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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. RI use Eva exclusively. It is all about timing within going into a long long delails as to what they do with their prices. Of course it depends prices is how many seats are sold at the time one looks before their trip. This is pretty much the same with most airlines Ive found Expedia not much cheaper. Seat selection prices have gone up seats from Taipei to West coast use to be 900 baht now over 2000 baht, Exit rows are even more seats are given believe 24 hours or first come first serve at gate they are free.
  2. As a fellow American proper way Excuse me! Sorry! Thanks!
  3. Don't want to buy a Condo, for your reasons then I suggest you don't even consider from your photos. As noted, then you better buy like a Rai of land with no one within 3 miters from your bedroom window and surrounding the footage of your house. Regardless, condo look for end units same with houses, doing so you deal with only 50% of the problem. Noise is part of the culture in Thailand 😂 then you got foreigner who were also raised in the same manner.
  4. They do, unofficial go outside to departure center island look for buds on floor that is the sign of smoking area.
  5. If true all the leaders must have been smoking it for a long time talking about low.
  6. Tyson, 50's the money is good " lets get ready to rumble "
  7. Over ten years reported 200 billion is lost due to these crooks leaders it must be well over 350 billion by not all they got to show for it for the people are repaved roads smoother quicker so the Thai people can get to their cremation quicker. 🤔
  8. If all these official had any balls weren't taking brown envelops to turn a blind eye then <deleted> hits the fan start to talk tough hold meeting that is why Thailand has so much smog. Start by actually having a plan but of course that isn't going to happen in our life time.
  9. People who write these article, come get entertain you know what I mean, red carpet treatment wine and dine then handed a big brown envelope like the Olympic committee then write what they have never seen as the truth.🤑
  10. 7Signal wouldnt have helped and didnt. This is a bad habit that many drivers think is acceptable " TIT " Im smaller look out for me but when anyone pulls out signaling or not it is impossible to stop on a dime. Then challenging a person who has done this their whole life. Loss of face, monkey see monkey do hiitting women is ok, what you get is exactly what we see. The end, the story writer, police from the same school wont address the problem that started it all a slap on the wrist say sorry and all is good until next time.
  11. Lets not dance around fella, it is a pussy!😂 but if PC and Woke is your thing how about Beaver!😂
  12. First at your age shouldn't being wearing those white briefs, U.S. they seem to have ended white briefs due to the stains it causes to the environment LOL. One try it BOXERS let the little guy free, why contain him in this heat, I stopped wearing those in my forties and never look back. Today as one posted showed there are just so many styles. 😂
  13. Another senseless request going nowhere! The honor system doesnt work.
  14. I think prices are inflated and has left Thais out they cant meet the 51%. 🤔
  15. Ive learned the grass is never greener it takes work lots of it or it turnd brown.
  16. Curious, who are you sending your rent too? Hold the rent! Personally, depending on the original lease most likely no sub leasing? Best to find a way contact actual owners reset with them.
  17. Always looking to add to my list Where in Patyaya, thanks.
  18. Ive had back issues since 20 years old, told to operate I did the research, Ive got an Ortho surgeon in my family and PT. Ive found many who feel only by a professional Ive tried Chiropractic Chinese medicine, certified licence in States, Ive had blind massages, total today since living in Thailand Hundreds if not close to a thousand. Many Doctor in States will tell you they are bias to anyone not licenced dont but to me that is out of ignorance how many have traveled outside of U.S. longer than two weeks. Through the years Ive have countless of PT session many of the things done are similiar to what Ive gotten a legit places in Thailand done by women who have toiled for year. As noted you need to try many doing so you will know it is the provider today minimum 3 times a week two hours narrow down to 1 hour foot another hour Thai. There are in the end a number of bending even some snap your neck one must try to know unless you already know can ask not. My regular shop over 10 ladies older years of experience after you will know which knows trained or experience what they are doing. I dont like the snapping of the neck request dont and if too hard or soft just let them know. You got to try doing so you will know who knows what they are doing or goung through the motion. It is so cheap I firmly believe if it wasnt for massages I wouldnt be able to walk.
  19. Not cage fighters they are now
  20. And that should include every country in the world not just U.S.
  21. Politics 101, Big Joke is off and running next election. Screw being police chief Im aiming higher dump the boy scout uniform when Im looking good in designer suits.🤑
  22. The way police here goes about resolutions 🤑
  23. This is a first Im hearing!
  24. And there you have it! A a-- of a comment from a person who obvious endorse poor reporting. Not even a guy like you would report as an amature report on am accident and use another photo of another bike. If you didnt live In Self dark Would look at majoroty of your own comments as beind ridicule to other Thai articles and towards the police. You must be the only one who actually think police here are competent to figure out anything. Ive got over 35 years years of experience With the Dept of Trans in the States I do havr a clue unlike!
  25. Reference that is how pathetic the reporting to be. Regardless pretty much what I wrote can hold true even 125 wave. I travel a lot on my bike 150 PCX I find going 60 to be an adequate speed otherd blow by me.
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