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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. I swear to God bro, I knew he was a Bankstown boy before I saw this photo.
  2. how stupid was your friend who didn't come prepared. the game (but I expect you I know what that means).
  3. That's nice and easy, no pesky TM47 form to fill in and presumably a faster clearance rate.
  4. Do You Sometimes Enjoy Being the “Token White Guy” in Asia? - No, I find it quite tiresome. However if accosted I try i to play along to avoid creating friction (see below). Do You Charge Money for Your Services? - Does being an extra in a Singapore TV show count? I think I got 60 Sing dollars to pretend to be a British soldier. I once asked for 60,000 rupiah per hour to practice English with a local chap whilst I was in Bali (to get him to go away). He didn't seem too happy about that so I have refrained from doing that again as it creates unnecessary ill will.
  5. Snoop Doggy Dogg says otherwise and that's good enough for me.
  6. that have an online appointment system now... https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/ that page was accessed via: https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=20131
  7. But no "bullet clips". How can you use a gun if you don't have a clip? ????
  8. The spreads are so small here it's not going to make very much difference for a mere forty dollah.
  9. Why's that do you reckon? Because she gets more press than him?
  10. I think what he means is "I'd like to get into her pants but I'm fat and old and I'm a gobby #@£& so I have no chance, better to pretend I hate her instead".
  11. I'm quite a forgetful person but one thing I never forget is to let my driver know I'm going for a slash or to the Seven lest I end up like this hapless fellow.
  12. Only if the reported address matches the registered address. If not ... rejected.
  13. Yep, this definitely ain't the country for ya bubba.
  14. 7 days later is only for in-person reporting and therefore doesn't apply to online reporting.
  15. No, you have to do both. TM30 initially to register your house as your permanent address and then TM47 to confirm that you are still living there.
  16. This thread is six years old dude.
  17. From reading this site over the years it seems they have quite the leeway when it comes to visa requirements. That's why some consulates are considered 'easy' and others are 'avoid at all costs'. It seems Penang may have decided that this recent influx of applicants aren't 'genuine tourists' and are making life difficult for them. I guess it's pretty hard to run that 'illegal' dive shop if you're stuck in Georgetown for a week queuing up at the Consulate every day from 7AM.
  18. I don't know where Kow Tow is, China maybe, but I'm pretty sure it ain't anywhere near Pulau Pinang and therefore not relevant. Georgetown visa agents are fine to use.
  19. Oops I missed that bit. Now that is really cruel, white skin doesn't like the sun, at least mine doesn't. I'd consider staying in Malaysia for 90 days just so I didn't have to queue up like that ????
  20. Except that he's in Phuket and therefore wouldn't qualify for entry into that club.
  21. Why would they go to all that bother when there are agents in town that will do that for you? There's no reason for anyone to queue for hours in the hot sun unless they're flat broke or a bit loopy, in which case their visa applications should be automatically rejected ????
  22. Good move by the consulate to keep the visa applicants in Georgetown. A nice little boost for the local economy, assuming of course that they actually have any money to spend ????

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