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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. We can tick for tack all day if you want to use your point of U.S. Ive been to Phil, no family but for some work, family in New York. Chicago. L.A. Oakland all in the inner city public school. As for the metal detectors who cares once inside you there to learn and that is what my family did learn. Regardless of decline in U.S. the teacher are educated certified can teach any any International school in Thailand, which one of my cousins did years back in Chiang Mai. Teachet have more freedom to teach and speak out there is very little in Thailand reason Thai dont lead they follow. My two nieces I referred to them their parent came from China, I help sponsor them with my parents. Both stay at my parents home for a year while working washing dishes they struck out on their own buying a affordable condo in Black ghetto area. They were harassed and push around daily when they haf their two girls attended predominate black student population. With 4.0 graded they got tested and accepted into a top public school in the country. This entire school is loaded with 4.0 Students and yes they have metal detectors or police on compass yet they learn and got scholarships to Stanford. Thailand public government schools the poor the majority cant do what you do or live where you live they dont have the option. In my village Thai not a gate community I see kids 5 walking around during the day because family cant afford to senf more than one to school not even money for the uniforms. My Thai wife was such a case big family she was 5th after a few years she was yank what she learn came from her older brother and sister. Public government school in general Thailand id going nowhere for the masses. Nowhere sadly!
  2. I have a huge family tree back home that tree starts with public school all of my cousins, their kids, public school. Nearly all are professional , Doctor, Lawyers, my niece two girls 18,22, both got full scholarships at Stanford, tuition is 70,000 USD a year. The oldest graduated with honor and was highly recruited to do research at UCSF. One of my cousins started with McDonnell Douglas Engineer space division left and went with Elon Musk startup he recently retired driving away in EV truck loaded with his stock🤣 They all came from inner city public school. I was offer a great education public school unlike my cousins while they were studying I was out breaking into peoples homes🙄 Every expert inside of Thailand who isnt afraid to speak and outside express nothing will change to help the masses in Public schools unless they make a major change and Thailand that isnt going to happen.
  3. I'll take a wild guess, the pick up truck is most likely a manual. Proper driver training the reason there is a stop sign prior to the crossing you stop prior to proceeding depending on size of vehicle have to make sure in front there is clearance once you proceed must clear completely. In my testing for commercial drivers when manuals was pretty much only choice road test 1st time testing I fail 90% shifting to higher gear while crossing the chance engine cuts out is high so put it in first and roll through in thst gear no shifting in panic they flood the engine.
  4. These stats are misleading when you talk about the poor pure government schools they arent the ones winning these awards. Many of these winners come from well to do family having money so their child can attend these event. Thats my two baht!
  5. My own experience it does, it makes a difference whem you turn it on. There are time I obtain the website then notice my vpn off I then get my psssword etc rejected. I close the website then with vpn on Return at time got to go through the security routine. Knowing this I switch my phone duel sim to U.S. then reQuest the code. Remember to have them remember the device.
  6. If it was medical keep it that way but Thailand open this can of worms not for the reason. Im sute those who want it will use that excuse to no end. Revolution, this is just another reason to fatten that brown envelope.
  7. The truth will set you free! Was that not covered at the temple by the monks?🤔
  8. I thought he was sick. Is police Hospital now the PM office🤣🤔
  9. Not true, there is a separate room today for 90 days. No longer parking lot as you face the main building first room is 90 days. I just happen to be down there with a friend he was in the information room so I was roaming around happen to be in the 90 day and overheard the discussion felt sorry for both parties because girl must heard it a million times. With all thevother copies they want you to fill out a TM 47 which I believevis the 90 day form.
  10. There is an inconsistent process with Jomtien I've seen the chit-chat in regards to showing up with just your passport. And to be honest they have a point! To do your 90 report before for reasons if online not being accepted now they want you to have a copy front page of yourself, your passport, TM-30, the recent 90-day slip, and Visa I think which is already in their possession and the passport. So why the redundant copies? Why isn't this all being asked to be uploaded online? Why only in person? I do my online wTM30 requirement I thought and heard it being requested uploaded but no, did it as usual and it went through?
  11. One thing for sure there are lots of people from different parts of the world. While they liKe to do their thing they forget to chill themselves while they like to correct and ask othets to chill. I simply posted about access to a restaurant to only have it high jacked because I wasnt cleared or had mispelling so when you talk about chill? I ask how important was it? that It pulled you from pouring wine from ones cornflake.
  12. I appreciate the concern of everyone of finding the need to correct and control things. My ego isnt that big that I cant take the criticism of being corrected that is the way I learn even at my age. I dont need to go over again as to why things are the way they are but being corrected isnt going to stop through embrassing remarks from what I might have said in the past that bother some from posting in the future. But if people want then should correct all the mispelling which Mr. Rimmer missed. Maybe I gave some too much credit I just assume it was clear " more choices " open cheap charlie " to let those who like the place down on Soi Buakhao that live on Darkside need not run down to all the traffic now. it was not my intent to drag C.C. through the posting mud over spelling and grammer the posting was about more food choices. It is very clear in the rules of posting grammar, spelling, isnt a priority. Also clear is stalking other poster because of disagreement in the past using spelling and grammar as . your weapon. You might think you are doing others a favor by pointing it out but personally it is more harmful to this website reason there is such a rule. if this such A major concern the Thai government can use your help with teaching at their government school. I will try to do better from your criticism but dont hold your breath🤣
  13. NoT sure what you looking for? if you think there should be more clarify yourself and educate me as to how it should be posted. Instead of constantly running your mouth with your finger being a keyboard coward. We have been through this before about your expectation that posters have to be exactly like you which only a fool would want to be!
  14. Cheap Charlie on Soi Buakhao! There is one now on the Darkside Soi Khao Noi, bit dowm from Tops opposite side.
  15. Why speculate go in immigration Wai, slap yourself in the face tell them what happened ting tong see what their response go from there. 🤔
  16. Get a lawyer! Stand by while autopsy is perform should free or hang him unless they get it out of him with the plastic bag. 🤔
  17. My 2 baht! I have a Yaris, 1.5, today you can still get a Yaris for 650,000 baht. i also have a Toyota Hilux 2.4 E 2x4 Auto 7 speed Diesel and a 12 passenger van. living in Thailand although it might be City driving you just never know? Must expat dont buy trucks to work or go off road. Out of all the vehicles is the truck a bit bumpie but so is the Yaris. Bigger is better? I find the size to be an advantage on the road with Thais then I noticed gas mileage is much better and cheaper larger to me bigger motor translate to everything bigger which is the A/C, although the Yaris is well maintained I find running the fan at 3 to be comfortable whereas the truck at 1 is much colder. Smaller engine waiting at long lights,idling, long trips takes it toll. My truck is E, 2018. Price at 890,000 got it drop to 855,000, if mainly two in front should be ok draw back I got a big hog for a daughter in law sucks up all the A/C coolant for my son cause there is no AC vent for the back. If you want you need to move up model G 960,000
  18. It isnt SSA, it is the Thai banks. My brother use to do the same pre planning we set up Wise account to transfer his SS from his US bank to bangkok bank. If the rate is 34 he gets 34 minus the small ACH fee which still comes out ahead. Does the income method for years no problems.
  19. If he wasnt sick she be on her knees!🤣 peacemaker.
  20. This is a job for the Soi 9 boys. Within 1 hour all they go to do is position themselves outside and start writing tickets for no helmets. at the cross walk push the button that should get plenty to help pay for a new one. Thst would be a good start in helping their image😁
  21. Wherever you are main road look for a Thai furniture shop sells bedd etc they hsvr them. Homepro,Mega stores, Ive seen them at Big C, Lotus,
  22. APPEAL! Now that is the answer to much of every problem here!😂
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