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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. But if you "believe" he can, he has no need to demonstrate i.t
  2. I believe it was once said that "no one truly dies until they are forgotten".
  3. Within the scope of the Law in this country and the forum rules as stated above.
  4. A quantity of off topic posts and responses to them removed.
  5. Go onto an unspecified forum and troll both content and members..........it would seem is the favorite of many!
  6. According to Mr Google a beer can deteriorate if it is not stored correctly for any period of time. This suggests that perhaps it sat too long in non temp controlled environment.
  7. You can post according to the forum rules you agreed to abide by in any area of this forum.
  8. You have been here 15yrs and had ONE problem.I would call that good going.
  9. I would suggest you get a letter off the card holder just in case, verifying they purchased it for you. With their contact details if they wish to verify. Better to have and not need than have nothing.
  10. Well, just for info, I recently did a trip from the North 1200 km round trip down to Rayong area, didnt see 1 checkpoint and no one stopped or enquired anywhere. Naturally the plates on the car were a dead giveaway as to where we were from. Travelled out at 4.30 am, arrived back 5pm .
  11. Of course ! Greed and corruption is the Virus of current times, some would say its always been that way, just less obvious.
  12. I use one called "last pass" as its the last pass you"ll ever need, just one to remember ???? https://www.lastpass.com/
  13. A simple Google security check. Just a good reminder to people NOT to use the same password on different sites. Personally I use a password manager and that takes care of all that now.
  14. This does mot mean that Shopee has been breached. I have seen this numerous times where Google is saying this or that password has been exposed elsewhere on the internet. It is generally referring to people who use the same password on different sites, then suggests you change one of them.
  15. Last C-Pac I bought for a similar job was a little while ago, paid around 1800 baht for 3 cube (1 full load). Yours at 317, by 4inch thick = 9m2, per cube, x 3 cube per lorry, 27 m2 317 /27 = 12 loads aprrox. Ring your local C-Pac and ask them what 12 loads will cost and go from there.
  16. Be happy to have your loss restored. I understand the anger and feelings of revenge etc but let it go ! It may cost you more and will certainly be more hassle etc.
  17. Wall of text edited (paragraphs) to make for easier reading.
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