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Everything posted by MRToMRT

  1. Problem is you need an active phone mobile phone in the country of the account. I just tried and hit that obstacle.
  2. I am an old, I meet loads of people down the pub, sometimes I drink too much and fight them. On the bright side I have not had a broken nose since covid started.
  3. From the mail they sent it does seem tax related. No personal accounts will be able to accept money and only business accounts proven to be Thai registered companies can receive funds incoming. Ebay just got to be a whole pain in the aaassss.
  4. I got the message from PayPal today. If they dont accept the occasional payment its pretty worthless to me now. Also looking for an alternative with international status.
  5. Don't get me started on my own experiences with True and disconnections :+)
  6. Whats it going to be like in twenty years IF we have more extreme weather and higher sea levels??
  7. I have had a chequered past when it comes to health, if it were not for me having insurance I would be in a much worse financial state than I am now. I do seriously sympathise with those who have reached their 70s and have not taken out and maintained insurance in the past. Surely the gov can come up with something to give coverage at government hospitals (not private) for a reasonable fee for them if they are already granted along stay visa/extension.
  8. Can't you just get one (re-entry permit) at Suvarnaphumi a couple of hours before your flight? Or even just pop to imm tomorrow? Would seem easier?
  9. Was sent by my employer. Been here nigh on 30 years. No regrets at all, well maybe not buying more property when beachside stuff was going for a song. Saying that I have decided that in my dotage Thailand is no longer the best option for me personally and am getting things lined up to leave. I was married but my wife was not Thai.
  10. I find it interesting that when someone comes out and tells you he has had enough, so many seem to feel its a personal attack on their own way of life here. I think its undeniable at this point that it's not really getting any better here for a retiree without a current "wife". Whether it's better/worse elsewhere is irrelevant. Thailand is little more than a more acceptable form of Burma at the moment. Its corruption and incompetence incarnate. It's sunny, some of the time, but too hot and sweaty for many retirees I feel, we don't work in airconditioning 40 hours a week. It's a great lifestyle for some but for others its becoming a concrete, garbage ridden monstrosity. I loved my many years working here, loved it to bits. But as a divorced, now single man whose kids have grown up and gone, I am sort of regretting retiring here as well.
  11. Be careful with Qatar (business) , look up which plane they are running on the Bangkok-Qatar leg if thats your route. I flew 3 times with them and it was always an old plane with old style seats. Qatar to LHR was FABULOUS though with a little private cabin and a low door you can shut. I do like Emirates. I also like Finair and Turkish but you get stung with a lesser plane on the route to LHR form their hub.
  12. It meets your O-A insurance requirements until your next extension of stay when it goes up a lot. It does not meet the requirement for 50K entrance insurance to include covid. Its all getting more expensive.
  13. Is CM (and CR) now fully OK for visitors, are hotels and guest houses open? Seems a silly question but I was thinking of visiting for a few weeks to get out of BKK for some cooler weather and I realised I had no idea what the situation is up there.
  14. Hmmm, at the weekend I visited an old family friend in Bang Phli Noi (South of Bang Na Area). Theres no nature left, its all huge government buildings, huge roadworks, piles of rubbish, and half finished god knows whats. One of the ugliest attempts at development I have ever seen. Capitalism and mega projects without any controls.
  15. Beginners question, why is a solid state device preferable to a software wallet?
  16. I think we will see more of this as people slowly start to return now and the market will, theoretically have e more money in it. I would just say no and let them think you are nor moving. All the time looking for an alternative if you feel uncomfortable. If I had a tenant for a year and was trying to sell I would be prepared to make the tenant am "offer" to move out in order to make more selling it tenant free.
  17. What I don't understand is that if Bangkok (and 3 others) is safe enough to drop a lot of the restrictions for people from outside Thailand, why are the other 73 provinces not safe enough for Thais to have the same restrictions dropped? I feel a lot safer from COVID upcountry than I do in Bangkok. You would have to be quite mad to come here for a holiday at the moment in my opinion.
  18. This all just peeing in the wind, no one knows. Personally I think the 1 day in the ASH hotels is an easy option considering where we have been with ASQ in the past.
  19. Get your heart checked, it may not be a panic attack.
  20. Irrelevant now anyway as its being reported that CCSA just agreed all bars in Bangkok can open on Nov 1 if BMA give the order.
  21. artichoke (do cars have chokes anymore?)
  22. After the change of the senior officers at Thong Lor Police last week and the raid on the bar on Soi 23 which was rumoured to have ownership links .... has anyone seen any evidence of a crackdown on places illegally selling booze in that police district?
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