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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Right, right. Learn what someone prefers to be called and use it. Otherwise simply refer to someone as, "The gentleman in the white T-shirt," or, "The lady in the purple dress," or, "That bunch of people over there," etc. Learn some manners.

    Anyone who calls me, "farang," I instantly lose all respect for, and instantly forgo giving them any "polite Thai" conversation. I go right into my wild, wild west demeanor, giving them a lesson on what that's all about.

    I really don't care what anybody calls me if they don't know me.

    However, yesterday I was in the park with my wife when we met a young couple we know with their 2 year old son. The couple know my name, know who I am - as in Jin's husband - and we run into them every couple of months and stop to talk.

    The little boy was being a bit shy so dad said to him "Go and say hello to the farang". He could so easily have said "Say hello to ... Martin ... or loong ... or that man ... " or a number of similar descriptions but no, he had to use 'farang'. I'm afraid that, in those circumstances, I view it as similar to saying " ... go play with the dog ...".

    I tried to explain why I found it impolite, in my not-too-good Thai and my wife elaborated a bit but it seemed to go right over his head.

    Dad's a doctor, BTW.

    I have never been bothered by this. I have a mental piggy bank: for every time I am called a "farang", I put a "rice monkey" token in the bank.....and spend it as I see fit

    • Like 1
  2. Phuket Immigration extortion allegations denied
    Phuket Gazette - March 10, 2015 | 05:57 PM
    PHUKET: The Phuket Immigration chief has asked foreigners who believe they have witnessed extortion at the hands of his officers, while applying for address verification letters and other free services, to report such incidents directly to him.


    -- Phuket Gazette 2015-03-10

    250 baht for address verification at Pattaya immigration

  3. How can you seriously put a train doing 300Kph on line 150km long to a holiday resort, The Chinese done it on Tianjin line 120ish ks , but that's from Beijing to an Tianjin which is the 4th biggest city in China,Population 14 million But Bangkok to Pattaya , couple of dozen piss heads and ladyboys. Never happen far too expensive

    Financial viability has never stopped any megaproject in Thailand.

    Viz.. the Hopewell project, the train service Makkasan - Swampy, the expressway to Don Muang, the Bangna - Chonburi elevated expressway, the Government Complex at Chaeng Wattana, and many many others in almost every province.

    The only thing that EVER mattered is that the right pigs have their snout in the trough.


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