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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Point taken. Still not good … but then there are no good scenarios until the Trial Juries state their decisions … if then …
  2. I just favor other means rather than the visuals of the USA using "House Arrest". Fines or "Contempt of Court" incarceration come to mind. Same as I would face as a US citizen under similar circumstances.
  3. "House Arrest" smacks of Myanmar and other third world governments, I'm thinking.
  4. Something wrong with the phone battery or his phone is set to continuously update from some website. I do not question your reporting this but not my experience as a long time user of Apple products (I have iPhone XR, Wife iPhone 11, Daughter iPhone 14).
  5. Easy to understand. Same as those claiming to be Christian but not following the teachings through Right Thought, Right Action. We can observe hypocrites in all belief systems no matter any positive attributes.
  6. Not so fondly recall this type of attitude. Attended my Uncle's funeral and so was docked pay. Grandparents covered but not Uncles nor Aunts. I explained all my Grandparents were long since dead and that this Uncle was like a Grandfather in our family. Additionally, my Father was named for him and I from my Father. Nope, not policy. So, I stated that the next time a relative died I would claim it was a Grandparent. The Superintendent said he hoped I would be more professional. I retorted that I had hoped he would have been. He would move on while I remained 41 years as a community educator. A most worthy way to spend my life's breath but you would be correct to observe I retired to Thailand as I cannot afford to be retired in my own country. Later, I would help start a union to resist such paternalistic attitudes.
  7. I entered “sad” but it was for the child. I have no issue, where concrete evidence is presented, to carry out a death sentence (better luck in your next life).
  8. Just a foreigner observer as a permanent resident of Thailand (but not officially recognized as such). This is what happens when citizens of any country do not have any history of a participatory democracy. But, I confess, my own country seems severely entangled with non-democratic thinking. Imagine a former President facing 91 indicted charges from four different, independent citizen Grand Juries and facing potentially a resulting four different independent citizen Trial Juries.
  9. Yes, I took the time to answer the questions. I certainly agree, as stated that there are hundreds if not thousands of “types” involved in human personalities. I recall having taken a workshop, once upon a time, where we went through the Myers-Briggs personality test. Like this one, why not … interesting but certainly not any absolute conclusions. Being human and subject to out inherited DNA plus the environment we were raised in helps explain much for most of us but … again, general patterns can be discerned but not absolutes when dealing with individuals. I am what I am, I will be what I will be ….
  10. More in the news as a result of Boomers coming into there, “golden years” (tongue in cheek). Many of us had Chickenpox as kids and, evidently the virus stays dormant for years.
  11. When I retired to Thailand my Urologist laughed at me as I old him I took a quarter of the blue pill as an enhancer ... "hell, you could get the same affect by sniffing the pill", were his words. Yep, "I get by with a little help from my friends ...". But then I am on blood pressure medication also and the Cardiologist has forwarned of taking both within a 12 hour window so ... To get a secure physical reaction, I take a pill before bed, next morning I take another. By mid-morning I am good to go. Medications take a while for me and then I am a soft touch for a longer term affect. Happy camper ...
  12. I have used this method for over a decade. Wise takes the amount I tell them via an electronic funds transfer from my U.S. bank. On the Wise app, I check thevresaon for the funds is “for long term living expenses”. The funds are directly deposited in my Bangkok Bank account as FTT coming fro abroad. No problems.
  13. I just raise the question. Following the American Civi War, did all those who participated on the Confederate side have to be found guilty of this in a court of law before being barred from holding office? I do not know, but I would be surprised if the Reconstruction Republican government would have set this as the bar … It will be interesting to follow the developments.
  14. No, that would not have happened in the USA under the same circumstances. However, he would have been taken down and handcuffed immediately after assaulting an officer.
  15. While I can appreciate the officers trying to de-escalate, Taser use comes to mind. Bullet can miss, ricochet not good in crowded airport.
  16. Thanks. Many dark events in history of the rhymes. Some not so dark … NPR did a program on the real meaning of nursery rhymes if anyone is interested in a goggle search.
  17. That is where my thought went ... build large forearms? Squeeze open spinach cans like Popeye!
  18. Certainly one of the main reasons of retiring to Thailand was my not being able to afford retirement in the USA. Many "developed economies" see working middle class folks in the same boat. Yes, I am an economic refugee fleeing the USA economy.
  19. Really? I thought I was rather backward at a lifetime count of 24. Half of that number here in Thailand. As to the annual count? When I first arrived and had a steady Thai gf it was 3 times a day (making up for a dry spell). Now at 76 I have slowed down cosiderably but if the numbers given are correct I am at least 20-30 years younger!
  20. For those interested, Trump currently faces 78 felony charges with more expected coming from Georgia. All in it will mean over 100 citizens sitting on three Grand Juries and four Trial Juries will have weighed the evidence presented, deliberated on the Prosecution and Defense presentations and make their decision. Any accusation that the result will be due to politics, I seriously reject.
  21. Well, perhaps when I first came and the previous exploratory trips. Now/ ha! All is relative, Wife 26 years younger and enjoying ourselves in my retirement. Not having to punch a time clock or deal with job stress and the sustainable income is there (knock on wood).
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