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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Thaksin's claim in an address that national police chief General Priewpan Damapong had sent him a bulletproof vest.

    A brother-in-law protecting family members is not unusual.

    Thaksin sang the song "Let It Be" and told the media the mother of Kamolgade Akkahad - who was among the 91 who died in the political turmoil of 2010 - should accept amnesty and sacrifice.

    Afterall, Kamolgade's sacrifice pales in comparison to Thaksin's.


    Another Rich Red looking for more money.

  2. The initiative is viewed as being beneficial ......for the sake of public safety......

    Oh gosh, it took me five minutes to pick myself up off the floor from laughing so hard...for sake of public safety the govt says...I'm sure this restriction on the import of used vehicles will make a major reduction in all the dangerously maintained and loaded vehicles on Thailand's roads everyday. Oh gosh, excuse me, I'm falling to the floor again in laughter....cheesy.gif

    This is for the sake of the government. Just like rverything else since July. And they call this a democratic society. That's what I'm laughing at.

  3. motorcycles, sedans, pick-ups and vehicles that carry more than seven passengers.

    So what else is left? Is Thailand the only country in the world with such a bizar law ?

    I am missing something here, the Gov claims that Thailand is going to be the Detroit of Asia car manufacturing. Take that with a grain of salt. But, it is true that many cars are manufactured in Thailand and sold domestically. so why are used cars here so dam_n expensive, I mean crap boxes.

    Old clapped out junk that you could easy buy for $500-$1000 in USA, Australia or Europe you have to pay $6000+ in Thailand.

    Totally agree with this quote.

  4. "Such a pay hike in one stage would require Bt50 billion annually and affect the salary scales of private businesses, he said".


    We knew that when they said it in June. It can't be done with both inflation (the ones that got the raise), and deflation, (the ones that didn't). Because if you got the raise you got a job and probably cost 3 people their jobs. These 3 are in the unemployment line.

  5. "This marks a fall of five places as the Kingdom received deteriorating scores for political risk after the election of Yingluck Shinawatra as prime minister last July"

    Quickly slip in some agenda here. Maybe no-one will notice.....why not!

    Never mind that the 15 variable risks have no correlation to political risk and Ms. Y......... Would the coup installed electoral minority Govt. of Mr. Abhisit - the unelected chosen one - have done better........... Considering the slippery political slope he was on, I somehow don't think so. I would suggest that the electoral 'righting of the good ship politics in Thailand" probably prevented a slide greater than this one of five places. At least the political instability problem has been fixed.

    fixed, by who?

  6. Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane.

    I recall something to do with a fire on a plane he was to board and i recall the whole episode being full of inconclusive evidence about what it was and who was behind it. Perhaps you know otherwise?

    Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated.

    I don't doubt some would like to see him assassinated - families of all those who lost innocent loved ones in his war on drugs i'm sure could be forgiven for having those types of thoughts - but were he my hero of the people, as he clearly is yours, i would feel a little disappointed in his inability to muster the courage, what with all his personal security, to travel in a more down-to-earth manner befitting of his claim to be at one with the down-trodden.

    He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

    He dismantled democracy when he was in power, starting with his assets declaration nonsense, and in the end got kicked out by a coup. In a properly functioning democracy in which having popularity at the polls still doesn't allow you to break the law, he would have been kicked out too, just by more sophisticated means, such as impeachment.

    If he really is your hero, i suggest touching bases with member cagaryll. You and he have much gushing to share.

    Sir, I personally think that I have never seen anything that resembles a democracy here. Now with the short time I have been here, 25 years, I have followed coups, bribes with centimenter of the polling station, killing students in the streets, to the PM cooking on TV. But never a democracy. You sent the best you ever had away for this Person. Now sign up and live with it. You took the bribe money. Chuan diid noit have any bribe money. He even drove his own car, a Toyota to work to ensure that everybody got their piece. Now all the pieces are his, THE BIG T

  7. If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

    Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

    If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

    What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

    I think your pathetic attempt to twist the post is bizzarre. It's a fact that failing to bring Thaksin to justice has already cost many lives. Anyone who can't see that is just flat out stupid.

    Some of the most corrupt Roman emperors were the greatest. The Western way is to think in absolute terms black/white and good/bad. It is better to look at the sum total of deeds and then judge his life. He most certainly did err. One must look at the big picture and see what he and his red shirt supporters achieved. A real democracy immune from coups but not without great loss of life. Sadly the rich elite (Yellow dictatorship brigade) do not hand social equality and rights on a silver platter. History has shown this again and again. Only time will tell if the incumbent government delivers a better society as sadly so many revolutions end up with people living with lower standards of living in contrast to what was promised. Fairer wealth distribution should be the aim. Better lives and enough food on the table for families. Seems like the elite were taking to much of the pie which was why this revolution came about. But if we compare it to Laos, Cambodia or Burma Thailand was light years ahead before Taksin.

    I love these history guys that try and make every thing perfect for everybody.

    I'm all up for either leaving or getting rid of him. If the Big T comes back I will voluntarily leave. For me I like to see him..................................................................................

  8. "Thaksin urged all sides to let bygones be bygones and work together to bring peace back to the restless region."


    The underlying message in that is let bygones be bygones and bring me back to a restless country, so I can fix it.

    The country wouldn't be so restless if you Mr T, as exiled, would stop interferring in matters that a 'simple unemployed man' is not permitted to do.

    "Not permitted" by who? He is the defacto head of government, holds nearly all the effective power in the current situtation, and will do as he likes. Far more actual damage to the country, particularly its all-important international reputation has been done by the opposition over the past few years.

    What will it take for the usual suspects to agree that Big T is a self-serving megomaniac, does he have to personally shoot someone in public. Nah they would believe his denial

    Of course he is, but only in the same way the average western large-corp CEO is. IMO far more harm is being done to the future of Thailand by continuing the conflict and preventing his pardon and return. He bought the government fair and square, and it just isn't efficient for him to have to run everything by remote control from Dubai.

    It's well worth considering that Mr Abhisit doesn't have cronies buy his votes all the way from Korat to Nong Khai also.

    The number of votes for Thaksin may well have out-weighed those of Abhisit, but when one considers the true validity of 'unbought' villagers' votes, then in a fair duel Mr Abhisit would win hands down, in any true and unbent voting environment.

    Hogwash. Buying votes is how democracy operates here, just as with unrestricted spending by dark forces in the US.

    Abhisit himself aside, the opposition certainly did its share of vote-buying in contested districts. However no amount of money would have helped in the many many areas where Thaksin's support is strongest, and in those areas neither party bothered.

    Buying votes is not a democracy. Look it up if you think I'm wrong.

    I guess you'll be RED when the civil was breaks out!

    • Like 1
  9. The government tells us exactly what they want us to hear. The only time you can tell when this government is trying to cover something up is when their mouths are moving. Of course some things go up in price and others go down in price. My suggestion would be to be you own buyer and price checker of everything. Check prices and buy what is necessary. Seems simple, but this government wants us to think they are smarter than all of us. When in reality they are the same crooks elected in July last year. Most people in this country that can read this would consider it, NO NEWS AT ALL. Seems to be the way of things on Thai Visa lately.

  10. Meab (#23 above) questioned the info. that 400.00 baht is insufficient for Angkor Wat....... I know it is what they pay for the bus there and back...... I checked my source and learned that Red Shirts have free access to Angkor Wat that day, hence the total cost remains at 400.00 baht, other than food....................... At the border things have also been streamlined....................... Authorities have already been provided names of passengers according to specific busses.

    For the criminal that is the brother of the Prime Minister. Miracle Thailand, what can you say.

  11. I'm debating what's more pathetic, Thaksin's ego trip, the Red Masses groveling at the crook's feet or the pretense that going to see Thaksin... has nothing to do with Thaksin.

    CalgaryII, I suppose that while the Red Shirts are in Cambodia they will protest against Hun Sen, right? I mean, he came to power through a coup decades ago and had a bunch of people tortured and killed.

    No? Tap tap... hello, is this on?

    what really baffles me is how abhisit and hun sen never became bosom buddy's

    Abhisit has a brain that thinks about the people of Thailand. The other party, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  12. No one is saying don't come or it's "most dangerous" or anything of the sort - although I would stay out of Pattaya and personally - Phuket.

    In twenty years of traveling Asia I have never stepped foot in Phuket. Missed Pi-Pi decades ago and post-tsunami. I've missed the Similans and a few other islands. But I have no interest in paying those stupid prices. Identical experiences can be had in other provs at half the price and 20% of the stupid tourists.

    The Similans are rated one of the top 3 dives in the world. Try diving the Red Sea for what is costs there. By the way, the Red Sea is rated the ultimate best dive in the world. I have been to both. Cost wise the Similans are much better.

    I have lived in the Pattaya area, 23 kilos north, and only shope there. Downtown at night is unique. Remember the person telling you not to go has never been. Where does he get his info, in a bar?

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