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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. The centre of the universe, derr! ????
  2. Requires login so not very useful.
  3. Google Chrome or Brave auto-translate function. Simples.
  4. You'll be back, the Jasmine Fever is very hard to cure ????
  5. He needed help today, not the future. You're just wasting everybody's time with your useless lectures.
  6. That's some MENSA level powers of deduction you got goin' on there bro but it doesn't help the OP one little bit now, does it?
  7. Fly on free bird, fly on.
  8. Mama noodles from the Seven.
  9. fk around and find out ????
  10. Thank you very much, I'll check it out next week sometime.
  11. I'm hopeless at pulling electronics apart, something always snaps off or I shred the screw heads or drop the bloody thing. I asked that one fella if he could recommend a place but he hasn't responded. Not sure if that's because he's all talk and no trousers or because he's off on a bender ???? In the meantime I found an Aseannow thread from last year that gave me some suggestions for Bangkok. Hopefully they will charge a reasonable price to access and clean my fan otherwise I might be tempted to do it myself and brick the thing ????
  12. Most bars will serve you between 2-5 even though they ain't supposed to.
  13. You must be new here ????
  14. Please name one that's as good or better than Thailand. Hint: it's not Malaysia.
  15. Except at the swim-up bar ????
  16. Already being discussed in another thread. Get over it already, their house their rules.
  17. not if you're all thumbs like me. I've got an Intel NUC that needs the fan cleaned and there's no way I'm going to try following the internet tear-down instructions. any suggestions for a competent, reasonably priced place in Bangkok that will do it for me?
  18. Hopefully the dead robber was one of the mongrels who killed a customer in this February 12 gold shop robbery in Tak... https://thainewsroom.com/2022/02/12/customer-shot-dead-in-tak-gold-shop-robbery/
  19. How did this thread suddenly become about an ignorant farang instead of poor Celine? ????
  20. Not according to the app ...
  21. Alien ID card is also known as the Pink ID card. It's mentioned in here a lot but for the life of me I can't remember how you get one ???? Yellow Book ... I asked my condo office to get one for me, even showed them a picture, but they gave me a blank Blue Book instead ???? Thai DL ... I don't drive and to be perfectly honest I cannot be bothered to go through the process to get one just for setting up the True Money Wallet. So no soup for me!
  22. In addition to passport scan and scan of your face you'll need one of these secondary forms of ID which they ask for after you've submitted everything else...
  23. Hey TAT, don't forget the cashed up bogans!

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