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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. I think this is a really positive step, and hope that in the future, every passenger van and truck has the devices.

    The only other issue, is to know who is driving at the time and for how long. Technologically, even Thailand could manage that.

    I am sure that driver fatigue is a big issue in many accidents.

    And finally, there is the big issue in which Thailand is proven to be incapable: enforcement of existing laws.

  2. Look at his face: it is the face of a man facing a death sentence.

    And given those circumstances, why would this snake not come out of its hole and spit venom.

    This snake has infested the Thai Parliament for at least 20 years, and probably taught his Eve, Thaksin Shinawatra, to eat from the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil around 17 years ago.

    And Thaksin willingly partook of the delicious fruit, and so was born the Shinawatra clan.

    Everyone knows that this man is now a liability to the Shinawatra's, but we also know he has also got all the dirt.

    Interesting endgame, and BTW if I don't post next week, I'm probably dead, but not by my own hand

    At least come to the Wat, to manifest your opinions

  3. And the really good news is that when Police super intendant/ labour ministry supervisor / wine taster for Thaksin Shinawatra/ panty slave for Yingluck finally does don a moustache and a hat, he will be a dead man.

    I so look forward to that day, because I see a future for my family in Thailand.

    Bring it on Chalerm, you floaty, annoying turd in the toilet.

    Well, its about to be flushed

    • Like 1
  4. i will go left, no I will go right, no i will go left, no I will go right, i will go left, no I will go right, no i will go left, no I will go right,i will go left, no I will go right, no i will go left, no I will go right i will go left, no I will go right, no i will go left, no I will go right, i will go left, no I will go right, no i will go left, no I will go right,i will go left, no I will go right, no i will go left, no I will go right

    Its all in the head movement

    • Like 1
  5. I can't believe that they wouldn't even agree to a reduced bill -- what azzholes!! That is just sleazy and dishonest.

    I hope for their sake they don't try that in bar owned and run by Thais. I am pretty sure that within about 10 seconds after leaving the bar, they would be beaten bloody and the bill plus a generous tip removed from their purses.

    BTW, I am curious about this: "when you are dealing with that demographic it is a good idea to make them pony up every time the bill hits a grand, if not every round" posted by Hoohaa. Which demographic is "that demographic"? -- girls, English people, or English girls?

    The demographic is maybe english girls, <deleted> wider than their shoulders, or maybe not, but egos wider than their brains.

    Personally, I would get cash once in a while. I'm not racist, I would do the same with black, white, yellow customers. I am an equal opportunity cash trader.

  6. Mario: As usual you are the voice of reason, thanks. In one case the woman demanded a high amount (at least 100K) and she had contributed nothing of financial value. When the guy refused she trashed his bike and apt and then physically attacked him. He then went to the tourist police (I took the report for the TP) who tried to negotiate but she wanted the money. The TP then advised them to go to the Royal Police. I think that some Thai women look at sex as a commodity so they performed it say 100x and could have made 1,000B each time so now want the 100K. I'm afraid mine would make very little based on that logic.

    Mario, could we move this to the general forum to get more responses?

    I think you should negotiate a bulk discount for every sex act: At least 50% off as a wholesale discount, and 200 baht/day for food and accommodation, I imagine that 300 baht a shot would be reasonable.

    • Like 1
  7. Poor Yingluck, a fluffy dumb rabbit caught between the interests of family and state. How can an older brother sacrifice this rabbit, his baby sister, using a mangy wolf like Chalerm to do his dirty work.

    I thought Chinese had respect for family!

    << Foreign language removed >>

    • Like 1
  8. "I don't know if there will be extrajudicial killings. I will not be among the arresting officers. But whatever will happen or if there may be loss, people should understand that the police will use their good judgement," Chalerm said.


    I could imagine that Chalerm is himself a good candidate for extra judicial killing, and both reds and protesters would celebrate the demise of this buffoon

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