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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Thailand needs lots of development. When these guys and gals get of their behind there will be plenty of work. Are they capable of creating their own jobs? Thailand has a long way to go with plenty of opportunities. The money lies in the street.

    It has its advantages... Pretty young female university graduates are accommodating for the price of a fake brand-name handbag. Why do you think Bangkok got an international airport!

  2. Same the world over for most fields of study. parents were wrong to send their kids to university. trade school is a better bet for most

    And at 25 years of age they will have accrued more wealth than the usual university graduate, especially in a country like Australia. Plumbers and electricians do quite well for themselves. Vocational courses are seen only for the poor people, which is pretty sad. Salaries are very low here too.

    Try in Belgium to find a plumper my ant at to wheat about 2 months to get a plumber at home for repair

    well, I assume that english language skills are in short supply in Belgium

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand beach murders: Desperate police DNA test WOMEN and measure footprints in bizarre public investigation

    Thai police this morning DNA tested WOMEN to see if they were involved in the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

    The female bar and restaurant workers were all given a sign to hold with a number and their name on it.

    They were then photographed and forced to have their FOOTPRINTS tested.

    Local staff – women and men – were also given mouth swabs on the beach.

    These were the extraordinary scenes on the island of Koh Tao this morning as police tried to find the killer.

    Just two yards from where the murder weapon – a bloodied garden hoe – was found they lined up dozens of local staff.

    They waited politely to be called and then went back to work in local bars and restaurants as the testing finished.

    Read More: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/thailand-beach-murders-desperate-police-4288032

    --Mirror Online 2014-09-20

    Interesting. Women who deposit semen inside another woman... thats a new one on me! Maybe they were pissed off that their BF wanted a go with a farang woman.

  4. ..............but there certainly was a whiff of corruption when eminent military and police officers bought GT 200 'bomb detectors'. Not surprisingly, as far as I know, the only guy who went to prison was the Irishman who sold them to Thailand's noblest, now doing time in a UK jail, . Maybe the senior officers who approved the purchases, are in the cabinet now, so its OK.

    818 in total were sold to Thailand: I suppose it was all a misunderstanding.......not a hint of corruption....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GT200 provides more info.

    GTG, a pig just flew by.

  5. >>> Avocados grow well in Thailand, as well as many other useful crops, but Thai authorities want rice farmers to grow only rice. Don't even consider any other crop.

    I am always amazed that imported avocados sell for 60 Baht, and Thai ones taste like potatoes. I wonder if a few billion baht of loose change could be spent on breeding a species that gives decent fruit when grown here.. I am certain they would sell................

  6. You see the whole 'bursting into flames' thing here a lot in these accidents. Being trapped, injured and burning to death in flames, not a nice way to go. sad.png

    Sure: a natural and inevitable consequence of diesel vans being converted to run on NGV.

    Diesel and NGV are inherently different in case of a crash.

    I hate to say it, but it seems Thais think its Karma, and saves on fuel as well as cremation costs


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