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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Before my last post, I read your OP several times. Not once do you say if you currently have an account with Citibank. You also did not mention what number you called or how you determined which was the number to reach Citibank. Now you become quite rude.
  2. Are you a Citibank customer? Are you certain you were talking to an employee of Citibank? Did you call a number that was given in the email or did you go online to find the Citibank number? It sounds like you are not a Citibank customer. If you are a customer why would you feel uncomfortable giving them your name and account number? There are some inconsistencies about your interaction with the customer service representative on the phone. That has made me wonder if you were actually talking with a real Citibank employee.
  3. Many AN members have recommended State Department Federal Credit Union (SDFCU) for US citizens that reside in Thailand. I've read that at least one AN member successfully opened an account for his wife using their Thai address. He's a regular poster about financial/tax matters.
  4. Schwab will open an International brokerage account for residents of Thailand. They do required a minimum of 25K US$ but that can probably include IRA/Roth/SEP accounts. I used their debit card to transfer the funds needed when we built our house. I think they offer every service a normal bank offers except safety deposit boxes and they don't handle cash deposits/withdrawals. I've been a Schwab customer since '87 and am very satisfied. If I have a question I log into my account and have an online chat with a representative. I've always received quick and accurate answers in those chats. That service is available 24/7. The know I'm in Thailand but the address on my account is still in US.
  5. I think it likely that there is some miscommunication between you and the Citibank customer service representative. How likely is it for Citibank to issue a credit card in a fake name (without documentation) that presumably has no credit history?
  6. I would be happy to explain the relevance of my NORAD post.... but I'm even happier to watch you vividly illustrate your inability to reason if out for yourself. I know...I know... most posters have already figured that out.
  7. Next time I recommend you stand up before reading my posts. At least you have a chance to snag a piece of the reasoning rather than watching it all sail over your head.
  8. Don't worry about the beer... he probably finished it for you.
  9. I guess you also think NORAD is a nefarious plot by Canada and the USA???? Does RT pay well?
  10. When opening a bank account the bank wants proof of residence and many embassies will not provide a letter doing that. Most people get a certificate of residence (COR) from Thai Imm. The COR is used for opening bank accounts, getting a Thai license and registering a vehicle, etc. If you're on a tourist visa it may be hard to get a COR from Imm.
  11. The 2nd best president (or course Trump is #1) had the answer: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” - Abraham Lincoln
  12. It seems likely that the website/company where you supplied that email address was hacked. Hackers then sent you a phishing email to that account trying to get more data from you. It's quite likely Citibank was just chosen at random by the hackers and the bank knows nothing about that email, credit card or that fictitious name you supplied.
  13. It's hard to imagine that his rantings could be considered "intellectual property".... so no property... therefor no crime or moral infringement.
  14. Try this one: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/30/opinion/editorials/kamala-harris-2024.html?unlocked_article_code=1.O04.dB1g.m3W6RguHD-_E&smid=url-share
  15. Do you have an account or login credentials with Alibaba? If so, login and then change the email address they have on that account to a throw away email. I use yopmail.com for that kind of email address. You will be able to verify that address if Alibaba requests it.
  16. Let's analyze this. Clearly a man that is familiar with activities on Soi 11, or maybe just fabricating, or just spreading gossip. None of those explanations would be considered a feather in your cap.
  17. Seems like you've found your home away from home.
  18. Most driving accidents are caused by lack of attention.....same for most divorces. Lack of attention while choosing a mate followed by more lack of attention to issues after marriage. Great reductions in both accidents and divorces are not that difficult.
  19. The wars broke out after four years of chaos caused by Trump. The bad guys figured that once Trump was defeated the West was only going to get stronger and more organized in the future. There would be no better chances forthcoming so they pulled the trigger. Isn't that obvious?
  20. My suggestion to improve the Electoral College is to eliminate the two EC votes each state receives for their Senators. That change would make the EC votes more accurately represent the population of each state. Alternatively give each state one extra EC vote that is awarded to the statewide popular vote winner. The less populous states are already given extra representation in the Senate. There is no need to further over compensate them by giving them additional EC votes.
  21. Don't you know....some people's opinions are like cosmic rays. They easily pass straight through almost anything so why would you believe they are at all affected by facts or reality.
  22. So anytime your favorite team loses a game in the last few minutes...SOROS rigged it?
  23. It may be the only bi-partisan thread😳😆
  24. Instead of buying the nutrient challenged iceberg lettuce I go for the sunflower sprouts at Makro. A bit loose and messy to eat but much better.
  25. You almost nailed it. Only Trump is obsequious enough that he could do it
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