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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. “ Illegal immigration disproportionately hurts the poor.” Agreed, however the poor does not equate with “black jobs”. Knowing the history of my family branches, there were many poor and we were WASPs.
  2. I stated my shots were as a result of USA donation, I did not state all shots were as a result of USA donation.
  3. So, I cannot call a person already indicted by a citizen Grand Jury and convicted by a separate citizen Trial Jury of felony charges a felon?
  4. I ask you to cut me a bit of slack as a retired history Prof. We have much middle ground on which to agree here (voted Green as opposed to Trump and Clinton). Completely agree of equality and yesterday, having studied US history and having taught 41 years in Kentucky … you see Kentucky had segregated schools for decades, as did many other states. Those students got hand me down, outdated books, their motivation due to the conditions and hope for a better future were dashed by the racial political reality so … I do not disagree with helping giving a shot at , for example, attending institutions of higher learning. It does get complicated and would better be discussed over coffee or a glass of wine. But I also have limitations to my feeling of justified compensatory social programs … I firmly oppose direct financial compensation for families having been held in slavery before the American Civil War for example,
  5. So, just keep in mind, you came across one American, retired Prof. that can find reason to say there are those pushing extremes that I cannot, would not support.
  6. Just read two previous posts concerning 1.7 trillion deficit. If we cannot fund a society for the benefit of all Americans, what are we defending?
  7. No problem for you to stop reading. Meanwhile, I listened to an environmental scientist interview concerning the massage forest fires in the western USA and Canada citing far above average temperatures as a contributing factor.
  8. 64 1/2 years in USA, cannot remember separate charges for entrance fees based on nationality which is the subject under discussion.
  9. I also got the free shots … as a result of the USA COVID Vaccine donations to Thailand for all.
  10. Last tourist places visited was monthlong trip 2023 to USA. Let’s see Georgia’s Aquarium, Coca-Cola Museum, DisneyWorld, Universal Studios, NASA Kennedy Space Center, St. Augustine Nat’l Fort, Patriot Point, Montecello, Williamsburg, Jamestown, then a week going to the National Mall, sites, museums, White House, Capitol. My Thai Wife and Stepdaughter were changed any admission costs the same as myself as a U.S. citizen. No, Royal Thailand Tourism … discriminatory admission charges for non-Thais is not a wise not good thing to attract tourists. I am a Thai resident Expat for over a decade and should not be charged more for not being Thai.
  11. Yea, why no knee jerk comment without thought. Be more like Trump, open mouth, insert foot.
  12. PBS Newshour from last eve cited 91 Democracies and 88 Autocracies in the world today. How they came up with the numbers, I do not know.
  13. And yet Thais overwhelmingly voter for Forward Party. And most in USA, if party registered, register Democrat.
  14. True we are in a continuous search for answer in a changing reality. Ha! I do understand peoples’ frustration with the educated. The light bulb burns out and we begin be considering what type of build to replace it with … same as the old bulb, perhaps, day-glow, Floresent, LCD, Halogen … which will best suit or needs and then balancing initial bulb cost versus low term energy Costa. Ha! What a burden being a thinking person … meanwhile, my uneducated janitor grandfather comes in and replaces the bulb from the stock purchased at the dollar store because they were on sale … and now, the thinking among us have had their minds going off to the decision making among the majority of the US population which reads at the 7-8th grade level … and so it goes.
  15. The reality is closer to fascist. He and the NAZI Party were vehemently opposed to Russia as being socialist. Yes, yes, I taught history for 41 years so I am well aware of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. Today, information is available to all to read and gain knowledge. But, but the name … yes, misnomer like calling Trump a champion of US workers.
  16. My take is that for many in the USA, the working middle class has justified frustration/anger with both the Republican Party and the a Democrat Party. While Trump is definitely not the answer to their frustration/anger … he has given voice to their frustration/anger. Sad that they are reacting emotionally and not with thinking.
  17. Agree with you on topic comment definitely having an influence on responses to the topics raised. Then, I would observe that while Thailand is a basically conservative nation socially on many issues (same in USA) … Thais voted left of center in supporting the Forward Party (same as majority leaning Democrat in USA). Another observation I have reflected on in the Expat community since I retired here 13 years ago and been involved with CM Expats Club. OK, we see some Expat retired military here either gaining knowledge of Thailand during Nam or later R&R. One might expect them to lean conservative due to military background, or not. It seems to me that those, like myself, who already are more accepting of other ways of doing things, are less rigid in expectations and thus lean more liberal in our approach to living in a culture not our own (we are free to grumble about some things like immigration issues but are generally happy in our lives here). Just some thoughts.
  18. In part, the reason I use the monthly transfer method for immigration requirements. Limits the potential economic damage.
  19. Study some history. The situation with the widening income/ wealth gap is the result of the wealthy in both parties either supporting or acquiescing to the policies/actions that have brought us to where we are today. Systematic changes must be made … but storming the Capitol or following Trump is certainly not the right direction.
  20. My reality … yes, living expenses have gone up here in Thailand since my retirement 13 years ago. Then again, my retirement funds are invested and are providing a sustainable retirement income (knock on wood for the stock market in the USA stays the course).
  21. I can be sensitive to the economic squeeze on the working middle class in the USA. The wealth/income gap has grown to an unsustainable gap. Reality that caused my to be an economic refugee in retirement. On the other hand, living my earned working middle class retirement here in Thailand with my modest retirement funds providing a sustainable income. My apologies to those who wish to say the US economy has been ruined by Biden … not my reality.
  22. Elected by the popular vote of the majority of American citizens voting for her in California. Unlike he who shall not be named never winning an election by the popular vote.
  23. What I enjoy is realizing I am an economic refugee FROM the USA having joined millions of other Americans in retirement (outsourced) as we cannot afford a working middle class retirement in our own country.
  24. Sadly in today’s USA, the “middle” is found on the right. Thus it is harder for me to deal with the diehards. While acknowledging I am moderately left of center and find others moderately right of center with whom to find common ground in focusing on agreed issues needing to be addressed … far too many current Americans would place me automatically as extreme left when that is patently false. Example, I support a national healthcare program such as found in all other developed democratic, capitalist countries.
  25. Color me confused. Pregnant female, afterward trans to become man?
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