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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. While I could find common ground in agreeing that we are, in fact, where we are as a result of the policies, actions/inactions of both the Republican and the Democrat Party and certainly would agree that our system of demanding money contributions corrupts both parties … I cannot state that both parties are the same. Sorry, but I am bias, as an educator of history … mostly the words, liberal applied to the Democrats and conservative applied to the Republicans is valid by dictionary definition. There is a healthy debate that needs to take place in deciding policies to adress issues going forward. Sadly, this is not possible currently as many Republican Party supporters will tell you with their upcoming voting.
  2. “If you want to become multicultural and let other cultures in, that’s something you have to consider. But do not give it up to the detriment of your own," he warned.” Ah, younglings, welcome to a country founded as a multicultural nation. My forebears came to the British colony of New Jersey in the 1600s, the Swedes and Dutch, as well as the Lenape were already there. Some of my Quaker kin came from England but by way of Ireland. The French were west of the Appalachian’s, Spanish in Florida and a good deal of the SW.can’t forget the Russians in Alaska down into Oregon. My German 5th GGrandfather was at Valley Forge … well, welcome to the USA.
  3. We could probably find some common ground. Six years would include the time needed to become an American citizen currently. Bringing aged parents? Hmm, like Melania’s parents … OK, I’m opens to saying there is room for discussion. Religious schools would get touchy in the USA as we have a strong Catholic School System and, under law, all religions are supposed to be treated alike. I am open to banning religious garb which hides facial features for recognition. If it is not acceptable in doing business at an ATM/entering a bank … passing through Passport control … Again, we have a bit of difference being separated by our common language … and customs some of which evolved from rejecting the English customs of the times. And we deal with a good portion of the USA founding European culture being influenced by Spain, in addition to being a nation of immigrants.
  4. Gee wiz … why would the Executive Branch need to draft legislation if Executive Orders hold the force of law? Thanks for your attempt at insulting my lack of education. Constitutional Law was one of the classes I took as an undergrad on my way to retiring as Emeritus Professor of History … you?
  5. Cannot agree as I think you are too strident. Having some cross cultural experience and a study of history, I observe it is not like flicking a light switch. It takes time to adjectival to “culture shock”. That includes not only trying to learn a new language, adjusting to diet and acceptable eating expectations. Some will live together in enclaves like some foreign locations with Americans huddled together … As an American, I observe we still maintain “little” … Italy, Hungary, Russia (Brighten Beach in NYC comes immediately to mind). The new cultures also change the native culture … I recall the condemnation of Germans coming to the USA bringing their pagan Christmas customs … we would not have an American Christmas without that imported Christmas Tree tradition. Sorry, I spent a good amount of time talking to my American students of American History about immigration movements into the USA. Not the policies under various administrations but more about the influence of the incoming groups and the reaction to them.
  6. I am well aware that it is a hope more than any documented evidence but … my hope is we will witness a real shock come November with the Trump party being soundly rejected my an overwhelming number of thinking Americans. I then hope that if handing the Democrats control, they do not forcefully address the justified needs of the working class, there will indeed be a collapse of my country. Those with power … embrace that you will remain on top or, recognize ye best moderate a better deal for the working middle class. We do not see this evidence and the whole American system is brought down.
  7. Ah … I observe that, not all, but most comments on ASEAN NOW, that I click a “laugh” response is laughing “at them” rather than “with them”. I will be honest if asked but I hope those caring can discern the difference on the basis of my past comments and my public profile.
  8. Avoid both sides of the Mae Ping streets back about 1/4 mile. Major roads open but Lamphun Road from Centara to the North, same on opposite bank, Chang Klan flooded.
  9. Very funny … or very sad as in being President cannot enact the most extreme laws. In the USA the legislative branch alone is empowered to make laws. I am thinking you are not American or you decided to ignore your school civics/government/history lessons.
  10. Good to know that there was none of this happening under the previous administration. Wait, what? Crime statistics show a decline in overall crime. Ah, right is all a conspiracy to cover up. Every American involved is corrupt and covering up the truth …
  11. Certainly agree that it should be limited to listing under “World News”.
  12. Ha! Yes, and my retirement funds, invested on the stock market are doing just fine. And who can we thank for this? No simple answers.
  13. I have used the 65K minimum transfers for 13 years now. Currently $2200.00 from my U.S. bank directly into my Bangkok Bank account. Lower exchange rate than I got with Wise which I can no longer use but it actually came out to be the same approximate $15 usd.
  14. Some folks need a U.S. History lesson. Yes, native Americans have the right to vote since being made citizens of the US 100 years ago. Whoa, let’s not forget that states refused them the right to vote and even today one political party is increasing requirements restricting their eligibility to vote. Just as was done to blacks with Jim Crow Laws earlier this century. Did you pick up on my secondary point here? States deciding … not all citizens of the USA having American Rights … the move is to “let the states decide”. One might ask why this is being done? Decide and weaken the USA as a United country.
  15. And then, if Trump is again rejected by the popular vote (defeated by 3 million in 2016, 7 million in 2020 and, hopefully 10 million+ in 2024) supported by the an Electoral College vote, expect the court actions.
  16. If we cite a scammer, can they turn around and take us to court for deaf mining their good name? Asking for an imaginary friend.
  17. I would have been a bit more diplomatic “… It’s time they bear some of the blame.”. Well, certainly to take more of the responsibility of not better policing to protect customers.
  18. I fear you have been reading too much of the posts concerning the upcoming U.S. elections. The tone, outlook would fit right in with the ridiculous anger venting … jai yen, yen (not meant as a criticism, just an observation out of concern …).
  19. “They” have a concept of a plan. Where have I heard this recently?
  20. Sorry, I can be no help. My 200K in individual stocks is with Fidelity where I skim off a bit if wanted. The additional 400K is in my managed TIAA-CREF account. I pretty well have my 65K+ baht a month immigration income in balance ($1570 from US Social Security & retirement funds) without further monitoring.
  21. Ha! Well he has stated as a matter of public record … he does have a concept of a policy …
  22. Don’t forget that the narcissist has stated he is a genius … truly a legend … in his own mind.
  23. Damned law getting in the way of imprisoning Americans without the citizen Grand Jury indicting on the basis of evidence presented warranting a separate citizen Trial Jury listening to the prosecution evidence and the defense evidence being presented. I am sure we can get around this as soon as Trump is elected and Project 2025 is put into action!
  24. The public background reports say he was a Trump supporter who became disillusioned with the reality of who/what Trump is ….
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