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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. People were upset and undoubtedly concerned having to find and learn something new etc after having and being used to a service for many years in most cases.They even tolerated the poor exchange rate and fees for convenience sake. Humans are resourceful creatures and they simply went elsewhere and having jumped through those hoops albeit reluctantly, I doubt many will now unring that departure bell. Besides, in Paypals own words it's still going to happen further down the road anyway! so I see no point at all returning. PayPal it's too little too late, BYE!
  2. Post and response removed. I see abosolutely no need to besmich the mans character, such posts will be removed. A sporting legend has passed, if you cant show even a little respect then post somewhere else!
  3. How confident are you when riding your motorcycle, would you do this? I couldn't do it.???? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSeE93Yb3/
  4. The fact that they use chemicals banned in other countries, Thailand was supposed to ban them but didn't. Also even if they were banned, they would still be in use under the counter. Living in an agricultural village and seeing what goes on outside my own gate is enough for me to stick to frozen imported (mostly). Article
  5. Suggest sending to someone in US to forward for you.
  6. No one is, if the price (or pressure) is right. What concerns me is the shells at the nuclear reactor¡ Very clever move, he can blame a rogue soldier or "accident" and achieve the same result but then it's not done as a premeditated lunatic action that using a Nuke would have.
  7. Agreed, I made alternate arrangements and I am not rushing back that's for sure.I may make it "available on request" for the time being.
  8. Russian airspace closed planes having to go around etc is also bound to be an excuse to hike prices too.
  9. PayPal have done an about turn on the changes to accounts etc due to come into effect March 7th. Details added in existing thread here.......
  10. Received the same thing minutes ago I am guessing all those account that were zero'd made them think again ????
  11. I have seen laser pointer used to great effect. Also very quiet and super easy to use. The birds depart immediately! https://s.lazada.co.th/s.TdcP5 Worth a try for not a lot of money ????
  12. Your over thinking it. Any question would generally be regarding your current entry and visa, rarely have I heard of questions about previous entries. It's a TV your visiting as a tourist for X amount of time. Period. Short to the point.The more elaborate or complex the answer the more you may trip yourself up.
  13. Reported flame post removed.
  14. Trolling posts removed. Post with Thai text removed.
  15. Wouldn't surprise me if CIA or similar pay and make a deal for someone to over throw him.(fatally) I think the man is dangerous!
  16. I think they should just lock on to his co-ordinates and beam him straight to the brig !????
  17. I buy frozen imported mostly, the fresh I currently buy is from Australia (they claim) ????
  18. But what if the Russians ARE our version of the Borg? Does that mean resistance is futile ????
  19. Most noticeable I would say is the price to fill up the car. The other thing I noticed was the difference in the number of people shopping at 5.30 pm! Why you may ask at that time? That's when all the "yellow labels" are made available from, these are goods discounted down by 50%. for clearance due to date etc. I don't like buying stuff like veggies from local farmers as there is no knowing what chemicals they have used on them..
  20. All we need now is a "smell" button. Anyone ever bought one based on recommendation but never actually smelled it first? (And for our resident perverts etc I am talking fragrance not other things!????)
  21. A staple ffor me years back was........
  22. Ah but your not back home are you...????
  23. You be been living here too long!....????

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