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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. While I am very aware of the U.S. support for the likes of Saddam, Noriega, Batista, Perón, etc., and join you in condemnation, that does negate that there are fights necessary at times. Unilateral invasion of a sovereign nation comes to mind, whether that be North Korea or Russia. Rifles and RPGs? Good thing there were not missiles and drones launched during the initial Hamas attack!
  2. As you asked for thoughts ... I am in a similar situation as regards to my death ending any further income to my Thai Wife and Stepdaughter (age 17). However, our finances are handled a bit differently (to each their own). I bring in 65K every month (for 12+ years now) and am continuing to do so as that is our monthly budget (actually it is $2200.00 USD), excess goes into the savings account which I want to build up over time. However, we do dip into the savings for domestic travel (just returned from eye appointment in Bangkok). And we are entering a contract to buy a house so the downpayment drew down the savings considerably (house will now represent some security rather than only cash). Works for us ("knock on wood"). Your scenario would not be feasible for me. At 76, while not wanting to burn through money, this is my earned retirement made possible by retiring in Thailand since I could not afford retirement on the same level in my own country.
  3. 555 A real danger here … Vlad visits Phuket, observing the number of Russians there. They need protection of Mother Russia, same as those folks in the Donbas …
  4. Just back from a medical appointment in Bangkok. My Thai Wife signed into hotel so no need for me being registered with my Passport. Returned home to address on record with immigration.
  5. Agreed. As to why westerners are relocating? Well, this westerner, after a working middle class lifetime of work cannot afford retirement costs in my own country. As you point out much to be corrected in many western “democracies”. Then again, on balance with the current choices? Russia nor the PRC offer a society model I would want to live in … I am sure we agree on this.
  6. Sorry, Ben. Could have been someone posting as a reply that showed a non-wise email address to which I responded. Not worth our time or effort to readdress. I have used Wise for over 12 years for my monthly transfers from the USA.
  7. Interesting scenarios Putin visiting and an all out fiasco for Thailand. My guess, Putin says thank you for the invite (but it will not take place).
  8. My speculation … enough of Russian inroads have been in Phuket that their influence can be utilized. 90 day Visa Exempt for Russians only? This should be interesting. Russian Mafia versus the Thai system. Interesting? Yes but I fear the fallout for Thailand.
  9. Impending heart attack in 2005. 1st day -indigestion (did not go away the next day ... hmm, maybe acid reflux?), 2nd day - shortness of breath climbing stairs, 3rd day - cold sweat while just walking on level floor. OK, da ... call the Doctor saying I need an appt. He asks what's up? I explained, his reply ... hospital NOW. I was feeling fine so I drove myself to the hospital where he met me in the Emergency Room ... Next Day 5 by-passes. no pain at all, so it can vary with individual, I'm thinking. oh, heart attack 2015 (by-pass scar tissue narrowed blood vessels). Again, no pain, I just sensed impending serious body issue so off the the hospital (stent & 2 angioplasties).
  10. And, I would think, report to his Embassy as the Passport belongs to the country which issued it.
  11. Agree. Chiang Mai and our family of 3 have no trouble spending the 65K every month. Sometimes a trip, extra is put in the savings account for trips.
  12. I advised he forget that idea but … I have been here 12 years and my Thai gf was given her 5 year US Tourist Visa. My now Thai Wife was given her 10 Year Tourist Visa in March. So, yes, it can be done if all is documented but not easy for any young, good looking Thai girl looking for a short time holiday … too many have overstayed.
  13. Forget that idea. Sorry, my best advice having some familiarity with the application procedure. There are easier places to visit for a short holiday.
  14. I only addressed my current experience on the highways mentioned. Thai drivers were a far greater threat than slowing down from 120 kph for the police highway constrictions.
  15. I’m thinking there can be no revision/ rebirth of a Republican Party unti a stake is driven through the heart of the current embodiment … submitting to the Tumpets.
  16. With the opposition within his own caucus, I don’t think he has a chance. Far too many seemingly fail to see that the Republican Party is increasingly earning its disrepute. I actually have some sympathy for those offering a positive alternative to addressing the nation’s issues. Unfortunately, currently those voice are either drowned out or are coward but the vocal minority within their own caucus. The result in either case … the current Republican Party fails to offer any solutions/legislation to address the real needs of the working middle class, upon whom any hope of a participatory democracy depends.
  17. Agree with your sarcasm but … it may well reduce the irritant resulting in numerous Expats reporting the double pricing to their friends (or on public websites) which discourages potential visitors. Like it or not, a number of cultures view this unequal treatment as patently offensive. All kinds of alternatives … I hold that Thailand has a great natural parks potential to enhance tourism … much as I have experienced in the USA. Years ago I was given a Seniors Pass that allowed myself and my Thai Wife & Stepdaughter to enter sites free on our recent US trip.
  18. Just drove Highway 11, and Highways 1 & 31 today, Chiang Mai to Bangkok. Four highway spots but only two operating. First one, waved through. Second one just a hello, as my Thai Wife said she was from the Bangkok area … a handshake and off we went. Personally, I do not find Highway stops objectionable whether on the motorbike (always with our helmets) or in the car.
  19. A little off center in my reply as I have not lived in KK. I spent 4 months in 4 different visits, traveling around "casing" Thailand in order to find my retirement city. Excluding Bangkok (too big for me), I found Chiang Mai to have everything I would possibly want. It has been home for 12 years and I am still quite happy here.
  20. So, they changed that from the $10,000.00 USD limit for reporting? I would recommend checking on this as we must still report any foreign bank balance (and/or combination of accounts) holding more than $10,000.00 annually.
  21. One possible alternative I was told about was, switching your UK Bank Account to the Isle of Man. Might be something worth checking out for my Brit Cousins.
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