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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then - B. Seeger
  2. To which god do you refer? I addressed the linking of the 1956, “in god we trust” motto that you addressed for historic background.
  3. It does make me reflect on this theme being played out in my birth country (USA). You cannot trust any educated person, politician, media, government institution … only listen to the one man fighting for you personally … you know the lead nominee of the minority political party.
  4. And the followers of the Isis cult were also promised eternal life for believers. But I respect all having an equal right to believe as they wish. A central tenant of the founding of the USA. I would note that all US “Rights” have restrictions … sorry, if one believes in human sacrifices … nope. And no imposing beliefs on others … a current issue in American society today.
  5. Just a bit of the history, “In god We Trust” associated with US currency. It was imposed in 1956 under the Republican Eisenhower Administration. The idea being to counter those communists as Marx had stated that religion is an opiate of the people. For me, “E Pluribus Unum” remains the motto … since the establishment clause firmly states the government of the USA will establish no religious belief on the citizens.
  6. In faring world. Here, defamation is judged as causing damage to someone or some business reputation. At least, that is my understanding.
  7. Just a note on our experience at the end of March. Took the #10 train (newer Chinese car), two interconnected compartments. Overnight train, compartments were fine, bathroom and separate shower stall down the hall. Unfortunately, the care air conditioning was set on refrigerate. Could not sleep. In the morning, they turned off the air and immediate hot and humid.
  8. I recall on first retiring here and riding the motorbike. Suddenly, a loud voice speaking in Thai was a my side. Scared the bejabbits out of me! One of those sound trucks which ride around advertising things. Thailand has been the only country where I had experienced this.
  9. I certainly allow that the 91 indictments should play out, I trust the citizen Grand Juries and the citizen Trial Juries to hear the evidence and make their determinations in my name as an American citizen. OK, to allow that all of them and the Prosecutors, Defense Lawyers, Judges are all corrupted as being prejudiced against The Donald?
  10. Thanks but 1000 baht is best spent elsewhere. I am a US economic refugee retired on $2400. USD in a lower cost country as a career U.S. educator.
  11. No, I won’t call you crazy. And I also want to see government spending to be brought under better control by Congress in a responsible way. The current demand to shut down the government is not the responsible way. As to Trump? President for four years and during his administration a Republican majority sponsored tax cut, primarily benefiting the wealthy and corporations while not cutting spending. The factual result of his administration? An increase in the national debt of trillions of dollars. OK, absolutely we need to bring the costs of demands for government spending on the national treasury into alignment with tax income. I look to fund Social Security earned by the lifetime of labor of the working middle class by raising the cap on Social Security contributions from income earned. I support an absolute demand that there be no earning of millions without taxation (SCOTUS ruled that corporations are equal citizens with me … treat them equally, taxwise).
  12. Such a great current irony. The working middle class having the same interests being divided between those of us supporting Bernie’s approach and those supporting The Donald. So sad … look to the lifelong histories … which has consistently supported the working middle class?!
  13. I do not own that car but my dash unit allows either a plug in for my iPhone or a Bluetooth connection. I can use my iPhone GPS. Just an idea to check out.
  14. Take a look at FX Hotel Metrolink for location. But I cannot predict what hotels would have a room open …
  15. Not a Brit but I would observe that in using the monthly income method would need to figure in the exchange rate. Sorry Cousins, as an American I am currently benefitting as I use the monthly income method of USD coming in each month.
  16. I have heard the accusations. I have seen investigations without factual findings.
  17. My current thinking, based on my current understanding is that the current tax treaty between the USA and the Kingdom of Thailand protects citizens of both nations from double taxation. As the USA requires Americans pay income taxes from all global sources, I am exempt from having to pay income tax on that income again in Thailand. The current proposal would immediately bring in diplomatic actions breaching the existing treaty (ies). Sooo ... currently I will read, listen but not raise my blood pressure over this proposal.
  18. Representatives from American International Tax Advisors. They said they will return next month to update the Chiang Mai Expat Club members. The Club meets on the last Saturday of the month at Meliá Hotel in Chiang Mai.
  19. I retired here from the USA in 2011. I have always filed as required but the vast majority of years my total annual income, Social Security and MRD retirement funds, and a few stock dividends is under the taxable amount.
  20. Ah, yes, the Kingdom of Thailand National Parks. Great land with scenic holdings. I think there is a great opportunity for attracting tourism IF Thailand development their National Parks akin to what I experienced growing up in the USA. Scenic sites, lodges for overnight or longer stays, restaurants, ... Yes hiking and camping available for those who wish (at age 76 and after camping with my family and Scouts until close to retirement ... bed, please.
  21. According to the recent tax expert who spoke at the Chiang Mai Expat Club meeting, your statement is false. I think I will listen to those whose business is tax matters between Thailand and the countries having tax treaties.
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