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Posts posted by beechbum

  1. It's very hard to feel sorry for them but you have to understand that some very powerful people own all the tuk tuk plates. The tuk tuk drivers have to pay most of the money they make upstairs. In the region of 2500 to 3000 baht a day. Times that by the number of tuk tuks and it's a very lucrative monopoly that nobody will give up for the sake of the island progressing.

    There's quiet a few "Not very powerful people" that own just 1 or 2.

  2. The planets should be visible here as well. The moon is quite high at the moment, already in the evenings so the planets should be visible at the moment.

    But what orientation from the moon ?

    I have too many trees on my view, so that I can't check the real situation.

    However I assume it should be self explanatory, once the planets are visible.

    Venus is the brightest object on the sky, after naturally the Sun and the Moon. Jupiter is also very bright, so those two should be easy to identify.

    Venus is closer to the Sun than we are, therefore it's only visible after the sunset and before the sunrise. Mercury is even closer to the Sun, so the time when the sky is dark enough to see it and it's above the horizon, is very short. Other planets can be seen high up in the zenith during the midnight as well.

    The article mentioned that all the planets are visible just before the sunrise. Therefore look to the Eastern sky, before the sunrise, where the Sun is going to rise.

    I don't remember ever seen Mercury. If you can skip seeing it, then look maybe 4-5am from the Moon towards to East. If you stay at the west coast, the hills might obstruct the view to the east. (I hope I did not screw my thoughts up and hope it's right. Others will correct if I did so. )

    Given that this is TV, I'm quite amazed that no ones asked or posted pictures of Uranus yet.

    Poor efforts at humour aside, some quite interesting reading:


  3. The guy is a skimmer, yes?

    And it states he went to one bank and then another in the same day...

    Doesn't matter what the names of the banks are.

    They know that @ one bank he took out 10,000 bht,

    again that doesn't really make much difference in the bigger picture here.

    If the guy is a skimmer, then when they filed the report,

    why are they only claiming he had just 10,000 bht among other items at his place?

    When are they going to point out he was on overstay as well?

    For all you do gooders out there as well as the immigration who claim that people who overstay,

    make lots of money, as well as make it bad for the law abiders who are following the rules.

    This scammer could really drive home, not only some extra cash for the ones that caught him,

    but also help everyone understand why the officials must, need to crack down on what we once enjoyed about Thailand.

    The casualness of the officials performing their duties.

    Apparently a thing of the past,

    as we are now headed to a land with westernized laws,

    with one small difference...which ones will actually be enforced and when?

    And with the soon to be single gateway,

    we can also enjoy censorship on a professional level,

    while TOT & CAT control which areas get the fastest connections for the right price of course.

    Just look to 3G & now 4G auctions, and what difference do we see in speed?

    I was always happy with the internet I have,

    and satisfied with the speeds I received.

    Seems like Water shortage & Electricity issue would be a much higher priority for the country,

    but then that would not give the officials more power over the people,

    now would it?

    Come on Junta lovers, rejoice your self appointed government,

    and all the new changes coming down the pipeline,

    as I'm sure you're enjoying the travels to your favorite watering hole,

    which needs to be 300+ meters from schools & temples...

    how's that working out for you?

    Tuk Tuk & Taxi drivers have to love the fares to get you all to your happy spots...


  4. Its an old pic in on google maps but the Chinese language school is right there now (building behind the telephone box's), directly opposite the Chalong country home pool, owned/run by the same people, just off ChaoFa East.


    Great, thank you! Do you know if they have a website? Couldn't find it by googling it.

    I'm petty sure they don't sorry.

    My son (7yrs old) goes there, it's 2800 baht for 10 lessons, not sure if it's different for adults though.

  5. Do you live on Phuket?

    Not sure who you're asking but I've been living in Phuket for 20 years full time. I started this discussion because as I said I can see a marked difference and wonder just how the future is going to be here.

    I don't care if Phuket is the richest province or not, I'm worried about where it's going and wondering if the banks are doing the right thing in lending to these huge new projects as I really can't see them working.

    I worry about locals ( and I'm not talking about the rich ones) struggling and what social problems it will bring.

    I wouldn't want to run back to Europe as they have their own problems, the UK too, I've thought about New Zealand or Australia but as long as it's not been too bad here I've thought better the devil you know.

    Often you don't realise what's going on before it's too late, I was hoping with discussion to come to some clearer conclusion.

    Most people seem to be glued to their smart phones and not taking any notice of what's going on around them.From my observations things don't look good.wai.gif

    I was asking NamKangMan

    Yes. I live on the fringe of Patong.

    Been here full time for about 2 years. I'm under 50 years of age, so I am a visa runner, therefore, I'm out to neighboring countries every few months.

    In recent times, via Pattaya, as friends from Phuket have moved there, and friends who used to holiday on Phuket now holiday in Pattaya.

    Why do you ask?

    Just wondering, going by a lot of your posts it sounds like you don't like it here.

  6. Do you live on Phuket?

    Not sure who you're asking but I've been living in Phuket for 20 years full time. I started this discussion because as I said I can see a marked difference and wonder just how the future is going to be here.

    I don't care if Phuket is the richest province or not, I'm worried about where it's going and wondering if the banks are doing the right thing in lending to these huge new projects as I really can't see them working.

    I worry about locals ( and I'm not talking about the rich ones) struggling and what social problems it will bring.

    I wouldn't want to run back to Europe as they have their own problems, the UK too, I've thought about New Zealand or Australia but as long as it's not been too bad here I've thought better the devil you know.

    Often you don't realise what's going on before it's too late, I was hoping with discussion to come to some clearer conclusion.

    Most people seem to be glued to their smart phones and not taking any notice of what's going on around them.From my observations things don't look good.wai.gif

    I was asking NamKangMan

  7. They've been repo'ing houses and selling them for years, quiet often see them advertised in the banks and on their web sites,nothing new about it.

    It's new they are putting banners on gates.

    Never seen that before.


    No it's not new at all, Siam comm have been doing that for years.

  8. They've been repo'ing houses and selling them for years, quiet often see them advertised in the banks and on their web sites,nothing new about it.

  9. Central is always full every day after 11.00. Last week I fancied a Big Mac and Central was close. Drove round looking for a parking spot - impossible. Gave up and went home.

    Was full today.

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