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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I thinking, not unless the record includes names of the rich and famous at Epstein’s properties. Otherwise unsubstantiated rumours.
  2. Right! What we need is someone to cut through the laws and regulations and get things done. History has shown if you want action a dictator gets things done in a hurry! Bring DJ Trump to office, he will get things done … to hell with “diplomacy, the USA has the strongest military in the world, what Trump says goes! Yes, the danger is real … but I say the above with tongue firmly in cheek.
  3. There are no laws requiring these discussions. Under the current SCOTUS, it will be the President who determines an official act. Yes, a court action could be brought … chances to be brought before this court? The outcome? Right … chaos.
  4. Sadly, do you recall that Trump has already been making the defense that he “declassified” documents taken to his private residence? His defense in the Georgia indictments that he had every right to talk to the voting certifying official vote count to find him 11,000 more votes. Now going to file legal motions in the New York case already decided by a citizen jury, stating that he is now immune from prosecution. Sorry, but I can only see years of coming legal arguments, tying up the courts and the citizenry of the nation. Trump is not defeated and “Katie, bar the door” the USA will be thrown into turmoil … the greatest danger with that … a move by an autocratic ruler to involve the USA directly in being attacked to unify the splintered nation.
  5. Or … as has been the example in the military services, someone might chose to “fall on the grenade” in order to save their comrades …
  6. As a student of history, I have taken pride in my documented DNA going back to before the founding of the USA. My forbears were present in each step forward. But, knowing a fair bit of history, it has become more difficult for me to support and defend many things the USA has done domestically and internationally. Should DJT be elected in November, while in diffidence to my heritage I will not denounce my citizenship, the USA will have destroyed any remnant of my support. Reject Trump and his ilk or you sentence the USA as a failing nation. Good luck … for me? I am at an age when I can be at peace with a peaceful passing out of this existence.
  7. And as an academic, with degrees in the study of American and European History … I am labeled extreme leftist. And that is why Pol Pot and his ilk “off” the journalists and educated … they present a clear and present danger to authoritarian rule.
  8. You are correct … “they” have not convicted as yet. You are misleading in that this case is still working its way through the courts, given the delaying tactics by DJT’s legal team. As to reputable source? Ah, the evidence in the case resulting in the criminal indictment on which the case will eventually be tried before a citizen jury … that is, unless Trump is elected. In which case, given the SCOTUS he can dismiss the case or pardon himself (an enumerated Presidential power). Ha! That action taken to court but I will not live to see that decision by a different SCOTUS … and several of the current justices will also die of old age before the decision …
  9. So, President of the United States, President Biden is now free to declare Donald J. Trump as a clear and present danger to the national security of the USA and order him sent to Gitmo for imprisonment or … shoot him on 5th Avenue. He does this as an upholding of his Oath of Office to defend against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. Under the new SCOTUS ruling, acting as President he is immune from being held responsibile for any seeming breach of the law. No, President Biden would take no such step being mindful of such a precedent. Ex President Trump, conversely, has publicly stated he will go after those who have taken legal action against him, If he is elected to the Office of President. Good luck Americans … you chose to elect primarily Republicans (ex. McConnell R-KY), et. al. that chose the last 3 “conservative” Justices.
  10. Just had the (roughly) monthly haircut. 100 baht and I give a 20 baht tip. I have joked with the Thai barber that I should only be charged half due to only having half a head of hair. I’m still good except for the back of the head. Thought of getting a Yarmulke or Priest beanie. Wear a hat due to vanity … and would get sunburned on the balding spot.
  11. I like your experience much better!
  12. Ha! You got me to thinking as I have five languages down pat in being able to apologize for not speaking those languages. OK, I can just replace those languages with “English” in those languages … guess I just never had the need.
  13. Yes, we both are aware of questions arising from immigration status. I think we would agree the O-A for Retirement granted to me in the USA, underwent a change to require medical insurance for all holders of the O-A. I asked and the agency confirmed the switch made in country for Reason of Marriage, now resulted in being recognized as an O Visa status not requiring medical insurance. The reasoning seems consistent to me. Original Visa O-A … current status no medical insurance required as Extension granted for O Marriage
  14. So, American workers are in a race to the bottom of worldwide wages? US worker productivity up, corporate profits up, American CEO compensation up (funny how their compensation is not driven down by global averages). Meanwhile US working middle class economically squeezed over the past decades as a result of the actions/inaction of both major American political parties.
  15. I was responding to the post subject which is imposing religious teachings in the public schools. Feel free to post a separate subject dealing with the items you mention. I’m trying to stay on the subject presented.
  16. Is that what my words said? Ah … no. Trump’s actions/inaction resulted in those deaths …
  17. Ironically, both are great examples of the blending of earlier pagan beliefs into the latter founded Christianity. Original timing of both tied to earlier pagan celebrations. Study of history allows us to have greater understanding of our own times.
  18. Feel free to argue that. The issue at hand is Separation of Church and State. Not government entity is to impose religion.
  19. “Ah, temptation. I have named thee, and thy name is woman.” The Buddha warned you of staying from the path of enlightenment.
  20. Interesting to note that Trump’s actions in dealing with COVID resulted in no deaths caused. History has recorded otherwise …
  21. Yes, and all my income is required to be reported to the IRS as an American. My tax obligation as a retiree, even if selling stock results in no USA tax being owed (after the exemptions, deductions). Thailand thinks they get to tax me and require I bring in 65K every month for a Retirement Visa Exension?(yes I know … or 800K in a Thai bank)
  22. Nana, Tug they will just continue to ignore documentation of fact. Driven by emotion, they do not deal with reason …
  23. Ah, your last sentence reminded me directly of Neville Chamberlain and his Peace In Our Time statement after selling out Czechoslovakia (1st the Sudetenland where the majority of the population were German speakers … key, the Donbas).
  24. Oh, I certainly recognize there was opposition but … well, a prominent opponent conveniently was jailed and died in prison, if I recall correctly.
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