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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Yeah and both those countries are such a source of mail order brides exporting women (in mismatched age / / education / wealth) marriages world wide..

    I have never seen a "mail order bride".

    Can someone give me a hint where I can find one? I mean, not in a Western magazine, but a real one?

    I believe they come thru the door but youll need an air pump and dont forget to check for leakage , although initially expensive for many here long term they would be way way cheaper.

  2. You need to be careful, you cannot guarantee the size and quality of the noodles from one plant to the next. It then takes a lot of sorting and packaging as supermarkets these days are always looking for perfection. Very labour intensive and it can eat into all your profits.

    Thanks for the advice Khun Blether. I appreciate it, especially when it comes from such a level headed and respected TV member such as you.

    I was sure that the first reply would be some sort of blast about how I was just throwing away my cash on a foolish investment

    Ignore that guy that said April Fools, people are trigger happy today and more fool him for not seeing the investment opportunity here.

    There is no greater investment than food, food inflation is rampant and the one thing that is not being made today is more land, with the population explosion food will become an even more valuable commodity. I say go for it.

    Blether then perhaps not only should he invest in the noodles but also some Land making machinery"??.....just trying to be helpful

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  3. Be careful growing noodles in a bush can lead to thick black hairs in the noodles and customers wont be happy and be asking for a refund. It also gets quite messy on a monthly basis, and although Thais like Ketchup to excess Im not convinced this is going to work.jap.gif

  4. Since 2008 I have been happily married to a Thai Muslim woman and living with her in Bangkok. She (and her family) is, like most Thai Muslims, not very strickt about her religion, and equally practice and respects Bhuddism as a true Thai. The only difference I feel in this marriage is, that she eats no pork, while I am still allowed to eat as much pork as I like. Kissing after me eating port is also not a problem. We did not have any sex on the first date, which I actually appreciated, but certainly catched up on the second date, which was a short holiday in a nice holiday resort. She drink´s no or very little alcohol, which I only find to be an advantage. She has never in her life worn a scarf and she knows, that if she should ever consider to change her mind and do so, I would immediately leave her.

    I am an Atheist (born Christian) and would definitely not have married her, if she and her family had been very strict, and required that I would have to convert to Islam. Her father would for sure have been more happy, if I had converted before the marriage, but today he clearly see that it doesn´t really matter. If she was a Thai Muslim from the south of Thailand, things might have been very different.

    If the OP would like to ask me any specific questions about marrying af Thai Muslim girl / woman, please feel free to PM me.

    NOBODY is born a muslim christian jew fairy person or anything else its usually FORCED on them, indoctrinated into them, I find it all rather sickening its child abuse

  5. I am sorry but there is nothing about this backward religion ,that has a phrophet who was married to a six year old girl and consumated it when she was 9 that would for a moment get me to join it .

    It's all good as long as we have a CHOICE.

    A Choice is one thing but when families and communities start ostracizing, when some countries wont let you not believe etc etc, the whole things a farce, its as ridiculous as fairies at the bottom of the garden in fact that makes a s much sense and is as valid but would be ridiculed by the so called faithful.

  6. It never ceases to amaze me the ridiculous lengths people will go to cut off parts of their body for religion based on zero evidence a God exists, why not just chop the bleeding lot off.

    Religion the bane of society IMO

    Male circumcision might be an exception. It makes for easier cleaning, more aesthetically pleasing, lower cancer rates, lower HIV infection rates, and greater incidence of total body sexual awareness due the loss of a penile pleasure zone. Just saying!

    As far as food restrictions, anthropologists have found good ecological reasons why that was done that made good sense in the ancient times the rules were set. They make no sense now though!

    Oh really http://www.amazon.com/Doctors-Re-examine-Circumcision-George-Denniston/dp/0971187800/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

    • Like 1
  7. Don't.......Seriously!

    There are so many guys near where I live that continue to fall in to this trap. They all end up separated and/or divorced. The reasons are simple. If your relationship gets that serious you want to marry then you will have to/pretend convert to Islam. Once you have children the problems will start. About the age of two or three the wife's parents will insist on a strong muslim upbringing for their Grandchild. You may be living away from the Grandparents home area, but your wife WILL up and leave with your child, back to her parental home. There are many broken hearted men I know and when I hear another is about to embark on the same course of action I just say why? I have not known a relationship in Thailand between a muslim girl/non muslim man end any differently. If you have a baby girl she will be a valuable 'asset' to the family, new blood, whitish skin, worthy of a good dowry. I am not being racist or bigoted, these are just the facts from many many thai men I know that fell in love with a muslim woman. All will be great and well until you have children and they reach toddler age. Your wife may even love you very much but when her parents say 'come home and bring the child', thats it, and you will get NO visiting rights.

    By the way, don't be fooled by the no sex before marriage thing. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

    So...you have been warned. Good luck.

    That is a well thought out warning, Take heed all ye horny males. I remember dating a Doukhobor girl back in my late teens. Her brothers pretty much sorted me out about having any future with their sister. It's pretty much the same thing with young muslim women and their families.

    Thats so sad isnt it, religion humph!!

  8. As a landlord I have never had a tenant say " im a bad tenant" now Im not saying you are but believe me in 6 years of renting out rooms I would say 1in 20 actually leave a room in a clean good condition when they go. Most are very dirty in fact it is usual they move in and out never having cleaned at all.

    This is renting out over 60 + rooms as an owner.

    Well its a good thing that the cost of having an empty room cleaned (save for whatever sparse furniture the landlord provides) costs as much or less than a few hundred baht.

    Oh yeah have you ever seen a Thai maid clean? Ill tell you my rooms get cleaned with a toothbrush it takes about 2 full days to do a studio, that means all furniture covers removed washed and replaced, aircon cleaned all grouting scrubbed all soap scum removed from bathroom etc etc yeah sure 300 baht hahahahahahahaahah.

    My rooms are FULLY furnished the cost for furniture and aircon+ hot water was on average 200k for each room ( studio)

  9. She hasnt had a better education than me but I set her up in business ( investement of 4 million baht 5-6 years ago) showed her how to treat customers and she went from 12 k a month salary ina fulltime job to 250k a month in 5 years working for herself.

    It paid off for me....... I now do nothing.............BIG TIME hahahah

    I am not bothered by this one iota.

  10. Having kids is a massive time consuming all encompassing job, its all too easy to bang away at someone to get them pregnant with no thought for the result.

    Im 48 I have never had kids, until I was 41 I had always been single never married never really thought about it although a fetish at Junior school with an Asian girl (Naihala Lasharie where are you) may have been the root cause of me marrying an Asian later?.

    At 41 I married my wife within a year of knowing her, mainly as she was honest.

    Due to workand being sensible we have been unable to have any children but always said we would, Im now 48 and still no kids BUT after this year if we are able hopefully we plan to try and have one, I dont expect miracles and if it doesnt happen it just doesnt happen. My wife is 36 now.

    Being as Thailand makes it difficult for me to work here I will be bringing up junior whilst my wife keeps working as her salary is very good and it would be crazy for her to stop earning in a country with no pensions for most.

    I fully expect it to be hard work but rewarding, I do worry I wont be able to "keep up" but at least the financial side is secure and another reason we havent had any kids before.

    we saved and bought land and are building the house which is where most of the money has gone as well as developing her business.

    Before the moaners come in, yes thanks I do have other houses in the UK and various other investments and all my money is not tied up in Thailand.

  11. Well Ive always been against ALL nationalism, we all live on ONE planet, the main crux of most problems I see is religion, it dictates too much in many societies with no respect for those who dont believe, in my opinion find its quite frankly ridiculous that hordes of people trust to believe in a totally non senseical half truths downright lies and stories handed down thru generations of mis information which they slowly change when it can be proved to be nonsense.

    I Cant for example go and live in some Muslim countries and discuss any of this for fear of being strung up.

    Thailand also has its other BIG problem which again like religion cant be spoken of.

    Ive never lived in any country for its culture religion or people, I have no interest in any of these they are trivial matters for me that spoil what I like most about the planet, fauna and flora and countryside.

    So nationalism and becoming Thai is a load of old crap for me, let them fight over their silly temples and who owns this or that inch of land, whe n theyre all dead and gone the world will be a better place.

  12. Yes Ill explain, find a decent Thai woman/man buy a few condos and rent them out using the wife/husband to run it, Cheap units will do for partner to gain experience, network a bit ( I hate that word) meet other owners, gain their trust ( hard in Thailand) let them ask your wife/husband to take care of their rooms, then start letting other owners rooms, result after 6 years is salary of approximately 250k a month for wife/partner of which 50 k is her own rented rooms the rest commissions approximately 130+k a month and salary from other owners approximately 70+k a month.

    Thats how to make money, You actually do nothing as 1. its probably illegal and 2, who wanst to work anyways.

    The hardest part is finding the correct partner one who is honest, willing to work hard, and loves you, same anywhere really.

    Well that's what worked for me.

  13. the UK is sinking, in the debt crisis ,

    and consequently pensioners are looked upon as a burden ,i think further cuts will follow.

    i would like to see a complete end to child benefeit ,

    if you cant afford them , dont make them .

    in summary , child benefeit is putting more people onto the social security handout /dependancy culture .

    the good days are now a fond memory , unfortunately never to return violin.gif .

    Many people in the UK think its their absolute right to have a kid whether they can afford it or not, it always amazes me usually on their second/third marriage.

  14. If your landlord wants to rip you off, have no doubt, he/she will do it, and there is nothing that you can do.

    Go to court, yes! but winning against a Thai is another thing. I was ripped off by my landlady. When i moved in i pointed out a mess under the kitchen window where the previous tenant had just dumped things out, staining the paintwork. She said, no problem as they were going to repaint in a couple of months. When i had to leave in an emergency after a few months, leaving my partner to move our goods out. The landlady just refused to give the deposit back because of the mess "we had supposedly made" of the wall under the kitchen window. When i came back i went to see her, but got the same answer each time "sorry, she no home"

    When you had to leave in an emergency................. so you terminated the contract early? = loss of deposit in most cases

  15. Used to happen to me a lot years ago, they take them away immediately as there's a shortage of water meters so you're lucky to have gotten it back same day.

    Shortage of meters??? bought one yesterday in Hua Hin shelf full of them?

  16. Not tried it here but in Hong Kong most people do not pay their last months rent so at least they have some leverage when you move out. Not doing this usually means you get shafted. Never had a problem with unfurnished places but when it has furnishings, it seems that wear and tear (depreciation basically) on these items are taken from the deposit. Agree though, a lot of land lords basically spend the deposit and at the end of the term it feels to them that they are giving you their money and not that they are returning your money.

    we have let condos for last 15+ years and always take a series of pictures and give a full inventory which we give a copy to our tenants. We also deal with a lot of brokers and all of them without exception here are unprofessional and never do their job properly. We have had tenants say they are withholding the last month or 2 to get back the deposit. When this has happened we politely tell them if you dont pay within 24 hours your electricity and water will be cut off then after another 24 hours since they are totally in breach of their contracts their belongings will be removed and stored and locks changed. We always give back full deposits and often simply forgive minor damage and offer to provide details of previous tenants who will vouch we act fairly and honestly.

    Most thais consider the deposit a sort of key money and some forang are persuaded to by their silly wives to act like most Thais.

    We have found over years by being totally honest we hardly ever have any vacant periods since most if not all our tenants highly recommend our services. The worst tenants we have had have been a Thai earning 300,000 baht a month( yes 300,000 baht a month, we insisted on seeing her payslip and bankbooks) and a Japanese couple who surprisingly (given Japanese are mostly really clean) lived in a total mess.

    As someone said take lots of pictures but even then if your up against a bad Landlord and especially a Thai even that will often be no use.

    Unless you own the whole building I dont know how you shut off the electric especially if they are paying their monthly bill?

  17. As a landlord I have never had a tenant say " im a bad tenant" now Im not saying you are but believe me in 6 years of renting out rooms I would say 1in 20 actually leave a room in a clean good condition when they go. Most are very dirty in fact it is usual they move in and out never having cleaned at all.

    This is renting out over 60 + rooms as an owner.

  18. This is probably too late but I'll tell you the advice my father gave me, the same advice I give to my children.

    "do not expect the government to do anything for you - don't put your hand out unless it is the last option you have and if you do put your hand out be aware anything the government does give you comes with barbed hooks attached'"

    Oh... and .... "Pay attention at school"

    S'funny but my Dad only said "you'll always know who your Mother is"???????????????

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