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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. The only Apple Store in Thailand is in Bangkok, as far as I know. However Studio7 is an authorized reseller and I have bought my Airlock, iPad, iPhone through them. I have been quite pleased with service. Repairs can be had at iCare or through a trusted local shop.
  2. I recall years ago, when faced with this dilemma, a Mayor of a city in the Czech Republic made this offer. Free stay in city hotel, romantic dinner to encourage childbearing aged couple to come and get pregnant ... I do not know the outcome on the birthrate.
  3. Perhaps cockwobble. Well ... it jumped into my head while reading AseanNow.
  4. Not this particular wart issue but, with the aging I have had warts appear on shoulders, back. Thing is, and the reason I am commenting, the cryro treatment can lead to bleeding if you are on blood thinners. So, the Dr. At RAM skin clinic zaps them with laser which seals off the blood vessels affected.
  5. She was 4 years older. We were together 4 1/2 years. Maggie May, 1971 …
  6. Would work as big cool, cool but … yes. Misspelled as it should be jai yen, yen.
  7. He certainly has my admiration. while I can order red wine in 7 languages and flirt with the waitress so she will bring the wine, I can only really use English.
  8. I was told upon settling in retirement here in 2011 that there were three categories: Missionaries, Mercenaries and Misfits. I still don't know where I would fit. I suppose Misfit as the average person in my home country would not entertain the idea of leaving their own culture.
  9. Yai yen, yen … not worth your time laboring over … oops, labouring over
  10. I recall on my original request for the OA Visa in the U.S., they required health, police and financial statement. I found that justifiable and reasonable. Then they changed the requirements to include health insurance (should have “grandfathered in those who met the requirements at the time they were admitted IMHO). Why change the requirements for those already here … unless you are purposely encouraging them to leave in opposition to increasing the number of visitors to Thailand?
  11. My hope is that, due to the family reasons you cite ... Marriage Visas will not be changed as it would be too detrimental to Thais married to retired foreigners.
  12. The "middle way" might be to move the family to another SE Asia country. Bottom line is I have a limit to financial resources.
  13. It has been a rumor for some time. Now upping the cost of the Elite Visa types. Rumor is Retirement Visa 800K balance or monthly income increase next. We will see. I am just saying there is a financial breaking point for me as I am only a working middle class financial refugee unable to afford retirement in my own country. Already voted with my feet from the US, hopefully, wiser heads will prevail here in the treatment of retired folk bringing in a steady stream of cash and not causing issues.
  14. Certainly being married to a Thai national would complicate things for me. But, back to the wall ... if the Kingdom of Thailand forces me to leave? I am a free male and can leave, sadly. I will not be held hostage to money grabs.
  15. I have not read the studies findings as to the reasons for suicide but I think, based on a suicide report segment on the PBS Newshour in the last two days, that reasons vary. I take your point about media exposure and agree that being berated daily with negative news can be depressing. But the underlying causes of suicide are complex and vary among peoples, and cultures. For myself, if I suffer a debilitating illness, leaving me a babbling idiot and have the wit and access, pull the plug … slip me the pill. I am currently certainly not in any hurry but I do not fear the transition which comes to all life.
  16. I suppose I have lived too long and studied too much history. I used to be affronted by bribery in other countries and was supportive of demanding, under my countries laws that businesses be forbidden to pay “bribes or kickbacks”. I used to be affronted by countries having different treatment of legal prisoners based on their wealth. Then I received an education and find I can no longer point fingers at others while my own country, under whatever guise … “campaign contributions”, or being able to hire well heeled legal firms … results in the same ends as to what some are pointing to here in the Kingdom of Thailand. You see, I am an American and my country moves further from the ideals these days.
  17. American and European History finishing my last 27 years teaching undergrads. You?
  18. Very funny. You took your history graduate degree where? You taught over four decades and retired as Emeritus Professor of History where/when? Never mind ... I read some of your other posts.
  19. Sorry, as a retired American history educator, I wish I could agree with your statement but history says I cannot agree with your assessment.
  20. In today's political scererio, Putin could just "annex" Phuket and move Russian troops in to "protect" Russians already there. Same as was done in the Donblas.
  21. As renewed Passports are issued through the Embassy in Bangkok, I would think that the cards would also be issued only there. But I have not done so. I use my US Passport and Thai Driver's License as the two IDs if required.
  22. In over a decade I have heard a couple of those bounce off the helmet. A direct hit to the eye would be serious and, no doubt would result in going down on the bike.
  23. When first arriving, I was recommended to wear a hemet with a face shield to keep road dust out of the eyes. Good advice.
  24. I wanted to thank you for the personal insult for which you are unjustified. I'm retired, my Wife and I love the motorbike travel. We also always wear helmets. The car is used when needed for shopping, long trips, weather. Ha! Driving in Thailand is a sure test for "Old Timer's" (not to make light of the condition). Your brain must be firing on all synapsis or ... accident/death. Fair game to make your judgement only if I continue to drive after I detect deterioration of thinking/reflexes.
  25. Just happy my Thai Wife and I met in later life. With a 26 year age difference, that would have been a problem for many earlier years. Having seen her earlier photos, I have no doubt I would have been attracted to her. As a retired educator, having taught 6 years at the Junior high/middle school level and another 6 years at the high school level … automatic “danger Will Rodgers”. No question that their hormones were raging … males with testosterone poisoning want to challenge you … the girls practicing feminine flirting. Yikes! Some times … but YO! NO!!!
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