in the world can operate on one airport, impossible. The idea of Don Muang should be to house the likes of Air Asia, Nok Air etc. similar to Stansted in London.

    It's not rocket surgery..!!!


    While it may not be rocket surgery, take a look at things from the Asian perspective.

    10 largest cities in Asia: Tokyo, Shanghai, Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Guangzhou, Beijing, Jakarta, Karachi, Kolkata, and throw in KL as a regional similarity for BKK. How many have more than 1 commercial passenger airport?

    Answer is 2, Tokyo & Shanghai (KL has Subang but now only flying Berjaya and the remnants of Firefly, both very small turbo prop operators, and hated by the local residents)

    In many western countries there are multiple airports serving major cities, London, Paris, New York, but even in the west purpose built major airport complexes become sole providers eg Schipol, Frankfurt (excluding the misnamed Frankfurt-Hahn, 120 kms away and beloved by Ryanair), Denver, and Madrid Barajas. Places like London and NY have multiple airports due to their historical legacy and the planning restrictions they now face. Examples such as Atlanta and Detroit also undermine the big city/multiple airports answer.

    It makes huge sense to have airlines in a single location. Hubs need feeder routes and a LCC terminal at BKK similar to KUL would be the best of all world's for both airlines and passengers.

    Don Mueang pre-floods was only significant for Thai Orient and Nok Air. With the latter being brought tighter under Thai's wing, this might be the perfect opportunity for Thai to bring all its brands under 1 roof, especially once Thai Smile launches.

    So Don Mueang reverts to being a cargo hub, RTAF station and an emergency alternative for BKK. Not such a bad option.

    You observation is totally logical. Maybe to logical for this group.

  6. "We are ready to help the Thai government with airport development if they ask for it.

    "We have special experts on airport development as well as renovation," he said.

    But not as many as are on Thai Visa.

    YOu sarcism is well taken. Experts come out of the woodwork here. Everything from insects to solar flares. And the flaming is almost intolerable. Every bodies right and never wrong on this site.

  7. Quick question....the minimum wage hike...how much of a hike was that as a percentage?

    It does not seem like much if you just say the workers will get an extra $1.50 per day. But if the hike as a percentage is substantial it could have a serious impact on a business. A 25% hike in Labour Cost would be substantial.

    A 25% increase in the cost of Labor to this country only means 2 things to me. Unemployment and Inflation.

  8. Some interesting facts about Sanyo on this site.


    It's too early to say but what are the knock on effects of this news, what are the companies who manufacture consumer products using components made by Sanyo going to do?

    Good question!! There is a residual fallout in the supply chain, distributors, suppliers, shippers..etc. Somboon from the institute also mentions Maxon. How many others does he know about that he is not saying? Why is Somboon, from the Electronics Institute, the only one the reporter is talking to? What about the Thai director who supposedly took out the 51%? Where is he/she? The reporter should be tracking him/her down for comments on the situation? What about seeking out any of the other Thai 51% partners in other companies? When will we hear about any of them? Secrecy, opaque operations.

    Foreign companies set up under the Board of investment (BOI) are exempt from the rules restricting foreign ownership, depending on location and business type. Bang goes your little secrecy conspiracy.

    The point was who is in charge? Who are the Thai directors, why are they always a secret? Why isn't the reporter talking to them? Wake up and read the point correctly.

    The point of keeping secrets is, to have something no one else has. This allows him or her to to keep Their jobs. It is an endless chain of people in every aspect of society.

  9. If there's a shortage of labour then there should be no need to raise the minimum wage, market forces would take care of that, and if you can't make (or sell) semi-conductors (needing at least some decree of skill) using labour that costs as little as 300 baht a day then you should perhaps quit.

    Raising the minimum wage was a promise made prior to the election of the PTP. And so prior to the flood. And so prior to the poor water management by the PTP. Poor water management is believed to have worsened the timing and amount of water from the flood. Which was caused by the PTP working on other issues and not paying attention to how much water there really was.

  10. The major needs to be assigned to a smaller island with no contact with the outside world. Dick Tracy he is not. The murder victims cannot hang around and give evidence, so few convictions on this score also.

    They must look long and hard to find this type of officer to promote and give a little authority.

    I think here the job goes to the highest bidder.

    Phuket, Pattaya and Chaing Mai are all rumored to have BIB that have paid the authorities to work in those areas. More falangs, more money for the BIB.

  11. First mistake is to rent anything from a Thai person in Pattaya. Pattaya Police are rumored to pay for their job in Pattaya because of this kind of thing involving payoffs to the police. The BIB here will take money from you for not wearing a helmet on your motorcycle, and then drive away on their motorcycle without a helmet on. A badge in this place is just a license to steal. I live 2 "villages" north, about 20 kilometers, and the police are actually helpful, considerate, and lead by example most of the time.

  12. Did you ever stop to think it might be THAILAND that is losing its Appeal? One poster mentioned "slimy Phuket" another Nana before the prices and pressure raised its ugl head - Pattaya do you need any further hint when at least half the establishments are empty. As usual Thailand is the last to wake up Tourists like the frivolity, the mystique, etc they do not want the Scams, the Hassle, the one sided BiB - they are a moving to brighter and cheaper shores. (Sorry I forgot the most important SAFER)

    I think your spot on with that comment.

  13. A hot spot for the sex trade?

    " "It was a "must see" part of the Bangkok culture for visitors to Thailand." <deleted>........

    The seady side of Thailand is a must see for visitors...... Isn't prostitution ilegal in Thailand? This article seems to be promoting the ilegal activity. Come to Thailand and visit our bargirls. Nope I think the Dancing man option is a better idea promoting the real cultural heart of Thailand.

    Wake up, American and European bands have sung songs about Bangkok and Patpong Road for more than 25 years. It is what it is, or apparently, it was what it was.

  14. From the O/P

    The prosecutor earlier charged Mr Arisman with terrorism-related charges, along with another 18 Red Shirt leaders, including fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, for instigating the crowd to move towards chaos and violence to topple the then Abhisit Vejjajiva government during Feb-May, 2010.
    Among the five charges he faces are: trespassing into the Parliament without permission; disarming and taking into possession firearms from soldiers; and using a gun to force a police officer to obey his order.
    Arisman insisted yesterday that he was in fact a "gentle" person. He added that he might not stay in Thailand on a permanent basis as "life is no longer the same" with some people wanting to abduct and kill him.

    Gentle people don't hold police officers at gunpoint and force them to obey their orders. Gentle people don't storm into buildings holding people as hostage, not even for a second. Gentle people don't instigate violence through their speeches; petrol anyone?

    The other online news reports Korkaew and the reds wailing and bemoaning about Arisman being jailed. Given his violent nature and Arisman all but admitting he is a genuine flight risk, "He added that he might not stay in Thailand on a permanent basis," it's obvious that this whole thing is still an "us versus them", and not about justice or reconciliation.

    Yeah right, GENTLE until he has a GUN. Then lookout

  15. WOW, and they did all this for 200THB to buy snacks !, and also during the day, is anywhere safe in Thailand now !

    Don't judge all of Thailand by what happens in Phuket...and to be fair, don't judge all of phuket from the actions of a few...although it does seem more and more that the thugs are multiplying and are in firm control of phuket and have no fear of the local govt or law. When the kids see the taxi mafia do as they dam_n well please with zero repercussions year after year, story after story it likely emboldens them to think why not?

    Phuket is a beautiful island that has made just about every wrong decision possible over the past ten years or so.....of course the tourists right now still pour in there and they think it will always continue. But today with the internet stories like this fly around the world in minutes and are picked up by all sorts of travel sites that potential tourist may well visit...eventually it will take it's toll and the quality and quantitity of toursist will decline. Frankly i feel safer in Pattaya than in Phuket and for anyone who has ever lived in Pattaya you know that it isn't exactly the home of the upper crust.

    I know a number of people that have had business in Phuket for at least seven years and they are upping sticks and moving to Pattaya...the three reasons, expensive, less and less tourists every year and crime issues......Pattaya on the other hand has reversed, more tourists, less crime..expense no increase...Something needs to be done soon!!!

    I have lived in Pattaya for 24 years and never seen what I have read about Phuket just in the last year.

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