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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. It's a big city and there is bad traffic, going the wrong direction at the wrong time of day is very bad for a taxi driver, so don't get your panties in a bunch if he doesn't want to go and just ask the one behind him. If no one will go, walk to a different spot and ask there or use public transport. I'm glad they can refuse fares and not get in trouble because it's better for the driver and keeps cost down for us

    I dont have a problem with them saying no per se, I just noticed that taxi drivers who wind down the window instead of letting you open the door, are mush less likely to pick you up. I think only one time, when a guy wind down his window, he picked me up.

    I think you are on the wrong forum if you are looking for men to pick you up?

  2. I'm confused by this topic. I have never seen a taxi driver open the back door for me as he was pulling up to pick up a fare. Can they even do that?

    it's the done thing in Hong Kong with some special mechanical connection.

    Singapore is better they get out open the boot/trunk and take your bags off you.................my wife nearly died of shock when this happened on a recent visit!!

    She wasnt even looking for a taxi!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm trying to raise the issue of communication, the UK Pensions system is not fine if it can't pass information from one office to another.

    If they freeze my pension why can't they also freeze the exchange rate as they claim it's a 'benefit in kind' ( This question is a joke!!)

    Good lets hope they stay that way when i am here permanently, I like incompetence it helps me keep one step ahead. Id steal form any govt beacsue lets face it they will screw you over without a care in the world.

    • Like 2
  4. OK, I'll try to be more practical than some above.

    There are two distinct possibilities (more if you include hypercondria or even just play acting - but I'm assuming not): 1-There is a physical problem, 2-there is a psychosomatic problem.

    As to Physical:

    The first could be illness (doctors misdiagnose and miss things all the time - maybe a full medical at a hospital rather than a clinic may help).

    Could be poison also.

    As to psychosomatic:

    Perhaps her belief in a curse is causing her to manifest those symptoms. This is actually well documented (from phantom pregnancies to African witch doctor curses actually causing victims to die or become very sick through pure fear and belief).

    If you can afford it, I would start with taking her to a hospital for the check up (with paid for tests if insurance doesn't cover). At the same time I would take her to a bigger temple (wat) to see the abbot to do a mini-ceremony. This will hopefully get rid of her fears and any psychosomatic issues.

    ....Pointing the Bone is an ancient curse used by aboriginies of Australia but still practiced today - like many Thais - aboriginies are spiritualists and firmly believe in the powerful forces of spirits, curses and spells. The vengeful person takes a kangaroo bone, carves a point at one end, and drills a hole through the other. He then passes a single strand of the victims hair through the hole and ties it in place. Often this is undertaken in a public display of hatred, where the bone is pointed at the victim, who almost immediately falls down and becomes sick. Within a few days, they are always dead. First hand accounts of this ritual are plentiful.. To westerners - it is Baloney..

    All completely true.................ok well the last word is anyway

  5. Here also they seem to die within 2-3 weeks of each-other, there-after relative quiet period, until next die season.

    I’ve been using a combo method, of rubber sheet placed on exposed windows and doors & high volume on TV’s. To me it helps allot, if they are high decibel level indoors. Some stuff copied from a website below:

    Rubber is used to reduce sound, noise, and absorb acoustical vibration. Rubber or sponge rubber can be used for soundproofing and noise reduction and vibration control. These products work well in these applications because the physical properties of high density and regular consistency aid rubber in reducing the transfer of sound. Additionally, rubber excels in applications that require noise and vibration to be reduced. The reason for this is that any noise and vibrations that are present will be absorbed and distributed evenly across the material rather than being allowed to fully pass through. Also, the thickness of the rubber to be used is determined by the desired level of noise and vibration reduction, the method of application, and they type of rubber being used. The thickness of the rubber is largely determined by the desired amount of noise reduction; the thicker the material is, the greater it will be at reducing noise and vibrations. One can go from slight noise reduction to complete soundproofing by simply increasing the thickness of the material being used.

    Good Luck…. bcoz I do really hate the noise also!!!

    sheesh what a pallava, surely a pair of earplugs would be so much simpler. faster etc

  6. I have a blackberry.

    I'd be just as happy with a standard telephone but it was a gift from a friend. Wouldn't mind an iPad though, it'd give me something to play with when I am at a loose end (visa runs, etc)

    EDIT: followed my own advice


    How to play with an I pad an app I really approve ofclap2.gif

  7. I have a blackberry.

    I'd be just as happy with a standard telephone but it was a gift from a friend. Wouldn't mind an iPad though, it'd give me something to play with when I am at a loose end (visa runs, etc)

    Sorry you have a Blackberry, the worse piece of junk ever made.

  8. I'm surprised the dog didn't sense anything wrong at all. I thought dog has a keen sense of smell, and surely, it would have noticed something is wrong? Was the dog under anesthesia?

    You could have shouted at him first as a warning. I guess the lucky thing is that he only presented to you a punch. It could have been worse.

    What about the 3 other occasions? What happened?

    Its ok they were only shooting, stabbing and nail bombing.

  9. Move with the times.....I remember not so long ago when people with mobile phones were labelled as wanke_rs or show-offs.

    What do you mean?? they are arent they?

    They're all winkers.

    A Galaxy tab 7.7 does just fine but NOPE it must be a "sighpad"

  10. Dyeing of cancel will be a more easier way of dying.

    Hmmmmmm are you sure he's an Ozzie as many Thais say CANCER as "CANCEL" even my wife

    Tell him his spelling matches his mental age.............about 4-5 yrs old I reckon

    Oh an he is an engineer too?? with spelling like that?? c'mon it really doesnt add up does it?

  11. Dyeing of cancel will be a more easier way of dying.

    Hmmmmmm are you sure he's an Ozzie as many Thais say CANCER as "CANCEL" even my wife

    Tell him his spelling matches his mental age.............about 4-5 yrs old I reckon

  12. I dont know about anyone else, I find the Thai mania for mobile phones is bad enough but with the advent of the "sighpad" I get a bit tired of the "look at me's" wandering round aimlessly looking at drivel or playing games on the crappy things.

    OK short rant finished, no Ive more, took an air asia flight tuther day and couldnt believe the amount of people still phoning texting as the plane started to taxi for takeoff WINKERS the lot of em !

    Finished now?? I think??

  13. the time line was to plant the trees within three months but as is often the case people half way read it and then posted a bunch of nonsense about the trees being mature in three months....

    Even the planting of trees in 3 months is pretty ridiculous considering it still needed to be decided where to plant the trees, and the saplings needed to be sourced ... and then the trees needed to be planted.

    The planting of trees is ridiculous because as soon as they reach maturity ( and probably well before in fact) some local will come along late at night hack them down and drag them off. Greed and selfishness always wins here

  14. Every day, someone is encroaching on protected lands; building, cutting the trees, polluting the water, dumping waste, poaching wildlife. Yes we can point our fingers at governments and politicians, but the responsibility lies with all residents of Thailand. It is local residents that are doing the deed. And before anyone makes a disparaging remark about Issan and the PTP, some of the worst offenders are in the south. On Phuket, a stronghold of the Democrats, the rape of the land is terrible with public beaches and their vegetation destroyed by illegal developments. No, its not just the "politicans". Due to the extent of the activity, it's probably some of your relatives, inlaws or business associates profiting.

    The Royal Household has vast tracts of the national forests under its care, control and custody. In other countries such as Canada, and the UK it is referred to as "Crown land". If it wasn't for this possession, I fear, all of the land would otherwise be destroyed. Thas just don't seemt o be as attached to their land as other nationalities. Try and encroach on an old growth forest in Canada and there will be a civil insurrection, often with some very staid conservative people participating. Try it in Sweden and the protests will be loud and forceful. Even, in the USA where capitalism is corrupted by greed and avirice, people will speak out and try and protect the land. And yet, in Thailand few people speak up. I don't understand.

    They probably fear for their life, its the law of the jungle here make no mistake, and life is very cheap.

    • Like 1
  15. Well it's all a matter of time. The weather Bureau have stated that they do not expect the same rainfall as last year?

    If the local governments follow the instructions of Yingluck and the King, it will take time but will definitely help in the long run.

    I agree with you 100% but would prefer it on the instructions of the King and PM Yingluck.

    But it will only happen IF the local governments AND the pollies of all shades and persuasions keep their sticky hands away.

    Id prefer neither and they get some "outside" experts in

  16. thats a sad news for Thailand , lets hope this government will act in a serious way . ( yeah I know I can dream on this) But knowing the country I already hear the comments ... There are no terrorism in Thailand , no money laundering , no prostitution , no corruption ( did I forget anything ?)

    I am inclined to think Thailand is in a better financial position that many of these countries that meet 'International Standards'

    And I am not sure Italy behaves so well either.

    It is a joy that I can send money to and from Thailand without a third degree.

    Is that because they havent paid back all the money they borrowed from the 97 crash?

  17. thats a sad news for Thailand , lets hope this government will act in a serious way . ( yeah I know I can dream on this) But knowing the country I already hear the comments ... There are no terrorism in Thailand , no money laundering , no prostitution , no corruption ( did I forget anything ?)

    ...no hypocrisy, no ineptitude, no racism, no double standards, no cronyism, no social disparagies, no anal retentiveness, no holier-than-thou attitudes, no taxi mafia, no jet ski scams, no gem scams, no red-tape bureaucracy (did I forget anything?).

    Yeah "no hope" for change anyway!!

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