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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. If not Thai bashing what should it be?🀣
  2. Loy Kraytong 15
  3. Politely tell her not to come! her ties is with China, any extra help Thailand people will never see the light.
  4. You seem to be brain dead or more! Who gives a FF what people Google! If people want to leave claim to leave whether Trump is in charge or not that is their right! Why on earth would you continue your nonsense by posting a link. So people Google how many is actually going to leave and when they do for sole reason of a person they don't like " Take let the door hit you on the way out " Get a F life!
  5. Yes it is a response to your sharing an idiot one at that! I don't see how your response has any relevant even if Musk daughter was important and famous! Just as relevant and idiotic why you would even ask if 49 is my number to my cell! I guess your response had to be done twice since you most likely didn't have a clue as to what you wrote the first time!πŸ˜‚ What larger group you talking about or is there really one!
  6. And why dont you join them I for one wont be getting a crying towel out nor will I Give a F, Larger group Who the F are ypu kidding.
  7. State to States yes but as for leaving U.S, it is boasting like Trump Great majority dont even have a passport! Anyone really believe those on the View will . My niece threaten last time Trump won this time just a big FU to anyone and everyone who voted for Trump on FaceBook.
  8. Correction, yes there are 61 countries but not all of them have withing the Treaty " Saving Clause " U.S. happens to one of a dozen. Thanks bye! Do what you got to do good luck!
  9. Interesting comment, it is true up front this is whatcAmericans think about. It was noted once in a comment investing isnt taught in High School instead they make sure in my days write a proper check. Why Im not exactly sure any longer. If I can learn anyone can when I did I was at the front with my Union bringing in expert to explain to my fellow workers how easy it works. You say where are workers going to find an extra 100USD, I heard it a million times but when you sit and review workers habits never fails you find it. Their are comments if a person cut back on one or two coffee from Starbucks a day take that savings put it in a mutual fund guess what. Every negative you made goes against every economist and investment expert. When it comes to a 401K, if your gross paycheck 1000, you take out 100USD for 401K, you are then tax on 900 not 1000, and if your company provides a match you get 100 USD. How you can state what you stated make me wonder not a criticism but how you got your wealth?
  10. Ok if that is the road you want to travel down and understand knock yourself out I dont plan to jump and obtain an tax ID, until Im force to do it is that just too hard to understand for you. Im not confused but I do wonder if Im talking to a wall?
  11. No it isn't for me at least, if that is your opinion I say stay the course! According to the expat meeting i attended it should have started already but yet we are still talking about it. You say jump because someone has told you to jump your reasoning is how high master. I plan to wait until it is official now tell me IS THAT TOO CONFUSING FOR YOU! Also, if and when it happens the biggest huddle they have America being one of the few countries that has a Duel Tax treaty with Thailand I've not seen anything from the leaders here to overturn that treaty.
  12. Then I guess all the articles this year and recent is all fake news. If It was truly effective we would have to had file first Q of this year.
  13. The A-- kissing has begun along with their hand out! πŸ€‘
  14. Maybe he wasnt so busy drumming up the fear to use " tax experts " to navigate he didnt get the memo they havent drafted a thing still in discussion havent voted.
  15. Just last week I noted the Same continous problem same excuse as always although they continue to advertise lower fees faster transfer. First, I use Bangkok bank, years now Ive done large transfer 10,000 USD 24 hours. A few months back 10,000 USD, 4 days. High/Lower amounts previous if I do 1000 USD or above 24 Hours, if lower it comes in seconds! Not for me the last 6 month regardless it indicating 20 seconds I push submit response 4 days! No holiday, no weekend here or abroad. Ive heard only bank is Bangkok, my brother uses Bangkok also dont have problem so that theory doesnt hold water. What is true as op noted getting worse! Ive not had one transfer last six month come in seconds and I do 3 a month.
  16. Just go to Bangkok bank with your wife and ask!
  17. georgegeorgia= BDMF! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  18. It is your choice. But you just limit yourself. Numbers not much difference 125 vs 155 up. Yamaha you got NMax or Arex 155 but from looks you like a drop front Im mainly Honda, a 160 Click drop front I believe would fit your needs or PCX 160, it isnt just power it is also suspension. I have a 2012 150 PCX, 140,000 KM it still flies at 100 KM/H And stable.
  19. The points sounds good but you can have a millions points. This is noting more than protecting their own corruption, it is like foreigners needing a work permit foreigners are taking a corruption job from the cops.🀧
  20. One, why block out the plates! Two, give these driver the authorities to ram and push them aside then forward everything to police for prosecution bill the driver, for repair damages, 50,000 fine, final civil damages.
  21. Majority of rentals is paid for my the complex normal run is 7 baht for electricity and 20 baht for water. You sign the lease don't ask don't care that is on the renter after don't complain and use the excuse they get it for so and so! Majority of the A/C or Frigs are not up to date turn them on during visit to see how they run and how much noise they make if bad look for another unit same with showers, sinks, etc.. I flip up the panel to check the screen if it is cleaned frig are the same plug it in look inside condition gives you a good hint of maintenance of the place. I never paid too much attention to those meter sticker reading! Thailand, I take little for granted no real consumer advocates to check if that sticker in fact is for real!πŸ˜‚ I don't pay a lot of attention to all the stats stuff I'm just aware of my habits. I rented a place for months years my bill for electric ran around 500-600 baht rarely ran the A/C and I cleaned it myself resort staff once a year came and clean and service it. One month the bill was 1500, I reported it, the maintenance guy came and checked out the meter tested it and it was replaced, managed adjusted the bill. This meters not from the PEA, are cheap dime a dozen hardware store.
  22. three bar codes, 1. Not a member 2, dumb 3. DumberπŸ˜‚
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