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Everything posted by mancub

  1. That would be funny. if it wasn't so laughable !
  2. Me too. and a few "hotties " also ! ....and I'm not assuming which side of 40 you might be, either !😁
  3. Ah, but only In response to your....... " the poor, lonely, probably old, bald, fat, drunken …and definitely bitter Mr Jealousy! 🤣." Lighten up and get your ASS fixation sorted while you're at it eh ?
  4. Correct, no mention of age. and do you not think "hot" and "sexy" are that far removed when guys are talking about nurses ?
  5. Actually, I never said your mate was old. that's your own assumption of my imagination. Also. to quote you .... " He will now pay virtually zero for any future medical/hospital expenses. He will never need health insurance. " would indicate that they would need to stay together forever. Unless he can "piggy-back" on her privilege after any separation. of course.
  6. There is a subtle difference between postulate and assume you understand ? "Hot little nurse" not descriptive enough to fuel your imagination ? 😁
  7. Not as funny as your "retired mate " supposedly marrying a sexy young nurse and living happily ever after. The healthcare privilege was not questioned.
  8. So. bull it is then !😁
  9. Kindly help me to re=consider by offering what she gets out of the arrangement, aside from polishing his bald noggin and massaging his beer gut. Suppose she'll get a free wheelchair to poodle him around in later on ? Win =win !
  10. Nah, spoken like a man who knows bull when he reads it
  11. Until she kicks him out and chops his bits off !
  12. But can she pick her nose and send stickers on Facebook at the same time ?
  13. Enough English to "manage" their foreign husband's finances anyways.
  14. Read again and you will see that it was the teacher who found him out that who was asking the questions. not the accused.
  15. Did they recover the 10 baht chain worth bt332.000 then ? Were the items seized from her (it) the proceeds of the night's work ? Anyone else missing some "bling" . Ahmed ?
  16. Probably not, but then again, they probably wouldn't instigate a case for fraud either, given the scenario !
  17. Probate is detailed under the Thai Constitutional Law and associated legalities. As with almost everything here subject to individual interpretation and possible circumvention.
  18. Seems he was "taking in the ambience" around soi6 on his own, not usual for these lady-geezers to harass a guy accompanied by a local.
  19. About as nauseating as the RTP slogan " To serve and protect" .
  20. Doubt he'll get the bar-fine back, if that's what you're thinking !
  21. Seriously ? Have a think about working and the work permit/visa situation.
  22. Thai xenophobic netizens being more enraged than when a monk is "knocking one out" on a public bus or the BTS !
  23. Could it be perhaps that they realize or, at least believe, that the incumbent government is spawned by Thaksin ?
  24. Pleased that you can admit as much.
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