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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Nothing more than a witch hunt for any high profile supporters of the previously democratically elected government. The Junta will do anything to snuff out democracy and freedom.

    hope not thailand become like the West where the government takes from us all personal freedom, people are being brainwashed home.
    "for your own safety" Usually Means so we can control you.

    well your brain has been washed squeeky clean before you arrived

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  2. Not a chance, but no doubt plenty here will believe its all about cleaning up corruption. giggle.gif

    Its cleaning up corruption and neutering the Shins 2 noble causes. Now if the Shins were to release what they know about corruption of the army we might be getting somewhere. I hate corruption so its good he goes down and would applaud corrupt guys being taken down on the side that i support too.

    Too bad this will probably not happen. The side that is in power usually goes after those that are corrupt on the other side. But at least some get caught.

    "There is none so blind as those who will not see"

    Agree with your sentiment on corruption, but the real story is written between the lines!!coffee1.gif

    I think everything about this whole story must be read between the lines. I think the shins in this case are but a small part of the story

  3. Sometimes it seems their right hand thinks they are wa*king and the left hand thinks they are pis*ing.

    Congratulations that he can say it with a straight face though!

    That in itself speaks volumes about the quality of the delusional leadership here. Maybe he actually believes it, which is very worrying.

    It will not happen in my childrens' lifetime.

    On second thoughts, he has the inkling of a smile, and a nice little bow tie: maybe he has ambitions to be a clown.


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  4. Any suggestions of where else to go for holiday because I'm getting less keen to go back to Thailand every day - it could be me banged up for something I didn't do too

    Today Cambodia.. if you wait a while, Myanmar will piss all over Thailand as a tourist destination.

    Som nam na Thailand: nice little goose that laid golden eggs until your greed and corruption tempted you to eat it. I hope you enjoyed your little feast..555

    • Like 2
  5. Perhaps the UK Government should just do their own analysis on any samples recovered and fully publish them online for future verification by anyone who cares to do so.

    For example the parents / siblings of the accused will show familial matches with the evidence assuming they are guilty.

    This won't go away, proof of innocence would be just as damning as proof of guilt.

    I suspect the Burmese and British governments will be setting this up right now if they care at all about this case.

    There's nothing the Thai's could do to prevent this or meddle with it in any way.

    All of us here with any experience of the Thai police know that they are venal beyond measure: most of us have been extorted to pay bribes for spurious traffic offences, knowing full well that a part is passed up to a police generals bank account ( note: a chief of police with nearly a billion baht of family assets , anyone?}

    The criminal justice system in Thailand is beyond a joke, and it behoves the British representation here to conduct heir own investigation.

    Britain's values include fairness and justice for all, certainly very different to Thailand values. F....k the quick baht and the trade deals. Leave that level of diplomacy to Thailand. Take the moral high ground and investigate this by British police.

    • Like 1
  6. Perhaps the UK Government should just do their own analysis on any samples recovered and fully publish them online for future verification by anyone who cares to do so.

    For example the parents / siblings of the accused will show familial matches with the evidence assuming they are guilty.

    This won't go away, proof of innocence would be just as damning as proof of guilt.

    I suspect the Burmese and British governments will be setting this up right now if they care at all about this case.

    There's nothing the Thai's could do to prevent this or meddle with it in any way.

    I do think that the UK government should do its own investigation.

    No one with any experience of Thailand trusts the police. Most of us have paid bribes for spurious traffic offences, knowing full well that a part of it ends up in a police general's bank account ( chief of police with nearly a billion baht of declared assets, anyone?)

    The justice system in Thailand is a complete joke to anyone with the slightest exposure to it.

    It behoves the British representation here to do their job in this case, and F...k the foreign trade. Britain's values reside in justice and fairness for all, not in a short term grab for the cash. Leave that to Thailand, please and take the moral high ground>>>>>>>>>>

  7. They are just trying to cover their <deleted>.

    They know they are in the wrong, they know what they have done and now they are threatening people speaking against them.

    But the voice coming from the Thais and the foreigners is too loud and they will not be able to supress it.

    The truth will come out one day, either they like it or not.

    Yes, but in true thai style the truth will never be known in Thailand.

    - Saudi gems case (23 years and counting) Suspects and rumours aplenty, but zip.......

    - Chalerm's "driver/son" shooting someone in a pub (around 19 years and counting) zip...

    - the red bull brat (2 years?? ? zip....

    and countless other cases.

    Maybe it explains why some police chiefs are USD multi millionaires

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