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Everything posted by jvs

  1. Looks like there is more to this story,she has not been really nice either. Still no reason to beat her,people need to learn to walk away. Both men and women.
  2. Went to Ford to have the truck serviced already and will be cleaning the pigeon coop later today. Always something to do in the garden also and usually tinkering in the shop a bit.
  3. Getting the photo can get you into a lot of trouble!
  4. He picks the wrong person he will get kicks! Drop him off at a local Thai boxing school ,he can try to do all the beating he wants. The idiot!
  5. What do you mean by people like me? I was just posting my thoughts and you know nothing about me. I realize you are the go to man about taxes but i will just wait and see what will happen. I already pay tax in my home country and if i have to submit some kind of form here i will of course. My visa does not expire in the beginning of the year so i will have time to read the stories that i am sure will be reported on this forum. I have been thinking about this for a bit and i wonder what will happen to the people who use an agent to make their visa. Some of them are not able to prove they have income or where it comes from. How are they able to obtain their next visa?Will the agents also be able to fix that? Any ideas on this?
  6. Yes it shows an alliance but that is nothing new ,it has happened in the past a lot also. Former presidents showing their support for the candidate with the same point of view more or less.
  7. Like i said,wait and see. We live in the land of flip flops.
  8. You may be right of course,on the other hand i really worry about the amount of trolls on this forum and i wonder why the mods not remove them. Oh yes i forgot,every click is money in the bank.
  9. So much information and so much misinformation. I am not going to do anything or worry about anything until i receive something official from the Thai government. Nobody really knows what is going on,i am not wasting my time reading all of the numerous posts already on this forum Wait and see.
  10. Don't worry ,they will be the ones in charge of organizing it.
  11. You better believe he has people behind him and he has back ups for all of his evidence. Asian journalist against corruption ,the tide is slowly turning .
  12. Could it have anything to do with cleaner air than in the north? Pay attention government.
  13. Again Bob?What happened the last time?
  14. 6 dollars for gas at the pump and Biden will not be reelected.That is why.
  15. I am basically using edibles every night to help me sleep and i kind of like the buzz it gives me, a happy feeling for me. I was given some gummies a few weeks ago and was told they were really strong and to not take more than a half. I took half and waited,nothing,took the other half,nothing. Ate the other 3 also and no effect at all for me. Was hoping for some gummies that would be strong but i need a lot stronger. Our own chocolate mix with Cannabis powder we make is strong enough but i do not like the taste,it is very bitter. Maybe try to male cookies next time.
  16. Yes true,i remember the US asking Zelensky if he needed a flight out of the country. His response?"I don't need a ride,i need ammo!""
  17. I do not recall ever having seen a jukebox in Thailand but maybe i do not get out enough.
  18. Have you been to Pa Mak? Not really far from PKK and a very nice place to visit but do not go in the weekend,people are starting to go there more and more. I really like to camp there and there is a great coffeeshop with nice views. Also a paid camping not far away and great food and coffee there also.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0A2fph0pUQ
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