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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. Absolutely. My wife is the cautious one and happy to stay where we are for now. But equally, she has no problem with us moving there. Whilst my health has never been an issue, she is aware of my age and that the medical facilities down there are quite a way from the new build. And indeed, not as good as where we are now. Hence her wise input to our decision.
  2. My wife already owns a house in the village. That is why we were considering moving outside of it. I have lived there and the people are great. But we wanted some more privacy and quieter surroundings.
  3. Thanks for your thoughtful insight. I have been planning to do this for the past 14 years. And the house build area is some 18kms from Amnat. My wife and I are still discussing the pros and cons, although the land is ready, I am now not 100% convinced at this point in time now, having received a large number of private messages from well wishers, who had already moved out there and then moved back to a city, for a variety of good reasons. But, I thank all those who have been kind enough to pass on their views.
  4. Ok. Fully understand your system now. I appreciate the time you have taken to provide me with various options and tips. Many thanks.
  5. Thank you again. I am considering and researching all your ideas on water collection. Slightly confused by your water collection that you don't use rainwater for domestic use. And you have another tank that is filtered into the house. Is this tank fed from your well by electric pump? Regards
  6. No. But if you open asean now on your browser, head to the 3 vertical dots top right, scroll down and click on " add to homepage ". This will then give you a shortcut icon, to click on every time, you wish to access the site.
  7. Thank you for the excellent advice. I was considering a bore hole, which I probably mis wrote as a well. The rain idea is starting to intrigue me. Would need to see how I get that into the house properly filtered. Still researching everything and in discussion with an excellent plumber. The roof would be triple layered with foil with a sandwich of roof insulation material or something similar, which a neighbour had installed and keeps the house very cool. Plus I would add solar panels to the roof. Regards
  8. Interesting idea. Thank you. But rainwater in Issan is a rare commodity. The reason for solar is to ensure a constant supply if needed and the unpredictability of 365/24/7 power supply in this area, based upon personal experience. Plus all water would require running through an Osmosis filtration system, before use within the house. And yes, that would be by water pump, with solar back up So, still considering all options for belt and braces eventuality.
  9. The budget for all solar installations on my project is a variable feast. Every solar installation is different, depending on panels, batteries etc. So, there would be little point in me naming my budget for my build. But the solar for the well can range from 30k upwards. I envisage somewhat more than that because of the power that I wish to draw the water into the storage tanks.
  10. Thanks for the info. I discovered in my Samsung phone> settings> accessibility, I had it activated for SD MAID. And like you, I have to turn it off to use Bbk app and then back on to use it. Wrote to the developer with screenshot of the banking app security notice. He said that this was nothing to do with him, but something the bank has done. Seems a little OTT by the bank. Their app has no permissions and cannot be" "on top" and overlay other apps. But I'm sure they have their reasons.
  11. Actually it doesn't get access to anything on your phone. People keep saying it reads all your information on your phone. It has no permissions whatsoever. See image.
  12. Hi I am looking for any tips on my proposal to build a bungalow on land that my wife owns. The ground has been prepared for the past 18 months and has now settled. The new bungalow is 1 km from the village, so hopefully far enough away from too many intrusions. 1. Proposed to build a well using solar. 2. Single construction measuring approx 150 to 170 sq metres. Plus a two metre path at the sides and back. And a 5 metre deep 10 metre wide porch at the front of the house. 3. I have drawn up plans and would need the builder to see over them. 4. Local electricity runs past the property. So that should not present a problem, linking to the house. 5. I am considering installing solar panels as a back up, to run if necessary, until any power failure is restored. That is the outline. So any help or pitfalls I might encounter would be appreciated. I am still calculating costs, allowing for 20% over run. But it is well within my affordability. I have lived here for many years now, so am aware of a few things I might encounter. But the brother in law and wife's brothers will be on hand if necessary to smooth things over. Thank you for any views you might have. And finally. I am not overly concerned about hospitals/ airports/ facilities etc. I have done all the research before making this decision. And yes, I have read many negative stories about village reactions to a Farang moving into the village area. And many wished that they had never moved for a variety of reasons. I get on extremely well with every member of my wife's family. And I see no reason for that to change. And for all the years I have lived here and numerous visits to the village, I have always been made welcome. Of course that might change when I move down there. Not a great concern for me. But there will always be one or two with the " green eye" Regards
  13. Why are we still getting this infernal Hong Kong Rugby advert site blocking. all access to this site. unable;e to click on any topic, without it automatically appearing. Yesterday it seemed to be OK. But this morning, it is back again on my phone, but not on my Mac.
  14. I have exactly the same issue. I reported it to Geofge and he has included support in my message. Just spent the past hour resetting my phone.....same problem.
  15. Whenever I open your app, I am now bombarded with adverts. I cannot open a Please see attached. Please advise
  16. Never heard of TM 30 online. Could you please post a link. Thank you.
  17. Thought it was just me hearing a fairy tale????????
  18. Oh really?? And how did they contact him here, if they didn't know he was here. Sounds a bit far fetched. And if he was 74, he would have had to pay back 9 years, not 7 years. And why would he return to UK to pay it back, living here is cheaper. Some inconsistency in this.
  19. Try Makro or tops. They have good New Zealand frozen peas.
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