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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I do count myself fortunate. Two monthlong visits to Thailand in 2009 and again in 2010. Followed up by my first eight months retired here. I was a fat boy in a candy shop … literally. Tried the assorted “candy” short time, university student arrangement, visiting the same girl in Pattaya, dating websites. In the end, I found I wanted to be with someone full-time. I suppose I had been “domesticated” over the years. At any rate, opted for having a Thai partner. Now happily married for six years and counting. Of course, I was fortunate as a bare back rider … the girls were all virgins … obviously (said tongue in cheek). Never any STDs.
  2. I recently needed to transfer $10,000.00 USD from my usual US bank account to my Bangkok Bank Account. I monthly transfer $2200.00 for long term stay without any issue. The one large transfer caused a difference in handling, same as you experienced. So, I did two separate $5,000.00 transfers on two different days and all worked as I am used to.
  3. So, you think a participatory democracy is a misnomer? Bottom line, the demes have the power (if they will use it). You are familiar with the Greek concept looked to by the founders?
  4. Can you cite the facts? I ask because I am not privy to behind the scenes knowledge, nor have I studied in depth all his actions. Outside of that, I do not recognize what you reference.
  5. And sometimes in history a dedicated, vocal minority presents a present and clear threat to a participatory democracy.
  6. A determined Republican Party splinter group is currently holding Congress hostage to their very real threat to block the passage of the proposed budget bill hostage, as well as, shutting down the government (yes, I have a vested interest as I rely on my earned US Social Security monthly payments to live) unless they have their minority demands met. The current House Speaker (3rd in line to the Presidency) is under threat by that group with removal if he does not agree to their demands. What, exactly, is undemocratic about bringing the whole bill, as already proposed and written before the full House for a vote? Same as Sen. Tuberville blocking the Senate from voting on current military appointments, same as earlier, Sen. McConnell refusing to bring the President's SCOTUS nominee before the Senate to debate and vote. these are the types of actions giving credence to the idea that there is movement in the USA toward minority rule.
  7. Given the state of the current Republican Party, one can only hope that their candidates are soundly defeated.
  8. So much for my being told that the majority rules in a participatory democracy.
  9. My apologies, I noted your faulting Biden and Democrats without also citing Trump and Republicans.
  10. Wait, didn't I hear similar when the West sold out the Czechs concerning Hitler's demand for the Sudetenland ....
  11. While I owned a condo for two years, as long as I paid the annual management/maintenance fee, I certainly expected parking for both my car and motorbike. Good to know about this ... should I ever be in the market for a condo in the future I would certainly insist on a parking spot as an owner.
  12. So, I can assume you opposed the 2017 Republican tax cuts while not reducing spending?
  13. I'm thinking the credit score, background check, plus the investment funds would secure a rental.
  14. Sorry to disappoint you (actually not). Yes, I studied five potential countries in which to retire. Thailand got the nod but not before my visiting and traveling during four separate monthlong stays in 2009 and 2010. Sent in the retirement paperwork to retire as of July 1, 2011 (academic year contract, aged 64 1/2 years). Sold my 18.4 acres, motorhome, 3 cars and went to cash. And the house? Took some memorabilia after allowing Sons to walk through and take what they wanted (neither had a place of their own at the time). So, left the basement shop, furniture but arranged four crates to be shipped to Chiang Mai (two crates were books ... one I kept, one was 298 books in English of American History I donated to the CMU Library. So, I have no real property in USA. My residence has been Chiang Mai, Thailand. But, but ... what happens if all goes belly up? As they say, I will cross that bridge when I come to it ... stress over potential disasters is a killer. After all, as you point out, I can move anywhere ... as my Aussie acquaintances would say ... "no worries, mate".
  15. When I was, “casing” Thailand on my four monthlong visits in 2009 and 2010, I traveled around to see where I would like to settle. As I prefer the mountains over seashore living, I was drawn to the North. From the cities I visited, it seemed that Udon Thani, Loei, even Mae Hong Song were doable but … well, Chiang Mai had five universities and I thought I might continue working with students having retired teaching undergraduate history courses. Perhaps conversational English. As it turned out, I found I was happily retired and so donated the suits, dress shirts, ties, etc. Uniform of the day remains sandals, shorts, polo shirt.
  16. That might have been a good day with a tour group while other days might be very slow but … the fact that they still operate says there is enough to sustain the business idea. In my home country, I would not be surprised if tourism authorities were not supplementing.
  17. Mainland Chinese and Twaniese Chinese ... OK, just curious if traveling together will result in any political dialogue.
  18. Hmm, don't have a number but ... retired, little if any stress (rumors of changes to Immigration Visa requirements mostly). After 12 years, with traditionally raised Thai Wife and Stepdaughter, life is good. I am told I look and act ten years younger than my chronological are. I think, a result of living happily here in Chiang Mai.
  19. In a related taxation action, Americans, please note: We are excited to announce that H.R. 5432 Tax Simplification for Americans Abroad Act has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. Join us for a webinar with the sponsor of the bill, Congressman Don Beyer (D VA-08) on Wednesday, September 27 at 12pm ET to find out more! Click here to RSVP The Tax Simplification for Americans Abroad Act will: Create a simplified tax return form to help make it easier for Americans filing from abroad who owe no U.S. tax Eliminate double taxation for pensions and retirement distributions (including Social Security benefits), scholarships, fellowship grants, disability benefits, childcare expenses, family medical leave, and unemployment benefits Consolidate the FBAR into FATCA, increase the filing threshold, and eliminate the requirement to report separately to FinCEN Please call your House Representative today and ask them to co-sponsor the bill. Click here for how to call and what to say.
  20. In this case, fortunate that different immigration offices vary in their demands. While I use the monthly income method, the Bangkok Bank record of monthly deposits from abroad (FTT) is accepted by Chiang Mai Immigration.
  21. You cite exactly the article in question. As a National of the USA and taxed there, I would not be subject to the same tax again in Thailand. This citation is currently being used by some Americans in Thailand on the argument that they are subject to Thai taxation and thus not the U.S. taxation. Currently this does nor affect me, I file my income tax fo4 s annually but am below the level where I owe any income taxes.
  22. I am more concerned with any rise in retirement/marriage Visa income requirements or maintained balances. As to this proposal, I suspect as an American, subject to USA income tax on worldwide income, the Amity Treaty would kick in. If I understand it correctly, the Treaty provides agreement that citizens of the two countries will be protected from double taxation.
  23. Please note that Kad Suan Kaew Mall has been closed for some time.
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