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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. I thought JG's remark was quite witty and if I were Asian I doubt if I would have been offended in anyway whatsoever.

    Having been called a sheepsha**er by many an Englishman in jest I've been around long enough to know there's nothing racist about those type of jibes. It comes with the territory no matter your race or colour.

    No self respecting pom would not have called you a sheepsha**er IN JEST!!!!!!!

  2. here's an idea; terrorists carried a nerve gas such as sarin, which was released near the flight deck, and infiltrated the flight deck first.

    The terrorists also carried an antidote such as atropine, which they disguised as insulin, and with which they injected themselves prior to releasing the sarin.

    With everyone else on board dead or dying, they found a way into the cockpit, turned off any transponders, turned the plane onto a different course, presumably one over deep water such as the indian ocean, stroked their beards and started dreaming about the ten thousand virgins they would meet in heaven.

  3. I am getting so sick of all the posters who say Thaksin's corruption conviction was a travesty of justice. It was a blatant violation of the 97 constitution and Thaksin was warned of this by many people. He elected to ignore them and his wife bought the land anyway with his approval. He felt that hr was above the law, and ad long as hr was PM he was, no one would challenge him. The only travesty of justice was that his wife wasn't convicted also.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I seem to remember Yingluck when she became PM said they would look at his conviction to make see if there were any problems with it.

    Not heard anything since.

    The issue is not secession, it is federalism. In a federation, secession is seldom seriously considered, because states' rights are respected. In Thailand the problem is different. There is a bureaucratic rule from the centre: that is the problem here. Bureaucrats in Bangkok seem to know whats best for people in the far reaches of the kingdom.

  4. Australia manages pretty well with seven federal states, one federal capital and a distant Monarch as head of state

    Thailand would not do worse with devolved powers for Isaan, the North, Central and South and maybe South East, with foreign policy and central government provided by Bangkok.

    Capital and labour would flow to the states with the cleanest government, lowest taxes, and best practices.

    Even small countries such as Switzerland with three languages is a federation. The UK similarly recognises the regional differences between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

    I think its a great idea, worth serious consideration

    You are talking about governmental divisions (provinces/states) within one united country like Australia or Canada. That's fine.

    Thailand with devolved powers with a similar structure to the United Kingdom with Queen Elizabeth as head of state would probably work.

    What the Chiang Mai group want is complete separation from the Kingdom of Thailand with H.M. the King as head of state.

    What they want is their own Republic of Lanna / Isaan with Thaksin as President.

    That is treasonous and is being dealt with by the head of the army.

    I agree that the Lanna proposal is the work off braindead nutcases, and Thailand is certainly not short of that strain. However, I do think a "middle way" solution has merit

  5. The "government" is desperate for money and the Chinese are surely going to drive a hard bargain.

    I would bet that they want this years rice at a good price, and so will most other customers.

    2011 rice will end up as livestock feed, but that will be the next government's pompam.

    Transparency in rice sales is required, in order to speed the end of the Shinokleptocracy

  6. Chalerm says a lot of things that does not happen.

    Even the police had to make special arrangements with the protest leaders to get permission to be able to do what they did yesterday.

    It's just a load of bluster and blow.

    All for show.

    Should only serve to pump the protest numbers back up again.

    From the man who vowed to cut his head off.....

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