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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Right on cue there's the plea for an extension although this time ' kindly ' is included.

    Of course it's never the fault of LoS, as with the air safety issue, what's wrong with doing nothing until threatened with a ban then spring into action and ask for more time. People really need to understand.

    There are only three ways to make anything happen in LOS: use one of three levers. "Face", money and a whip.

    Thais are obsessed by the first two, and realise that elsewhere laws count. It's a bit like training a dog. Give them food or stroke them behind the ears, and as a last resort the whip.

    I think western governments have finally caught on. Morality simply does not work here!

  2. Every time It's at night when their either asleep at the wheel or driving too fast when you can't see 200 yards in front of you because the lighting so bad. Refuse now to drive on highways at night because there's so many idiots.

    Not making excuses for any poor or reckless driving, but your point about lighting is very valid. Take Petchkasem road southbound as an example. Once you get past the first Chaam/Hua Hin exit, it turns into a poorly maintained dual carriage way with little to no street lighting which runs like this for about 300 km, until it improves a little bit near Chumphon. This is the main arterial route from Bangkok to Phuket and all in between.

    Driving down there in the day time takes concentration, doing it at night with no street lighting, some trucks with no lights, some lit up like Christmas trees, after a while it almost become hallucinogenic, and gauging distance is extremely difficult.

    You can never stop reckless driving, but you can at least improve aspects of it to make it safer to drive and stop accidents caused by external factors like poor road surface and lack of lighting. For the main road to the south of Thailand, full of heavy goods vehicles it really should be improved. This is just one example of an area like this.

    Gauging distance is difficult because you only have one red eye. Oz has thousands of km of poorly maintained dual carriageway without street lighting - we manage.

    You have obviously never driven in Thailand. There is a reason there are so many accidents and deaths, and it is not all down to reckless and poor driving, some of it should be attributed to the conditions of the road surfaces, lighting etc.

    Rubbish! You never drive faster than conditions permit. If the road surface, lighting or weather conditions are bad then you go slow. This driver according to witnesses hit the Brio at speed. You can't blame it on brakes... These trucks have gears to slow them down as well.

    + 1

    maybe its a genetic problem

  3. Thailand's legal system is a complete farce. They create laws pretending they are a 1st world country, but have a completely inept/corrupt police and judicial system, more akin to a 3rd world country like Zimbabwe.

    The only law that is systematically enforced is section 112; the you-know-what law.

    I feel sorry for these guys. Most probably trod on someones toes and didn't pay the tea money in time.

    Sad...............Actually, I feel sorry for Thais to have to be subjected to this system.

  4. How hard is it to monitor independently the parameters of each and every registered commercial flight?

    How hard is it to disable the pilots ability to go into a catastrophic mode and override 'damaging commands'?

    How hard is it to use satellite facilities for monitoring 'suspect' objects like a plane going into a potentially catastrophic mode?

    On an International level of-course.

    Note: I am flying in a couple of days (true). I do not want my crew represented by drunk Ukrainians, depressed Germans, suicidal Japanese, over-religious Muslims or disappearing Malaysians (joking). tongue.png

    Obviously, then, you will fly on TG. Thais are after all well known for scrupulous honesty, safety consciousness, attention to detail and high education standards.

    Corruption in procurement and promotion is completely unheard of here. Standards are rigourously enforced at all times.

    Enjoy your flight!

  5. Safety ... a completely lost concept on Thais.

    Still it doesn't matter those tourists will continue to flock to Thailand to risk their lives at the hands of people who couldn't care less providing the money keeps on flowing. As normal you won't get any follow ups on this 'accident' as it'll be swept under the carpet as quickly as possible without any further ado.

    RIP the poor buggers that thought they were on holiday. I'm amazed the Chinese Gov hasn't acted considering how many of them are killed each year.

    there's loads of them

  6. Agree with advice on sun angles etc.

    There are some good programs available that allow you to walk through your plans and predict sun angles and shadows at any time of the year.

    I would start from there: only other advice is that you make a contract wherein you buy and pay for all materials directly, and watch the bodgers every minute of the day, particularly, be there the day they pour the footings, I repeat........ BE THERE THE DAY THEY POUR THE FOOTINGS!

    Also, check water pipes if under floor: I mean challenge the bodgers and the head bodger if not convinced


    Bodgers repairing cracks due to subsidence as we speak, because I wasn't there to inspect the footings 8 years ago...

  7. There are things I want to say but can't say, comparisons maybe, but won't say.

    15 years is a long time

    Thailand does not seem to have enjoyed the same level of progress...... If it would have had similar enlightened leadership for the last 50 years, it would be by far the biggest economy in SEA.

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