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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Hmm, there are those capable of some critical thinking, handy as the world is complex. I fully recognize the justified frustration/anger built up within the working middle class as the result of the policies/actions inactions by both US major political parties over the past decades at both the state and national levels. Unfortunately, no major addressing of the issues was done by either party. Along comes Donald Trump, a being wholly unworthy and unqualified but … he has given voice to the frustration/anger. And so off they go, in ignorance, following the Pied Piper. It has happened before in history but, Americans are well known for their non-caring ignorance of the past. They want action … even self destructive action as they are tired of the status quo. I do not know if we will survive this brush with the end of my country but if we do … it will only delay if both parties do not see that their current direction has lost the support of the working middle class upon whom any hope of a U.S. participatory democracy depends.
  2. So, student loans can use the same bankruptcy laws?
  3. As we approach the national election in the USA with all its discord, purposeful misinformation and right out documented lies, it is understandable that all of us US citizens feel disheartened. I ask those of you, disheartened as I am that such a person as Donald J. Trump would ever be considered as worthy of representing the United States of America, to step back, put on the critical thinking cap and consider … I certainly understand and agree with the justified frustration/anger within the working middle class (most certainly Trump and his ilk are not the answer). The fact that such a reprehensible person could even be considered by so many should raise a serious question in your mind and in the minds of all … he is only able to have support because citizens, in their analysis believe that the continuing policies/actions of both major political parties have failed to address the very real issues facing us. Thus, far too many are open to even considering a person of such low character and capabilities. Again, Trump has a well documented history and is no where near the answer to our current critical point in history but … there is a very serious consideration for all. While both parties can be faulted, there is a difference critical to our future … the current Trump party must be soundly defeated, and then … if the Democrats do not see the writing on the wall and try to continue to “squeeze by” … I call for them too to be soundly dismissed in the next elections in two years.
  4. Good to know Trump had no responsibility. Some, certainly believe this to be smart … others see it as using the existing bent laws to take advantage of others without being held responsible.
  5. My only global residence for 13 years. And, yes, I have been known to travel out of the mountain, smoke catching “bowl” during the smoky season. If staying? Moving from air conditioned home to air conditioned car to air conditioned mall/restaurant, etc. is workable. And yes, I do miss getting out on the motorbike during that time.
  6. My understanding of the Buddha’s teaching is to avoid any substance which duos/enhances or otherwise interferes with your being naturally in the moment, being aware of carrying out the eightfold path. Many Buddhists, like many Christians, etc. are not strict in the adherence to the teachings. With that, I bid you a good evening as I am off to watch TV and sip my red wine. Ha! Yes, I am aware, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging and whosoever is there deceived is not wise”.
  7. Agree and I am an American. My Absentee Ballot mailed. Up to the my fellow voting citizens. I am done.
  8. Six trips outside Thailand in 13+ years for visits. I have felt no need to look for another retirement residence. If the need arises I will deal with it at that time. I am fully aware of alternatives.
  9. Ah, fondly remember my first trip in 2009. I would just observe that it is a learning experience so I would think they thought that was the best way of doing things simply by not knowing the alternatives. I was quite lucky, found a driver with car near the hotel I was staying … reasonable cost and I was still working so I hired him to both take me around some in Bangkok and drive me to Pattaya. I have now been here 13+ years and am much more able to wheel and deal than during that first trip.
  10. Na, I don’t need an exPresident locked up. In his case, utter humiliation in the history books and the decimation of any wealth will be fine.
  11. I can only relate my own experience here in achiang Mai and having driven around Thailand for 13 years … AIS.
  12. Hmm, where did you get that idea?
  13. I can support pealing back deductions after study to see if they are, if fact benefitting a country desired goal. I cannot support a flat tax without a bottom cur off. Someone earning $10,000 should not be taxed. I do not propose any amount as that would need some study and thought … Federal poverty level? You are also supporting higher taxes for higher earners, are you not? In general, I think the income/wealth gap has risen to unsustainable levels and is the underlying cause of most of the shredding of the social fabric today.
  14. I’m thinking it would be a boon for wealthy Americans not being subject to US taxation. Just maintain aone of your foreign address as a tax residency (preferably a country which does not tax your income).
  15. Not to mention again inflating the debt by refusing to tax to cover costs.
  16. I was waiting for this attitude from someone on the right wing. Let’s cut off earned SS if you were economically forced to be an economic refugee who can not afford an earned working middle class retirement in the USA. Afterall, those who have been “outsourced” are no longer Americans. And we already deny them earned Medicare outside the USA (unless you are fully retired US military … then, you get global healthcare coverage through Tricare … both military and civilian retirees continue to have to pay monthly premiums for Medicare, Part B). They abandoned the USA (where they earned their retirement in the USA as a citizen. Would you care to expand to declare, if you are too poor to owe taxes, you should not have the right to vote?
  17. Except, my limited experience … paranoia.
  18. Cannot disagree that the Democrats and Republicans in Congress are funding needs but staying away from rolling back the Republican tax cuts favoring the wealthy and corporations. We have means just not the political will to tax more fairly … the long term affect beginning with Reagan’s (R) tax cuts reducing taxes on the top incomes. No, I do not promote uncontrolled spending … that is why I seek Democrats arguing for social programs benefiting the working middle class and more traditional Republicans counter proposing alternatives viable to address the same issues needing action. Today? No chance …
  19. They are oriented toa yes/no, right/wrong world. A “strong” man leader to get things done … wear a red shirt tomorrow or you will be killed … wow! What a decisive ruler! Thinking further than that as to consequences? Nope, too complicated for them.
  20. Ha! Yes. Reading the comment of the “deep state” and the response concerning the international ownership of USA Today, my mind said to wait for it … cannot be far behind that some goober will cite the globalist conspiracy. I am actually quite concerned. After a lifetime as an educator, while I did my best, it is just a drop in the ignorance bucket.
  21. Wow! Just the kind of folk some Thais want to attract to living in Thailand. Wealthy enough to live anywhere, even in the Caymans and you chose Thailand …
  22. Then I would think the Republican and Democrat members of a Congress were remiss in not addressing the issue.
  23. Went to Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfast at Duke ‘s, Raumchok this morn from Doi Kham around Canal Road … no problem, high and dry.Thought I would return to Doi Kham area by way of the 2rd Ring Road … road closed. Swtched to Superhighway … road flooded. Switched to 3rd Ring Road … long line past Lamphun Road intersection, detoured toward Lamphun. Irony, ended up driving the river road through some water right next to the river (3 sand bags high along most of the way and some water on the road but not enough to stop cars from going through slowly). In afternoon, checked the house water on Moo Baan streets but our house was high and dry … then we noticed the water was slowly coming into our street … yikes! Just hoping it is not worse than last week when it reached the top of the first step. The third step is level with the house floor. Tomorrow should be the highest. No rain in the forecast and October should bring the end of the rainy season … no drought for farming and drinking water here!
  24. Immediate needs are different from projected needs? The statement does not confuse me …
  25. Chiang Mai is flooding again as I write. We have again fled to an area resort as our Moo Baan has been warned again of flooding in Saraphi District.
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