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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. And you think these massage girls woukd know and fully understand what you are telling them.Give me a break.
  2. Explain to me how a "customer" can determine what treatment /product etc is relevent to any condition he may have ? Only the therapist can determine that. The very first thing any Doctor wil do is ask questions, thats the point.Yes the customer has to disclose if asked but a "customer" may not think something is relevent because they are not qualified to determine if it is or not. You honestly believe most of these massage girls give a hoot if you have high blood pressure or have been undergoing chemotherapy, or would know the implications if you told them !
  3. Ludicrous to attempt to compare the two.It is upto the Therapist to determine what or if any treatment is suitable,
  4. Agreed, but the customer isnt the "professional" and they should ascertain if a person is suitable for what type etc by asking pertinent questions.
  5. Bit late AFTER the event and demonstrates the point perfectly. Imagine if you had a nut allergy and she used almond oil !!! certain medications react badly with certain aromatherapy oils too. The list goes on. Dangerous in the wrong hands and no formal training.
  6. Pressure directly over the spine as an example, the whole thing could have detrimental effect depending on the health and medication of the recipient.They NEVER ask or find out first.
  7. Crazy going to these places. Mostly untrained and learned from the girl next to them. No contra-indications checked, and performing some pretty dangerous movements on some people. No wonder people have been injured, some permanently.
  8. Just remember that if you intend to stay in Thailand, she holds all the cards until you get the paperwork, after that you are in a stronger place but by no means winning position.
  9. Deep pockets, lawyers, very long drawn out and if she wants to, it will be almost impossible. You know her best, and can probably guess how she is going to react. The child will probably be used as a bargaini g chip to leverage a monthly payment for her.
  10. Ok, good. My best advice is you have to keep her onside, dont make any waves, play the long game. There are a few ways to play this dependent on your goal.Most important is dont alienate her or she'll do a runner up North and you'll have a really tough almost impossible battle in front of you. Think about a nice holiday to Cyprus, you know where I'm going with that one. Presumably you have family and a support network there ?
  11. Ok, looking good so far. Is your name on the birth certificate ?
  12. You dont give much info, so alot of guesswork and its difficult to advise. How old are you and on what basis are you staying in Thailand ? Are you working here ? Where is your home country ? All these things matter.
  13. In many instances, the child gets dumped on the Grandparents in the home village. The mother goes on and lives her life.Money plays a huge part. Wztch you dont get fleeced and false promises when in reality the child access is withdrawn or made extremely difficult.
  14. According to this News broadcast its a publc holiday for memorial to the late King there is NOT an alchohol ban.....go listen here......
  15. Dont get paid until job meets what was agreed, would be my response.
  16. Hope you didnt pay yet !
  17. Already being discussed in the Banking forum. Closed
  18. Admittedly not management etc but "workers" in my observation seem to chop and change every few months ! given the opportunity.
  19. Simpler than that. does it have a chip in it ? the answer unless a Thai citizen is no.
  20. Reported post removed.
  21. Rent somewhere, spend 6 months or more travelling around and staying in different places and provinces of Thailand, the girl will find you! they are EVERYWHERE you wont have to search for one.Like walking on a beach and saying where can I find sand! Atleast that way you can get a feel for what you like, dont narrow the feild to just two very well known and well trodden paths/ places
  22. Reported troll comment and responses removed.
  23. Please continue here..... CLOSED

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